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Cat Burrito

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Everything posted by Cat Burrito

  1. Looking good - nothing wrong with a bit of tradition!
  2. I was going to say the same. The chances of buying a duff instrument are less likely now then in the 80s. A decent amp [b]has[/b] to be a consideration if you are to play. The Squier VM range are awesome but even if you limit your bass to £600-£700 you'll still have enough to get a halfway decent combo. You have a strong budget. Best of luck with it
  3. [quote name='StevieD_FenderP2009' post='585782' date='Aug 31 2009, 02:42 PM']Seymour Duncan SPB-1 or Seymour Duncan SPB-3 Quater Pounders My personal preferance is the SPB-3's paired with either a set of Rotosound Flats or Rotosound Swing Bass RS77LE heavy gauge strings Tone is phenomenal[/quote] I'd agree with this but as the original post was on traditional vintage tone just bear in mind the SPB-3 has a bit more bite to it
  4. I'm not sure if this makes me sound old but one of these songs just sounds thousands of times better than the other! Everytime I hear something I like in a dance track it turns out to be a bit of old Curtis Mayfield or something
  5. If you want a vintage P-bass tone, I swear by the Seymour Duncan SPB1 [url="http://www.seymourduncan.com/products/basslines/vintage-1/spb1_vintage_fo/"]http://www.seymourduncan.com/products/bass...pb1_vintage_fo/[/url] or there is the Antiquity range for a few more bucks [url="http://www.seymourduncan.com/products/antiquity/bass/"]http://www.seymourduncan.com/products/antiquity/bass/[/url] The SPB1 is used by loads of pros looking for an authentic traditional tone.
  6. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='585058' date='Aug 30 2009, 12:14 PM']Why not try the new Ashdown one?[/quote] I was wondering that too. I've not tried it either but have heard good things. Not for me but if you are in the market foy one, fair enough
  7. I have a vintage 1978 Gibson Mk35 acoustic guitar. Again, this is a 30yr old guitar so something for a collector or someone who knows what to expect. I'd grade this at about 7/10 to be fair. It's got a pickup under the bridge (just plug in through the rear strap button). There is some light varnish peeling on the underside in a space of about an inch that has never got worse in the last couple of years. The frets are ok but if you are planning hard play you may need to think about a re-fret in the next 2-5yrs. It has the Gibson pre-war logo (obviously the 70s take on retro!) and a great tone. I love this guitar and it's a reluctant sale but I just don't play it. It comes in an old case which doesn't have a logo & may / may not be original - the case is cracked and worn but does a fair job still. I reckon it could be original as it's old. The guitar looks & feels all original. Due to condition, I'll let this go for £475 - a snip of a price to get into the vintage guitar market! All the pics are of the actual guitar I own & not from another source I'm reluctant to post after an accident in delivery with a tele a few years ago but live in West Berks. I've got 100% EBay feedback but I'd prefer to donate an equivilant fee to Basschat then pay the big guys. I've driven down the M4, up to Oxford or down in Hants in the past so I have some fleibility re delivery. Anyhow for those who like an occasional break from the 4 strings and want a proper vintage guitar, this is a cheap way of getting into that market. Cash on collection ideally but I can take Paypal. Thanks for stopping by...
  8. My view with Fenders at Squier & MIM level is that the entry level is ok but the deluxe is one hell of a jump. In some respects I'd argue that VM Squiers rival MIM standards and MIM Classics certainly rival the entry level US. I'm a massve fan of the MIM CLassic range and just can't fault it for consistancy on all their products
  9. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='583370' date='Aug 28 2009, 11:14 AM']I too felt a bit let down by the lack of kettle lead (just seems such a cheapskate thing to do) - the socket for which is poorly sited making it fiddly and tight to get the plug in. One 'flaw' , I feel , is the kickback design. It's far too sensetive. The combo seems to naturally want to kick itself back , requiring hardly any pressure to do so. I think this could be solved with shallower feet , they're too big. The single central handle is fine , though it is bulky for a one hand lift , maybe side handles would have been better and I may put some on.[/quote] I own the BA115U & agree on the kickback facility - initially tested by the cat who jumped a mile! Being solid state the BA115U is light though and also has a kettle lead. Not sure why they are skimping on a better model!?!
  10. Yeah pics & price range - could be interested... What happened to the body?
  11. It does look great. Even for an ex-punk who's mellowed with age
  12. I saw this on EBay pre-thread and I thought to myself... [quote name='ironside1966' post='582834' date='Aug 27 2009, 08:01 PM']£250 for a Squier body[/quote]
  13. I reckon they'll reissue them at some point too. Happens to every bit of kit. Doesn't help you now though
  14. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='581798' date='Aug 26 2009, 07:38 PM']Play slow. You will eventually find it more rewarding in all respects.[/quote] This is exactly what I was thinking. That said Wayne hit the nail too. Learn how to play, sure BUT also learn [u]not[/u] playing too. learn about space and letting the music breath. That's my thoughts. I worked with a brilliant bass player once when I was playing a multi-instrumentalist role. We gave him some home demos to record and he didn't play [b]at all [/b]on one track! He said it sounded great as it was and didn't want to clutter it. I thought that took real self discipline & I'm still impressed with him for doing that. An extreme example but hopefully food for thought.
  15. I assume Jobiebass means something like this
  16. [quote name='Dave Dubya' post='581826' date='Aug 26 2009, 08:12 PM']I was told the quality of the the OLP basses depended on age. The early ones were fine, then the production quality dropped halfway through, then got way better before the OLP brand was dropped.[/quote] I think this can be said about so many brands! I've always fancied getting one.
  17. I appreciate my avatar may cancel out any opinions I have on this subject (unless someone views this 6 months later when I may change it!) but I looked into Tom&Will and they looked good. I actually went for a cheaper make in the end through my local music store which is great. The shoulder straps are a joke though. I'm just over 6'2" and, well, forget this option quite frankly!
  18. I've used him following a recommendation from these very pages in the past & I'm a plus one too. I went for maple. Next day, friendly etc etc etc
  19. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=380149598733&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...e=STRK:MEWAX:IT[/url] £21 and still running!?! I like bass related products but it seems an awful lot for a smurf. It's not even a real Fender!
  20. I played the Waterside Festival in Milton Keynes which was awesome. Really good fun, well run etc. I also did a country music "festival" which turned out to be little more than a rugby club outside Bristol. It was nice hanging out with the band in the sun but the gig itself was certainly not what I thought it was going to be.
  21. WOW! It does look good. I like to think if I ever get a Jazz bass again, that would be the sort of look I'd want
  22. We've played it in D before - we like to be different!
  23. My 50s reissue is a different story. It was kept as stock for the first 10years. Tell a lie I replaced the nut to a bone nut around 1995. The pickguard was flipped over around that era too, maybe later. In the late 90s I added the ashtray covers (this was pre-EBay & I had to send a cheque to the US as there were no UK stockists). The thumb rest is actually a relic job courtesy of an old brillo pad! The pickup is a Seymour Duncan SPB=1. All the knocks and dinks are general wear and tear from gigging it like mad! It's also got copper tape inside as it was humming like mad. The bridge had some serious rust on the underside from my plectrum playing days but that's all cleaned up now
  24. My USA P-bass. Before it was pretty ordinary. I bought it knowing I wanted the tort pickguard so it looked like Chris Hillman's in the early 70s. I added the ashtrays too and strung it with Rotosound Trubass to get more of a double bass sound. It's my only bass where I've left the pickup and not put a Seymour Duncan one in. Oh & the thumb rest is added too.
  25. STOP PRESS: I tried the Fender Bassman TV 2x10 one today. My initial thought was they need dirtying up cosmetically. Not a problem though - once the amp has done a couple of hot sweaty gigs that tweed won't look quite so fresh. I was surprised with how clean they looked though. Weight wise, it is a weighty beast as I'm sure people would expect. Now I've been excited about these so had high hopes. The reality is that they are good. Not great and possible not worth the money but good. I like the Fender tone where you can control the level of grit & bite with a volume and then set the master volume accordingly. I played around with the settings and (as with most tube amps) it sounded best cranked a little. I was in the sterile enviroment that was a virtually empty Dawsons so I can't confess the tubes had warmed up but it was easy enough to get a good tone. The problem was I'm also able to get good tones out of combos with much easier portability. I'd like one but at that price (for a combo) I'd probably be saving my money. I'm still curious about the 1x10 though.
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