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Cat Burrito

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Everything posted by Cat Burrito

  1. [quote name='bobbass4k' post='675425' date='Dec 6 2009, 05:57 AM']So why contribute to a thread entitled: "post your pedalboard?" It might be the sleep deprivation and accompanying paranoia but that seems intentionally antagonizing. I don't surf, but I wouldn't go on a surfing forum and tell them all how pointless their surfboards are.[/quote] I'm certainly not criticising other players at all. I like effects but keep it simple myself. I think you are reading too much into this. I'm probably posting a lot more at the moment to keep my mind from the treatment (chemotheraphy) I'm going through at the moment, not looking to pick fights. Some great looking set ups here. Peace
  2. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='675357' date='Dec 6 2009, 12:28 AM']My three boys together... With these basses, i can do anything. 2007 Mexi Classic 50's Precision White Blonde. 1983 'SQ' Prefix Squier Japan Precision (Badass II Bridge) 3 Colour Sunburst. 2007 Japan PB62 in Old Lake Placid Blue.[/quote] Great looking basses Andy
  3. I found it mildly annoying when I had a few messages when looking for a bass but generally it's all much more preferable to getting loads of spam. I just go and refresh the new posts and look at those whilst I wait
  4. That's too bad. I wondered if he sensed something. I hope it all works out in the end
  5. I already got my fantasy Xmas present
  6. The Fender CIJ Blue Flower & Pink Paisley designs are basswood. I quite like it
  7. I've not been bothering so much recently but here is a recent effort from The Betsy Trotwood in London
  8. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='674169' date='Dec 4 2009, 01:54 PM']Here's another great pic of a Precision. And Ginger Reyes from Smashing Pumpkins... :wub: [/quote] I need to keep up, I thought she was in the Halo Friendlies
  9. An up to date shot of from the sofa of my P-basses (l-r) Fender Precision 51RI CIJ 2009, Fender Precision 57RI MIJ 1989, Fender Precision USA 60th Anniversary model and a Fender Precision 1978 USA
  10. Here's mine (l-r) Fender Precision 51RI CIJ 2009, Fender Precision 57RI MIJ 1989, Fender Precision USA 60th Anniversary model and a Fender Precision 1978 USA Keeps me out of mischief.... mostly!
  11. Very cool - check my 1978 P-bass thread I posted earlier this week for another piece of late 70s Museum quality [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=69411&st=0&p=672449&#entry672449"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;#entry672449[/url]
  12. I think there are good practice amps out there. Good not great but I don't see why anyone can't achieve a fair sound. My thoughts are that I just try a few variations on the EQ until I find something that works for me. Bear in mind that what works in one room may sound rubish in another
  13. Try www.starnow.co.uk. I've seen you on the Berks Live site too (nice tune but I'm not actively looking at the moment). Someody posted recently on Josaka saying they were tripping over bass players for auditions using StarNow so it may help you out. Good luck.
  14. I just think Leo got so much so right in the early days, from teles and strats to Precisions and Jazzes. Then there's the amps. I know it's a cliche but it really was a case of being bang on the money. I love Jazzes but do struggle with the narrow necks otherwise I'd play them more. I've played a couple of nice Lakland Jazzes recently
  15. Plus one on the EBay shops, I've done them cheaply for my last few bands. www.custompicks.co.uk is the main site of the EBayer I use
  16. [quote name='supabock' post='673121' date='Dec 3 2009, 01:12 PM']Jakebass, Where are you based?[/quote] Beat me to it! I border NW Hants so this could be achievable. Thanks
  17. I certainly agree that some genres / players are more popular than others on these fine pages. I recently felt I was the only one who liked Americana / Country / Bluegrass and a whole load of people came out in support of that (I suspect a whole lot more bit there lips!). One of my favourite records ever is "The Harder they Come", the Jimmy Cliff film soundtrack which has Desmond Dekker and a whole bunch of greats on it. Rancid equally are fantastic too. Music is like a big melting pot and I try and soak up as much as I can
  18. Just got my dream 1978 Fender Precision so I have to show it
  19. Now I might sound like a big head here but I got mine tuned up when I bought it!
  20. Thanks to all! [quote name='Mickeyboro' post='672608' date='Dec 2 2009, 10:40 PM']I have a Seventies Precision and a wife who beat cancer this year - I thought I was the lucky one, but I'm glad to see I'm not alone. All the best, my friend! [/quote] Congrats to Mrs. Mickeyboro - I've met some amazing people through this forum and in the hospitals, many of whom put my story in the shade by comparison. All the best for 2010 and well done.
  21. If you are still struggling at a later date I'm sure I can get you a copy.
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