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Everything posted by wotnwhy

  1. I loved his performance that got aired on BBCi player last year, so was really looking forward to this, but like others i found it to be a little cringey, and Stevie's voice was not on form IMO. Turned off after Higher Ground (i had work in the morning, which was a factor in that descision mind)
  2. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  3. Alex's cabs are doing a tour, put your name on the list on this forum and you could try one for free!
  4. Old funk band quite quiet as members now live in london and cardiff, but still occasional stuff. Focussing on building and setting up a soundsystem and studio at the moment. Then building a big bass band around it (reggae/dub, breaks, drum and bass/dubstep etc). How bouts you? Will you be playing Blue Rock if the party poopers don't get their way?
  5. I was almost about to welcome a local guy to the forum, then noticed your sig.. so i'll just say welcome back Good luck with the sale!
  6. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='877303' date='Jun 25 2010, 12:30 PM']To be blunt, I can't see what good your rattle/pram moment could possibly do.[/quote] I see no evidence of a rattle/pram moment, he's gone about it in a very civil way from what i get from this thread. [quote]They wanted your blessing not your permission.[/quote] Telling them by text they're leaving doesn't sound like a request for permission OR blessing. Agree with what you say about being the big man though, courtesy and friendliness pays dividends no matter what the situation.
  7. I'd love to take it off your hands. But you're way too far away for pickup and don't think courier would be very cheap
  8. gave away a 2x18!? i'd have PAID for that!!
  9. [quote name='JMT3781' post='875461' date='Jun 23 2010, 02:40 PM']So i suppose those that can deal with the weight are gonna be prone to many a GAS attack in the coming months?[/quote] Which is why i now own an Eden Metro and 2x15 cab, and almost bought another 2x15 on ebay, and really want the 2x12 and 4x10 on here. Even though the Metro on it's own has more than enough grunt!..
  10. No-one will be able to shift big heavy speakers. The value will plummet. People will realise there is a sound difference between heavy and light. The heavy sound will become retro and cool. Price will skyrocket.
  11. They sound like trouble. You could do B or C, then 6 months of hard work later turn around and do it again. They've shown you they're ficcle and un-commited. If your in this band to push it and get places, these don't sound like the people you want to do it with..
  12. wotnwhy

    Load ins

    indeedy, always always ALWAYS have someone standing at the back of the van, when the next person comes out with equipment the other can go up and get some. It's simple and effective and gives you 30 seconds to catch breath when loading/unloading
  13. Here's my current 'big rig' Been wanting to try out Eden for a while and i'm so glad i've now had the chance as these amps really are something, and it's voice is definitely 'up my street' as it were. The eq on the amp is crazy, the knobs turn through about 30 clicks (as a guesstimate) and just a boost/cut of 2 or 3 makes a big and (imo) very musical difference to the sound. As for volume, it's something else.. the combo alone doesn't even break a sweat in a loud metal band, so with the 2x15 added i think this is going to be the perfect setup for my new dub project. Gassing for a WT550 now, but nonetheless very very happy!
  14. If you have a neck you like take it to Jon. When i had mine made i was in love with the neck on my MTD Kingston, so i showed him that and he made it spot on!
  15. I've never seen a table that looks that good!
  16. It really is! I sold mine to a guitarist friend, but then borrowed it for about a year... It has now gone back to him and i miss it terribly. If i had the money or anything to offer in trade i'd have it. To be honest i'm stunned it's still here, especially for that price!
  17. When you mentioned the acidic sweat you caught my attention. I took my bass to Jon (Shuker) last year for some TLC for it's 5th birthday, and Jon was pretty shocked at the state of it. "Are these the same strings that were on it when you picked it up??"... Uh, no.. They're about 3 weeks old... The screws for the pickups were so rusted over a screwdriver wouldn't work.. And all of this because i have horrendously acidic sweat. Didn't think there was anything i could do about it so this is very intruiging! But to be honest i just don't see how the gloves will stop it. My hands will still sweat, and i don't think the gloves are watertight! And even if they were, my arms and face are still gonna sweat, and the gloves wont stop that...
  18. [quote name='dood' post='855939' date='Jun 3 2010, 11:59 AM']Yes yes yes!! - I still ADORE Johngh's Shuker headless.... take a look at this blonde bombshell![/quote] Thanks for remembering mine... :snob: which i think looks particularly fetching in the right light, like at a gig last weekend:
  19. Quilted body, flamed neck, birdseye fingerboard
  20. you are feeling as though your skills on the instrument are not being expressed to the audience. get a guitar and join a steve vai tribute band. that should get it out of your system..
  21. tell the venue/gig promotor/whoevers paying for this guy about your problems! if i was paying for a sound man and knew this is what people thought of him i'd be positively ashamed! does no-one who puts on gigs listen to them? how is he still getting work?
  22. All i know is that i'd love to try it! That and that there's a thread on the subject here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=88378&hl=cruise+ship+work"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...ruise+ship+work[/url]
  23. wotnwhy

    Bass pedals

    [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/solton_k8_bass_pedal.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/solton_k8_bass_pedal.htm[/url] [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/fatar_mp113.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/fatar_mp113.htm[/url] [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/roland_pk_5.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/roland_pk_5.htm[/url]
  24. [quote name='jhk' post='847831' date='May 25 2010, 07:33 PM']the metro `on top` of the eden 2 X 15 = monster rig!!!! good luck.[/quote] Most deffinitly! Pretty intimidating stuff. Would love to grab your 2x12 as well, for versatility and to build a f!k off rig of doom
  25. Funny how quick things can turn around sometimes isn't it? I now have the money i need so don't need to sell either of the combos, and as i love them both, i'm not going to sell either! Thanks and sorry to all who were interested!
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