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Everything posted by wotnwhy

  1. [quote name='Doddy' post='692322' date='Dec 23 2009, 01:34 PM']The floating thumb is kind of fashionable at the minute-and it's cool-[/quote] thought i was the only one that read vogue.. genuinely interested to know what made you come to this conclusion though. haven't seen any evidence myself. [quote]I've always used a movable anchor-with very little pressure on the thumb[/quote] i think the method i use is a little of both. if i'm playing a line of mostly E (or A, D etc) string notes then as you, i will lightly rest my thumb on the next string. but when moving around the strings, especially if there's multi string jumps then floating more makes things much smoother and (for me) easier. but then i adopted this technique almost 10 years ago.
  2. someone had a thread a while ago asking for a demonstration of floating thumb so i put up this video. might be of some use to you [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZFSeNy_GMk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZFSeNy_GMk[/url]
  3. i have some very nice equipment, but i also have a top spec '03 Vauxhall Vivaro which i got last year with only 30k on the clock which is worth more. up until this van i've always spent around the thousand mark when getting a car/van, so my equipment used to be worth more. but after 6 years of buying, on average, 2 new vehicles a year (sometimes more..) i started to get fed up of spending my hard earned on vehicles in the autumn years of their lives and took the plunge on something nicer. the £150 or so a month in finance is a lot easier to bear than a grand every 6 months... wish i'd done it sooner!
  4. my 1x12 combo, makes the OLP sounds absolutely devine! can't wait to see how it works with my Shuker
  5. wotnwhy


    ~tl, once my other amp was back from a service i was going to send my combo back for them to have a look at, though think i may hold on and see how you get on with your investigations in the new year. also, i know the amp shouldn't run at 2ohm, but adding a 4ohm cab would run it at 3something yes? to dangerous to risk trying this or not do you think?
  6. ok, i guess i can sympathise with that. however i think in general people know now that numbers given by companies (of any kind, for anything) are to be taken with a pinch of salt (some pinches bigger than others, of course). but there's still no denying that Vd would be a handy number to show, and in a lot of cases, is more relevant than some of the numbers currently given. the argument that your making is that all these numbers are useless, and while that has the potential to be a very interesting discussion, it's still above and beyond the topic of this thread.
  7. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='679129' date='Dec 9 2009, 02:57 PM']Don't be retarded. You can the thread is not talking about weight.[/quote] ebs_freak, you crack me up sometimes! i'm not gonna bother pointing out several contradictions you've already made in this thread. i'm just gonna enjoy waiting to see how many more you make as for my 2c, i think having specs are important and usefull in shortlisting when shopping for new equipment. adding Vd to specsheets will only help in that respect. if people are idiotic enough to buy a cab based on writing not sound then let them revel in their madness, don't get a bug up your butt on their behalf (as funny as it is )
  8. [quote name='allighatt0r' post='672155' date='Dec 2 2009, 03:14 PM']I also wonder what the bridge is like....[/quote] good point... ... i wonder too..
  9. my van broke down last night hope you all had a goodun!
  10. if your changing the electronics and neck, what about the option of buying a blank body and making a project out of it. good fun and you'll learn a bit!
  11. find out how they define 'guitar sized'. and if the bass fits the criterea then you have a case to argue should they get fussy. if it doesn't fit then flitcase it!
  12. wotnwhy


    i know what the best looking rig is. but i'm not telling..
  13. only one way to find out go along to the rehearsal, if things feel good, great! if not, tell them it's not for you and be on your way
  14. wotnwhy


    just a bit of an update. did a gig on friday with a math metal band(!), there was meant to be backline (cabs) provided by the headliners but they pulled out last minute so i had to use the 1x12 combo on it's own, no PA support, against a vast drum kit and a peavey half stack.. unbelievably i could be heard on stage AND in the audience (just)! unsuprisingly i was on full volume, but suprisingly there was absolutely no break up in the sound, even on the low Dflat. one day i'll add a barefaced midget and this rig will be litteraly immense
  15. i'm playing one currently. my shuker has been up with jon for a hideously long time now (my fault, not his ) and i've got to say, although obviously the OLP is nowhere near the built quality and playability of the shuker, i haven't felt at all restricted using it. the weight has got to me a little bit, and the tight string spacing (on the 5) takes a little getting used to. but i'm always impressed by the tone you can get out of it, and so are other people.
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' post='649585' date='Nov 9 2009, 12:19 PM']don't expect to find any Fenders, Musicmen or Warwicks, they're simply not my thing. There may be a couple of more conventionally shaped basses coming up but they'll be made out of weird materials![/quote] looking forward to it all!
  17. good to see some weird & wonderfull posts from you again! it's been too long
  18. wotnwhy


    [quote name='Lew-Bass' post='648765' date='Nov 8 2009, 01:52 PM']I've started to get it mate, I turn the amp on and off and it's abit of a lucky dip as to whether it returns or not[/quote] thats very strange.... mine is very consistent..
  19. wotnwhy


    anybody got to the bottom of the hiss issues yet? could put up with it at the start, but finding it harder to live with now..
  20. so is the only thing left to fit electronics or am i missing something? hopefully someone will take it on and finish it!
  21. wotnwhy


    a finer first post i think you will never see... welcome to the forum Lawrence! i think you'll be made very welcome here incidently, i assume from the lack of mention that you haven't had the hiss problem?
  22. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='644747' date='Nov 3 2009, 09:36 PM']That happened to me on one of mine... I ran some sealant up the join and it sorted it.[/quote] i wedged in a bit of wood. a bit more bodge it, but still did the trick.
  23. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='536473' date='Jul 9 2009, 01:24 PM']I also had a 1212L from SHX go faulty within the first couple of weeks. The driver started making farting noises. It took me a whiel but i found the dome had come unglued from the rest of the cone. only about an inch and so you couldnt actually see it. To their credit both Jorg and Shaun returned my emails within an hour or two, and this was on a Sunday evening. By wed all was sorted. Jorg got in touch with Shaun and they sent me a new driver. I still have the old one and i intend to fix it and use it at some point. Great service from both.[/quote] i had EXACTLY the same problem with the cone. and like you it was sorted out without fuss. however there was still a buzz from my cab and on further inspection it turned out to be the baffle holding the inner 12" that was the source. and like other people here, it turned out to be 2 pieces of wood suspectly glued in place.. Jorg has told me to take it to a tech to sort it out and he'll compensate any cost. which is fine, however living in SW Wales this is far from an easy task and after 5 months i have still not found somone i can take it too let alone had the oppertunity. but i haven't been that bothered by this as i bought it as a B-stock cab and assumed the QC issues (there are more than the 2 mentioned) were a result of this. but it appears not?
  24. i picked up one of the "fenomenal 1x12 combo"s. apart from the background noise this thing is tonal nirvana! and so loud and light! a very happy bunny here
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