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Everything posted by wotnwhy

  1. this is my second schroeder cab, this being a 1212L, the first being a 1210R. absolutely fantastic cabs, but mines on it's way out to fund an extension cab.. very sorry to see it go, and don't think anyone i know would be suprised if i got another one somewhere down the line. the voicing of them suits me down to the ground!
  2. In having a look round the ole internet today, i'm amazed at how few 15's there are these days.. anyway, the bagend is the only 15 thats come to my attention so far. any other ideas anyone? fighting in the 12's corner at the moment are: EDEN D112XLT - on paper, this seems to be ticking all the boxes, high sensitivity, low freq. response and the tone description seems to fit the bill. anyone with real-world experience with this cab? Bergantino EX112ER - on paper, this seems to fall short of the Eden on sensitivity and freq. response, i guess the only reason i'm looking at this is user hype. anyone out there ever had a direct comparison with this and the eden? Aguilar GS112NT - on paper, this falls short of both the Eden and Berg on sensitivity and freq. resopnse, but if anything beats them both on the number of apparent satified users. just get the feeling that it would be a bit too.. 'polite' (?) for me opinions? experience? ideas?
  3. wotnwhy

    Soundblox Pro

    haven't had gas for a pedal in a while, but... ooff!
  4. Right, Hartke LH500 sold, pending the usual. Some more detailed pics of Schroeder as requested this is the largest chip in the cab shows how thin the rhino "tuff" finish is the wedge on the inner baffle the "worst side" of the cab the rest of it looks much cleaner
  5. My tecamp combo does focussed low-mids, punchy mids and crispy sweet highs. so i want the new cab to do everything else (ie, fill out the sound ) so i'm looking for a cab who's noted attributes include: -a rich and focussed low end with a bit of attitude -a competent air mover -High sensitivity, good volume for watts (the combo will be putting out 350w into both speakers) -no more than £350.. attributes i'm not interested in: -no need for anything amazing in the upper mids to highs (no neet for tweeter) -size and weight not an issue (withing reason, not looking for a fridge!) was originally thinking of going for a 1x12 cab but now think a a sensitive 15" will be more suitable. so, what springs to mind?
  6. alan is no longer interested in the hartke, so delberthot is next in line. i'm pretty sure he'll be taking it.
  7. need to be sure the cabs gone before finalising the sale on the amp. alan is first in the que but if he's no longer interested your second
  8. i'm near haverfordwest but do a fair bit of driving so can meet up as far as carmarthen if thats any good?
  9. so thats where jemaine (from Flight of the Conchords) got his bass!
  10. not expecting anything, was just asked of me.
  11. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='699448' date='Jan 3 2010, 01:13 PM']Wow... I really like Colin H., but the response to Max's relatively inoffensive comment is way out of proportion IMO.[/quote] lame, stupid hair, crap sweater, sh*ttest bass sounds I've ever heard, dull, toneless voice, sounded like arse, look like self-indulgent arse. relatively inoffensive? lol anywhoo, i got a bug up my butt from the lack of tact displayed rather than the words used. and have moved to pm.
  12. i guess if you don't see a problem, you never will. just because you don't like something shouldn't warrent a rude, blunt and frankly condescending reply. it's obvious the original poster likes, so how do you think your response will make them feel? and was that the intention of your post? if not, and you were merely adding your opinion to a thread there are much more tacful and respectful ways to do it..
  13. you have no need to apoligise for not liking the video. it's a shame you thought that was the problem..
  14. sorry, but the things you are are just to many, and to unsuitable, to be named on a forum.... idiot being the only one passable here..
  15. i'm not with the cab at the moment but have a close up shot of some of the chips that i used to send to Jorg when i first got the cab. his reply was because it was sold as B-stock because it was a tester cab so the rhino tuff coat is pretty thin which makes chips more commmon, tbh there's nothing tough about it! these are a mm or 2 across, it's not like this all over the cab by the way! will take some better photo's asap
  16. right, parties over and i'm back 3 interested parties in the amp, Alan P was the first to PM. but initial idea was to trade, gonna wait a bit on that before selling, and of course i'd like to be sure both amp and cab go, so still need some interest in the schroeder.
  17. don't know really.. had a little ponder overnight. not interested in making any money from this i basically just want a 1x12 cab. so... right now there's nothing suitable in the for sale section so i'd need enough money for a new one, but if a 1x12 came along for £200 then i wouldn't want more than that! but right now, i guess single prices would be: Schroeder 1212L - £300 Hartke LH500 - £150
  18. last year i was pulling my hair out trying to find one of these.. typical..
  19. i'm head over heels in love with my Tecamp combo and would like to add another 12" to it but have no funds. at the moment i'm still using the hartke/schroeder rig for the louder stuff, but think with an extension cab the rig will be able to handle the louder gigs too, so my old rig would be surplus. I bought the Schroeder about a year ago as a B-stock, it is not superbly put together. all cosmetic bar a buzz in the baffle that holds the inner speaker. my solution was to wedge a bit of wood in which has worked, but obviously a bit bodge.. the Hartke came around the start of this year, developed a volume fault 2 months ago and went back under warrenty and is now in perfect working order. was never racked so there are scuffs and scratches. so.. cosmetically this rig is a bit tatty. the schroeder is not the best built, but with the wedge sounds perfect. and all is in great working order. i had been using the rig very happily for several months and didn't plan on changing it any time soon. but then that Tecamp bonanza came along.. i'm looking to trade for a 1x12 cab, but of course it's not the most likely trade. so if someone doesn't have a trade, but would like the rig, i'm not really fussed on getting a good price for it, as long as it covers buying a new cab, so whatever nice 1x12s go for i guess will get better pictures up at some point
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