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Everything posted by wotnwhy

  1. oh, and i'm sure your warwick was natural last time i saw it... you got a new one?
  2. well hello Darryll! very long time no see! good to see you back on the forums, there's still a few of us about, and (most of) the newbies are friendly enough. what have you been up to?
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  4. thanks a f!kin bunch tayste... it was bad enough before, this is the last thing i need!!!
  5. oh wow, those Adamovic basses look lushous! if your gonna stick close to home he looks like your top choice! if you really want to visit the UK, then for the sort of style your going for, RIM would deffinitly be up to the job! he has some really exciting ideas and as you'll see on the forum, some rave reviews! Jon (Shuker) comes in on a personal recomendation (i have a bass made by him), although you say the designs are too 'standard', he does whatever you ask of him and loves a challenge, but his best aspect is his virtual treasure trove of really fabulous woods! i'm pretty sure he also supplies other builders from time to time, so even if you don't go with him as the builder he may be good to find that special bit of wood (hey, that rhymes!) another great UK luthier to look out for is Skelf at ACG guitars, he is also a regular on this forum [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=47"]click here[/url] his basses (for me) are some of the sexiest around, and he also has a very special preamp available for his basses. and again, a huge following and rave reviews. hope this is of some help
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  7. where are you based? with the standards of luthiers nowadays, it makes sense to go with someone close to home, so you can be personally involved in the build. go talk to the luthier in person, look at and choose the woods in person etc. so if you tell us where you are we can bump up a list of makers for you and welcome to the forums
  8. "Though John Entwhistle.... looking a bit rough!" true, but if what i heard was true, he left us doing coke in a hotel room with a hooker in las vegas yes? pretty good going for a man of his age!
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  10. i want! i want! right, what can i do? oh, trade for a 5 string eh? you want my Shuker? ...oh wait, then i'd have nothing to play through the rig... bugger.. good luck with the sale, if i find a really fat wallet lying around in the next few days i'll give you a shout
  11. "I will post the pics tomorrow" more pics tomorrow?? yay!! "due to leaving my USB Lead at home." so we could have had them today?? BOO!!!
  12. 1 gig bag containing, bass, jack lead, spare strings, rizzla, bottle tops* 1 rack containing power amp and 4 channel mixing desk 1 cab containing 2 twelve inch speakers 1 holdall bag containing a range of extension, jacks, XLR and speakon leads, tuner pedal, fastfret, wire cutters, tools and gubbins it's a 2 trip setup, cab and bag, rack and bag. i'm happy with it. no longer have a 2nd bass to bring as a spare, but then when i did, i don't think i ever actually bothered to bring it. Tom *the last 2 aren't things i need to bring, they're just in my bag, never taken them out. they feel like family now, can't chuck 'em out!
  13. never realised these basses only have TWO neck bolts?! strange...
  14. so... all bases covered then.... o,0 sorry. anyway, thats a very, very VERY nice collection you've got there. what i'd give to spend just a DAY with those! you say they're [i]some[/i] of your basses, what else have you got??
  15. [quote name='BigRedX' post='99094' date='Dec 4 2007, 07:36 PM']Well I'm glad it got a reaction even if it's mainly negative. It worries me when I post some of these instruments and they go without any kind of comment. It does seem though that it's the fairly normal basses that tend to get the most extreme reactions - as though people relate to them by their similarity to what they already know and react accordingly...[/quote] obviously i can't speak for everyone else, but judging by the number of [i]veiws[/i] on this thread as opposed to actual [i]posts[/i] (especially taking into account most posts are by [i]you[/i]) i'd guess that there are an awful lot of people who just browse this thread, doesn't mean that the basses have any less of an impact. please don't be put off by lack of replies, or i'll have to set up a couple more accounts and use those to reply too! now these laggan basses are right up my street! and all under a grand!?!? wowzer! EDIT: silly typoos
  16. a Rev Rumblefish maby? only mention it because thats what i'm GASing for to get that Phat Phunk sound. but it's only minor GAS as my Shuker is [i]more[/i] than capable of doing it 8)
  17. VERY alembic-esque. but very very nive too.
  18. oh deary me, don't see WW up for sale very often (if at all!), sorry that it's had to come to this for you. are you getting something nice to replace?
  19. very very nice ACG's really do it for me!
  20. for the last year or so i've been playing in an (almost) straight up funk/soul band. we do some functions and as a result have learnt quite a few covers, and as a result of that i've been immersing myself in old school funk for a while, and there's deffinitly a certain vibe that needs to be headed for with regards to the way a bassline is played to get a genuine feel to a song, moreso than the notes of the bassline itself. and thats whats been influencing my writing recently
  21. i've got [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-PRO-CONCERT-ELECTRIC-SILENT-UPRIGHT-BASS_W0QQitemZ190174927992QQihZ009QQcategoryZ16222QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]this,[/url] but under the name 'artisan' he's going on about the spruce and mahogany body, maple neck and ebony fingerboard. but it's actually a 1 piece, hollow plastic type mould thing.... and a [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-PRO-TENNESSEE-BRAND-10-STRING-ELECTRIC-BASS_W0QQitemZ190121910744QQihZ009QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]TEN STRING[/url] (not doubled) bass with only FOUR BOLTS for the neck!?!? surely that couldn't hold the tension?? and then theres the [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-PRO-TENNESSEE-BRAND-10-STRING-ELECTRIC-BASS_W0QQitemZ190121910744QQihZ009QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]FIVE NECK[/url] guitar but the middle 3 necks are exactly the same. i suppose in theory you could use 2 of them, but what possible application could 3 be for??
  22. don't like marmite, but i love that!!
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