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Posts posted by lurksalot

  1. After a great winning entry from @NickD last month he offered up the following picture for May.


    A picture that has brought out a fine selection for your delectation.


    Have a good listen through and cast 3 votes for your favourites





    Favourite 3 please , enjoy ...



    1   @NickD    I started off working towards an ambient electronic track, as that's how the image felt to me, but as I started getting lyric ideas together, they largely centred around the idea of doors, real and metaphorical, be it to another realm, or some earthly change or opportunity. From that it developed into more of a 'song' than a cinematic thing, so I ended up with a bit of both... I think!






    @Leonard Smalls   Right-O! In my occasional series of covers, here's the Motel's "Total Control".

    Though it's slightly reworked as a rant against the billionaire newspaper owners who shape public opinion in order to further their own agendas....






    @Dad3353   An exercise in Mind Control. Listening to this track whilst looking at the picture brings about a new state of consciousness; at the fourth listening session, her eye will wink suggestively. Guaranteed; I kid you not.






    @upside downer    Green door, what's that secret you're keeping?' asked Shakin' Stevens many moons ago. Now, he's baffled by the bizarre sight in front of him, so much so in fact that he is lost for words. He'll just have to make do with this relaxed, mid-tempo, gently mysterious synth groove to try and decipher the meaning of it all. Don't let it drive you crazy, Shaky!






    @Doctor J   Eyes are everywhere, everyone is watching everyone else. Especially stalkers. They're really watching hard.






    6  lurksalot    this was intended as a political rant , but seems to be a bit soft to hit anything too hard :)






    7 @Nail Soup  My initial thought was remembering back to when I was a child... my friend told me that his parents had told him that they could see him all the time, wherever he was, whatever he did. I told my Mum about it and (looking back) her body language showed no little disapproval at their parenting methods. So it's about the "eye in the sky watching you until you die". The music came naturally but didn't support a full set of lyrics, just the single refrain.






    @Wolfram   The photo immediately put me in mind of an Enigma album cover, and I was (and am still) a big fan, so that's where I've gone with this one - "I See You" - a dreamy flight of fantasy. I hope you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed putting it together!



    added entry ...

    if you have already voted for others, I can't edit or change the poll counts.


    9 @AndyTravis






    There we have it , another fine crop for you.

    choose your favourite 3 

    Voting will end at midnight on 31st May 


    have a good weekend  :sun_bespectacled:


    • Like 5
  2. this one sounds OK till I open my gob on it ! so here is my entry to the May 23  Challenge, based on the picture chosen by NickD, last months winner.



    EZ drummer does the main work , guitar through Waves gtr3, 2 different patches blended , Bitsa 'bassinator' low end with a bit of chorus , and of course the voice of an angel over the top of it ! 


    lyrics for those interested 



    Blue is the colour that will screw you over, unless  already, rolling in Clover
    Blue is the colour without interruption,  lines its own pockets with its putrid corruption

    adoRation of gold  doesn’t cut it so much.  a narrative now, centuries out of touch.

    historical story banking pageant and glory , populace inertia gives a jewel encrusted crutch

    When the gold wants to be seen to be green

    Blue  nothing more than libertine

    Red seems terrified of making a scene

    More of the grist to the sordid machine

    Supposedly red, is like a spread bet, wants to be all things, to all men
    A Principled mess that couldn’t care less, just working the numbers to ten

    Orange, meh , barely reassuring, coma inducing, massively boring.
    chasing one dream up the right alley,  Every crossed box weighing in at the tally

    When the gold wants to be seen to be green

    Blue  nothing more than libertine

    Red seems terrified of making a scene

    More of the grist to the sordid machine rpt


    • Like 3
  3. Following another quality field, @NickD led from the front to pick up a well deserved win. 

    Being keen to give everyone something to do on a bank holiday Monday, he has provided the image and some background toot suite....



    "Is it a drunken hallucination, a dream, graffiti,  a really expensive nightclub, an inter-dimensional portal, a doorway to the astral plane, a very arty yoga studio, or the entrance to a secret society only Bill Gates can see?"




     'Image credit - Freepik' 



    Simple rules 

    ✔️ Entries must be <5 minutes and recorded between now and deadline.

    ✖️ No illegal samples, copyright infringements or other snide goings-on

    ✖️ Bagpipes. please no bagpipes, the Grand National truce has just expired, and the Coronation truce has been postponed till the next one .

    ✖️ No voting for your own entry. We'll know. And we'll shame you..


    Deadline wise , we will go for midnight on my sisters birthday which is the 24th which means you'll probably have till tea time on the 25th ...when I'm back in from work! 


    A line or two of blurb as well for the vote thread will be lovely. 


    Have fun 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 3
  4. I played various assemblies at school and played in a knock up type folk rock outfit in a similar scenario to @Leonard Smalls I think that would be about 17 , I then upgraded my bass and gave my old one to my little Bro.

    I do remember playing ‘mouldy old dough’ on keys during an interval when my uncles band were played at a Romford working men’s club around 1974   So I’d have been 12 ish on that one 😂

  5. Its that time again ..


    With an inaugural win, a most excellent and popular entry from @AndyTravis  , he was right on the ball with his choice off picture for us.


    "I’ve had this saved for years - wanted it to be an album cover…I just reminded me of how I was (pre fatherhood) - A class clown, I still chuckle when I see it - it was an early crash helmet test."


    Have a listen through and choose your favourite 3 entries









    1   @Dad3353   The studio burnt down in 1927; all that's left of the film being shot is this intriguing poster photo and a fragment of the film's piano roll, restored here in tribute. We can only speculate on the blockbuster that was sadly lost.






    @AndyTravis  ...so I’d said the idea of my image was that I was an absolute moron for years until fatherhood - a perpetual child. In my teens I lived, breathed and slept the Red Hot Chilli Peppers....






    @Leonard Smalls   I thought to myself, "that geezer has got the blues"! So that's wot I done...





    @upside downer  Our hero just can't look on the bright side. Whether it be impending world catastrophe or piffling, inconsequential matters, he gets so wound up it all just makes him want to bash his head, as he explains to us alongside a Bo Diddleyesque riff.






    5 @NickD  The picture invoked memories of doing stupid things with groups of friends, and how while time marches on and we're flung to the far corners of the earth, if we got together today we'd probably be just as daft.






    @Wolfram  I'm telling the story of the death of silent movies and photoplay through the piano roll backing for a silent movie illustrated by the photo. The ageing and dying piano is overtaken by the rising chatter of the 'talkies'. I present "Photoplay Dies".






    7 Lurksalot  I'll pop this in here, it seems a very 'avant-garde' and self indulgent arty inspired symphonic masterpiece ... or an edited take on a 7 year old's key board plonking!




    I don't think I will be choosing the next photo .... but someone will 


    Time to dish out the 3 votes to your chosen tunes.


    Voting will cease and a new champion declared at midnight on 30th April 


    Good luck All :sun_bespectacled:


    • Like 3
  6. 54 minutes ago, NickD said:

    This so nearly didn't happen. I expected it to be a bit tough as we were away with the kids... What I didn't expect was to have a bloody stroke the day after we got back. Still, medicated to the eyeballs, and with most of my left arm movement and strength back (by what miracle I don't know)... Here goes....




    Bloody hell , stay safe and best wishes for a full recovery 👍

    • Like 1
  7. Well bizarrely grand little lurks fancied a bash on the keyboard before he went home after a few days with us… so I hit record as he blasted through various soundscapes on the FX.

    I should have had the insight to record the MIDI as well , then I could have added some extra sounds without making it a mission, still, I reckon I can edit his performance to create some infant symphonic type affair.

    I should get something in before my hols:).

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  8. I think I’ll struggle this month , I haven’t had a chance yet and we have grand little lurks for a few days over Easter , I’ve committed to going to Nantwich for the music festival , work is full on next week then it’s away on holiday for week , just in time to get back to post the voting thread! 

  9. HOT off the blocks today then.


    An inaugural win, with a most excellent and popular entry from @AndyTravis  who was right on the ball with his choice off picture for us.


    "I’ve had this saved for years - wanted it to be an album cover…I just reminded me of how I was (pre fatherhood) - A class clown, I still chuckle when I see it - it was an early crash helmet test."




    This could be a barrel of fun ....sorry!



    Simple rules 

    ✔️ Entries must be <5 minutes and recorded between now and deadline.

    ✖️ No illegal samples, copyright infringements or other snide goings-on

    ✖️ Bagpipes. please no bagpipes, the April fools Day truce truce has just expired .

    ✖️ No voting for your own entry. We'll know. And we'll shame you..


    Deadline wise , we will go for the  23rd which means you'll probably have till tea time on the 24th ....if I'm back from my holiday in time! 


    A line or two of blurb as well for the vote thread will be lovely. 


    Have fun 

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