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Everything posted by Paul_C

  1. You can also get a more subtle vibrato in the same way a violinist will, by holding the note and moving your hand from side to side - not rolling the finger from side to side but using the movement of the hand combined with the grip of the finger on the string to slightly pull and push the string along its length, altering the pitch of the note.
  2. Paul_C


    I made a ramp for my Bongo from a bit of MDF radiussed and then covered with some scratchplate material :
  3. [quote name='YouMa' post='484499' date='May 10 2009, 07:06 PM']Would love to hear jamerson raw.Shame no bootlegs of practice are around.[/quote] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYsVDuM5Lcs"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYsVDuM5Lcs[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCrO3iVWZE8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCrO3iVWZE8[/url] [url="http://www.ricksuchow.com/press-group-112.html"]http://www.ricksuchow.com/press-group-112.html[/url]
  4. [quote name='OldGit' post='484227' date='May 10 2009, 11:17 AM']that's a wheely nice job I wonder if scratchplates could be fitted with magnetic points like cavity covers are these days or if they'd look odd without screws ...[/quote] well that one doesn't have screws .. it was attached with double-sided tape, which is ok if you don't have to take it on and off too often
  5. [quote name='Kongo' post='483836' date='May 9 2009, 04:51 PM']Has anyone here made and fit a scratcplate to a bass that doesn't have one? I'm interested in doing this. I think Scratchplates add that bit of contrast to a bass.[/quote] I made and fitted one to a guitar .. I'm responsible for the knobs too
  6. superglue should be fine on a P bass, it's only when you have to deal with stresses on it that you need to do more, this was glued and has screws to keep it from moving :
  7. [quote name='gareth' post='481075' date='May 6 2009, 03:27 PM']Don't be in a hurry to judge these basses - they really are slow burners - if you persist with it I am sure you will come to value it and see its true potential. I know - I've got one in blue and i've also got the 5 string version, which strangely is completely different. The RBIV is quite aggressive and if you are not used to it it might come as a surprise. If I were you I would persivere with the bass - useit, gig it - and you may come to love it. Anyway if you sell it now, unless you got it for a big discount, you are gonna loose a lot of doe.[/quote]
  8. I'll sort out a decent pic later, but this is what's on offer : £750 - I reckon this is collection only, tbh, unless someone is happy to cover all the shipping costs. I'm in Northampton.
  9. my suspicion is that ebay is being used to announce that the amp is for sale, then a deal can be struck in private (for less than that crazy price, obviously) without paying ebay fees this also goes for things like that "rare 4 string guitar" someone posted a link to the other day - they're not that dumb, they just use it as a way of getting more people to see the auction, and possibly bid
  10. I've just measured my neck and I take a 17" collar no idea if that helps at all ?
  11. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='473748' date='Apr 27 2009, 09:49 PM']Going back to your original post, the EMG pickups I'm aware of are active and don't need a separate preamp. If you get active pickups and add a preamp you'll end up with an additional stage of gain which will make the bass run "hot" unless you can turn the gain down on the additional preamp (so get one with a gain trimpot if you need the extra tonal control). I don't personally know anything about "passive" EMG pickups. I wasn't aware they made any.[/quote] [url="http://www.emginc.com/products/index/179"]http://www.emginc.com/products/index/179[/url]
  12. [quote name='ian' post='473681' date='Apr 27 2009, 08:34 PM']ok another question if anyone can help.what emg jazz pick ups do i need for my jazz bass but its now passive many thankls ian[/quote] As has been said above, you can buy both active and passive EMG pickups, if you buy active ones (J/H-J/J-X etc.) then you'll need a battery and the appropriate pots (usually supplied with the pickups), if you buy passive ones (J-HZ) then they'll work with a standard set of jazz bass pots.
  13. [quote name='Simon' post='473254' date='Apr 27 2009, 11:46 AM']I think it has probably be mentioned elsewhere. "Serious Electric Bass" by Joel Di Bartolo. Though there is no TAB, so you either have to read music (or learn) or use the fingerboard layouts in the book (though there isn't one for every exercise). Hope this helps.[/quote] I've got a copy of that somewhere I could stand to part with for a small sum
  14. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='473325' date='Apr 27 2009, 12:56 PM']Might be the way forward methinks - a shove in the right direction. Confidence is a big problem for me I know it is and I play much better on my own through my Tascam and seem to clam up when I'm out of my comfort zone - eg, improvising etc. It's never been a problem when I've been playing live with the bands I've been in because I've practised the set to death and can play the songs in my sleep.[/quote] if you've got recordings of the songs you know in your sleep, they could be a great way to start - take each in turn and improvise over the top, as you know where the line usually goes you have a head start in knowing the changes and which notes are the "right" notes to land on if you get out of your depth start with small steps (pentatonic scales are handy for this) and progress to larger passages as you feel comfortable with what works and what doesn't - don't be afraid to add "wrong" notes if they're only a passing note on the way to something you know is going to sound right
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  16. [quote name='sshorepunk' post='472186' date='Apr 25 2009, 02:03 PM']For those of you who saw it, I apologise for bringing it up again, I know it was painful to watch, but worthy of a mention due to Mr Kemps choice of bass Spandau B played the JR show last night and the ex-easterender / 3 pc suite salesman was sporting a very nice Wal, the guy has got taste! Huge stack behind him, not one of the usual makes, I did read the name, but forgot this morning? That bloke who sings is very "lounge lizard" style these days, apologies if you are a SB fan, not my bag I'm afraid, the wife likes 'em though! JR's "expanding belly" reference to Tony Hadley was ammusing! Tony[/quote] just looked on iPlayer, he's using H&K Quantum amps and cabs (or at least that's what's standing behind him)
  17. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='471741' date='Apr 24 2009, 05:38 PM']Korea and Indonesia, according to Sterling Ball. £650-upwards for US Stingray (S/H) £689 for an Indonesian Ray £255 for a Chinese Classic Vibe Squier Go figure...[/quote] how much for a Lakland Skyline ?
  18. [quote name='cytania' post='471559' date='Apr 24 2009, 02:48 PM']OK let's take it that the Fender Jazz and Precisions are fighting over the number 1 and 2 spots and that Rickenbacker fills number 3 in this chart. What's next? I'm thinking basses real people played over the last half century, not prototypes and boutique beauties.[/quote] StingRay ?
  19. Meshell Ndegeocello is pronounced Mee-shell N-deh-gay-o-chel-o (according to wikipedia (which states that the instructions were on early pressings of Plantation Lullabies), and tallying with what I read elsewhere a while ago (can't find it again, but I recall it being on her website))
  20. [quote name='Duarte' post='467376' date='Apr 20 2009, 12:31 PM']Thanks for all the compliments guys, now some one buy it![/quote] I'm amazed no-one's tempted as yet (irrespective of my interest in it selling ) have you had any interest on the EB forum ?
  21. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='466209' date='Apr 18 2009, 04:03 PM']I basically followed this: Except instead of a three way selector, one goes to tip and one is on a switch between the tip and the ring of a stereo socket. Oh, and the caps are earthed to the body of their respective pots. The two volumes are on concetric knob double pot though.[/quote] ... and what problems are you experiencing ? (you're not making this easy ) If you wire the vol pots as you have there, you're probably finding that if you turn the volume all the way down on one pot you lose all volume when a standard jack is plugged in - normal on a Les Paul. It might make more sense to wire the two vol pots Jazz bass-style, each with their own tone pot, and cut the hot wire between vols to send the signal to separate jacks - that way the switch would kill the pickup if used with a standard jack.
  22. [quote name='Faithless' post='466634' date='Apr 19 2009, 11:50 AM']Well, I've started playing on bridge pup a la Jaco style (heavy diggin' in), and I feel that string tension by the bridge pup is just too high/heavy - it's not comfortable at all, if you try to 'dig in'... So, I was curious, [i]if there's any way to lower the string tension?[/i] My Ibby has MR-IV bridge (if it does make sense)..[/quote] lighter strings would help, for one
  23. I like a bit of this sort of thing from time to time .. [url="http://svtplay.se/v/1499678/veckans_konsert/avishai_cohen_och_bohuslan_big_band"]http://svtplay.se/v/1499678/veckans_konser...huslan_big_band[/url] not on there for long, apparently
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  25. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='465855' date='Apr 18 2009, 02:41 AM']Found part of the problem, a short, but now I seems to have a master volume and a weird interratcion between the two volumes on the stak pot. I though it was just like two seperate pots just concentric, but its not doing what I expectedwhen I just copied the wiring from a les paul but skipped the switch, and replaced with one that switches one of the pickups from tip to ring.[/quote] it would help to know exactly how you've got it wired now, otherwise it's not possible to make a helpful suggestion - can you draw out the wiring diagram ?
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