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Everything posted by bigjohn

  1. You need to buy some butter.
  2. I'm a bit of a chav. I wear a watch. The very idea of having to know what time it is makes me realise how easy some bastards have it.
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1428316798' post='2740079'] My Schroeder cab is 61cm, so it would protrude 4cm each side... not a deal-breaker for me. I might go for it, if only to test Bugera/Behringer's negative reliability reputation. [/quote] I used a Superbass with a 1212L for a while. Was a good combination.
  4. [quote name='dadofsix' timestamp='1430320605' post='2760261'] Help a poor fellow out who lives on the other side of the pond . . . Hand, Foot and Mouth disease???? Whassat???? [/quote] I hadn't heard of it either. Sounds like another reason I'm glad I've not had children.
  5. You could think about a microhead and a cab on wheels. Or something like a Barefaced Super Compact? I've used public transport (buses) with a couple of set ups. Once with a Barefaced Big One and amp and two basses, though that took two of us, with one bass it wouldn't have been impossible on my own. I've also caught the bus a few times with a bass and my Ampeg B100R which isn't light, but it's doable. There are other combos that are lighter and more powerful. It doesn't matter how small and light something is if it doesn't do it's job well. You need efficiency for that in a small cab and that's a lot complicated than chucking a speaker in a box.
  6. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1429532116' post='2752284'] I've never had a noisy P bass at all. As long as the earth wire from the bridge to the back of a pot is soldered effectively, that should be all that's required. (I was told this by Sims Customs actually when I was ordering a '64 P body and asked what they recommend for shielding. They said they don't, even on their own builds as it doesn't matter on a passive bass. As long as said bridge to pot wire is connected.. It did surprise me at the time but so far no probs on my last two P's, one of which I put together myself). [/quote] Yep, I agree. There's no reason for a passive split coil humbucker to "hum" other than it's not earthed correctly. Sheilding does nothing for 60 cycle hum from single coils either. It's different with active electrics obv. The only benefit a passive circuit is shielding from external electromagnetism.
  7. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1429470623' post='2751708'] I got asked for my autograph outside the Bord Gais Theatre in Dublin. I'd just played bass in RENT there. I thought she was taking the piss light heartedly. And light heartedly I laughed "piss off" or something like that. Turns out she was genuine. She'd enjoyed my playing and how I was "in to it". Needless to say I felt a bit of a twat. Especially how she still wanted it. I felt a tool giving an autograph! [/quote] "Hope you enjoyed your RENT, Lord Sausage xx"
  8. Shielding doesn't really do anything on passive basses. Buzzing on em is an usually an earthing issue. The back of the scratchplate shouldn't need shielding or earthing. Just the bridge to the pot and through the pot (by normal wiring) to the cable and to the amp and by virtue (if the amp is properly earthed) to the mains. Unless it's hum, which shielding does nothing for either. Unless you're using it close enough to other electromagnetic fields, which make it far worse. I copper shielded my passive P/J, that made some difference to hum when playing it sat at my desk with a PC, 3 monitors and a cordless phone sat on it. Didn't eliminate it, but made it better. I don't get the same hum at all with a Precision. Only with the J pickup. And only with my Jazz if I don't balance the pickups.
  9. This one's a black / black thing. I've never had a fretless or an active bass. It's a double adventure!
  10. Hurrah! a reply! Cheers aphook. Been reading about the EQ. I'd assumed each knob had something to do with each pickup, but there's a pan knob isn't there?
  11. I've just bought (a quite pricey) but good nick fully loaded Cowpoke body off eBay. I'm going to put a US lined fretless neck on it which I recently acquired. I was gonna put that on my Mexi PJ, but then this cropped up and on impulse... I've always wondered about Cowpokes... So, what are they like? Is it true the electrics are US?
  12. Yep, gigged with a new amp and fried it. PA just didn't cut it. Barely did vocals. Lucky it wasn't a paid gig, but it was our singer's birthday party so there was lots of people there. Very embarrassing. Have also snapped an A string only to realise I hadn't brought my spares. I had to restring the D to A and the G to D and play with three strings. Sort of got away with that, was the last song before our break which was fortuitous. To be honest, I don't even think about snapping strings (though I do carry a spare set). I use flats and play fingerstyle. Did have a patch of snapping Thomastik A strings though. I ended up changing to LaBellas.
  13. How do you do this without risk of damaging the finish? I'm not sure how you're supposed to get at the truss screw without pulling the neck from the heel? I loosen the strings when I do this to make sure I don't hurt myself more than anything else. That fella is just used to doing it.
  14. [quote name='leonardobass' timestamp='1429030247' post='2747215'] Hello,I'm from Terceira island,have you been here before? [/quote] I've been to Sao Miguel, Pico and to Sao Jorge. Didn't make it over to Terceira but maybe will on the next trip. I really loved it over there.
  15. Hi Leonardo. I love the Azores, which island are you from / on?
  16. Where abouts on your hand is it? I had a bad one on one of my fingers a couple of months back. I squashed my finger with an ale cask. I had to gaffa tape it for a gig.
  17. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1428597220' post='2742885'] And I violently disagree about No More Mr Nice Guy! Mustaine always sounds like a hyperactive 6 year-old having a tantrum - hardly improves a classic song! [/quote] ha ha. fair enough, the 6 year old mustaine thing is kinda what i like about it.
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  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4e1P3vo-Lx4
  20. Hmmm... interesting. I've settled on La Bella heavy flats, but with an E from the medium set (I broke the heavy E somehow, only had a medium E spare and prefer it). This puts the cat amongst the pigeons!
  21. Considering I've been playing for 25 years or so, I've not done too bad in keeping numbers down. Marlin Jazz copy. My first bass. It was crap and had a neck on it fatter and wider than a P bass, which was okay, I did like it. I got well ripped off for it though. Spent over £100 for it 2nd hand in 1989. I could have probably bought a 2nd hand Jap Squier for that. I gave it to my mate, who passed it onto an other of our mates, it's probably still going. Epiphone "Power Bass". Body is like a Strat, with Jazz controls and pickups. Horn headstock. Bolt on neck. I still have it. Neck is somewhat broken. Was water damaged when I bought it, though I never knew at the time, that was the reason the neck relief was the way it was. Me and my mate broke it trying to fix it a few years back. Then there's the three in my sig and I have owned another MIM P bass, which was nice, gunmetal / green / blue colour. Can't remember what it was actually called. I sold it on here some years back. MIM FSR P/J Special Deluxe. Matte black and passive. Really nice bass but with a really slim Jazz neck (Precision bass body), which is why I don't really play it as much as I could. Maybe one day I'll sell it. MIJ Non-Export 65 Jazz reissue. Much better neck for me, wider and deeper than standard Jazz. US Standard Precision Go to bass. So I've only owned six basses. All four string and even with Gibson/Epiphone in there, all Fender variants / copies.
  22. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1420307225' post='2647902'] I'm not so sure, as putting something like an Alembic F2B (based on the Fender Showman preamp stage) in front of a powerful SS power amp is a bit of a classic setup. If you wanted it to sound like a Fender Showman you'd be disappointed, but this sort of rig can be great in a cleaner, more modern sounding way. [/quote] Yep, that's pretty much what I do. Except I also put an SVT preamp through the effects loop. Like that it does a pretty good impression of an all valve amp.
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