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Cosmo Valdemar

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Everything posted by Cosmo Valdemar

  1. That's one hell of a starter bass!
  2. I wish I knew how to post a video on here.
  3. You may have seen this on the For Sale pages recently. It's an early 90s ESP Horizon, complete with futuristic conputer lettering on the headstock. It's a very comfortable bass, and is in superb condition. But don't be fooled, it growls - it's brutal through my Tech 21 dug preamp. And seemingly endless sustain! I'm not convinced by the 3 band EQ - it's got a sweepable mid control, and the whole thing just invites endless tinkering. I can't stop tweaking it. No complaints about the sound though! A big thank you to @cetera for a fun afternoon! Here 'tis:
  4. I found them easy to tell apart, but the 4 string with effect was still pretty good.
  5. I am the happy new owner of Gary's ESP Horizon bass. It's wonderful and just as described. It was a pleasure to see Gary again and as always with these things I could have happily talked bass and music all day. Cheers Gary!
  6. When I sell my beaten up old Encore I will be sure to mention it was built at the same time as an ALEMBIC and has 4 strings and a neck just like an ALEMBIC.
  7. Well done! I realised afterwards that my post might look a little random if you werent familiar with The Who... Trick of the Light has two bass tracks - the 8 string playing the distorted riff (I think it's the Alembic) and a 'standard' bass part as well. Entwistle recorded this way on Success Story as well.
  8. I know that song and didn't recognise it. The shame!
  9. I've never actually hated any of my basses (none that I can remember anyway), but I've owned a couple that lasted about 5 minutes each - the first was a Zon Sonus, a superb bass but I instantly knew I wouldn't get on with the neck. I also bought it for the Billy Gould connection and it sounded nothing like him, unsurprisingly. Another was a Rickenbacker 4004. Massive, clubby neck, and dull tone with none of the Rick treble I was after. Exchanged it immediately for a 4003 - much more up my street! I still lust after the 4004 as apparently the neck is far better these days, and I could swap out the pickups for something a bit more 4001-flavoured.
  10. Did anybody recognise the mystery line?
  11. I met Dave a couple of years ago and he was full of praise for this setup!
  12. It's not a Legend. It's an NS2000 Q4. Different body shape!
  13. Very nice! I'd love to have a go on one of these one day. The pickups look very Wal-ish - similiar tones?
  14. Got any more details - Jazz? Precision? Any pics? I know the pain only too well. A delightful character pinched my '78 Precision a few years ago. I was lucky enough to get it back, but I'll never forget that awful feeling.
  15. I love these basses. I nearly bought one but ultimately they're just a bit too slim and sleek for my tastes. Stunning tone though, especially that front pickup with a bit of grit. I alos thought of chocolate limes when I first saw one.
  16. I'm in the camp of tried and failed with six and desperately want another.
  17. As much as I love the Epiphone Thunderbird Vintage Pro I bought earlier in the year, my best purchase has to be the Tech 21 DP-3X Dug Pinnick pedal. It's astoundingly good. Worst would be the Joyo Orange Juice overdrive pedal. Sounded great but stopped working within a day.
  18. The riff at 2:35 bears a wonderful resemblance to "Stop The Cavalry". I wonder if it was intentional.
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