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Cosmo Valdemar

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Everything posted by Cosmo Valdemar

  1. I saw a bit of the Charlatans' set and the bass was surprisingly audible! But bloody hell, they were terrible.
  2. The Fuzzster is a great pedal, but it won't get you a Lemmy-style tone. A fuzz pedal isn't really the right pedal if you're after that sound.
  3. They were Hofner branded. The D and G strings had a bit more presence than the E and A at first but they have evened out now.
  4. It was years ago now but I had no trouble whatsoever when I changed the strings. I didn't even need to tweak the neck. I'm playing the bass a lot these days as my band rehearses in a very small room, for financial reasons. My Thunderbird struggles to fit in the room. That said, the Hofner really does sound wonderful, and has such a happy tone to it.
  5. Whitfield Crane's brief time with Life Of Agony. I still shudder at the memory.
  6. What a timely thread! A video of a guy playing one of these popped up on Facebook the other day, fascinated me and then promptly disappeared. I was wondering what it was called.
  7. This. I used to visit Chris regularly when he was based in Peckham.
  8. I wonder if @Absolute Beginnershould change their username...
  9. Nothing sinister about Billy J, I don't think. Well, not in the song anyway.
  10. £750?! That's amazing! These basses look so much better with the scratchplate.
  11. I would definitely put it on, just to complete the look. I never use them but luckily they don't get in the way, unlike the later ones by the E string - I just bash into them
  12. "She's well-acquainted with the touch of the velvet hand like a lizard on a window pane The man in the crowd with the multicoloured mirrors on his hobnail boots Lying with his eyes while his hands are busy working overtime A soap impression of his wife which he ate and donated to the National Trust" Certainly random.
  13. Very tempting! Thanks for the review.
  14. I'd be interested to hear how you get on!
  15. This looks a lot like my old one - I think I sold it to you? If it is the one I'm sure it had a P neck.
  16. That Serek is gorgeous. They look right up my street!
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