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Cosmo Valdemar

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Everything posted by Cosmo Valdemar

  1. It looks like you have the Jazz set - narrow pickup cover, large bridge cover designed to conceal the bridge pickup. The Precision set have a smaller bridge cover and larger pickup cover.
  2. I've nothing against a 5 string Rick but I have no idea what planet they're on with those pickups... That said, a video surface a while back of one being played, and it did sound very Rick so something's being done right!
  3. Do add the covers, but not those ones - get some Precision ones. It's a lovely bass - probably my favourite Precision finish. I just struggle with that headstock!
  4. I really don't know where to start with this one...
  5. Amazon would have refunded the difference if you'd kept your £18 order.
  6. Not if it's the standard Gibson bass humbucker, it won't... IMHO, YMMV, LOL etc. 😂
  7. Pop in a Thunderbucker and I'll be interested.
  8. The bridge pickup looks a bit far back on the LPB Jazz...
  9. I always thought it a bit cheeky of Limp Bizkit to release a song called 'My Generation'. I mean, that's iconic isn't it? It's like a boy band releasing an inane song and calling it Bridge Over Troubled Water or something.
  10. I don't think they even widened the neck before...
  11. https://www.gibson.com/Guitar/USACYC512/Les-Paul-Junior-Tribute-DC-Bass-Coming-Soon https://www.gibson.com/Guitar/USAKUC232/Thunderbird-Bass-Coming-Soon Quality bass innovation, reasonable prices.
  12. The knobs in your pic don't look quite real. It looks more like a Photoshop job. The other pic on the previous page looks a bit more realistic. I'm not defending it though, it's still ghastly!
  13. The Tech 21 Leeds does JJ wonderfully. It does the whole Hiwatt thing, and with a Precision it's just heaven.
  14. It's beautiful. Congratulations! I've always wanted to try a Sadowsky - another Newsted admirer from way back!
  15. Someone made a film about him a few years ago - "All You Need Is Klaus". I highly recommend it! He seems like such a lovely guy. And of course, his artwork is incredible.
  16. It is if you want that Moving Pictures Geddy tone. He switched to both pickups on Signals though, and has been there ever since. Doesn't sound quite as good to my ears.
  17. Indeed! And on the front pickup only as well. I'm sure The Camere Eye was his Rick though. I tried out a friend's new Squier Jazz the other day through my Dug preamp, front pickup only - instant Limelight! So good.
  18. It's excellent for bass. I think it was overlooked by lots of bass players as it wasn't a bass-specific pedal, but it absolutely nails that late 60s Entwistle sound.
  19. Looks amazing. I love Tech 21 - the DP-3X and Leeds pedals are the backbone of my sound. I can't wait to give this one a go!
  20. Interesting analogy! Can't quite see it myself
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