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Everything posted by binky_bass

  1. £100? Ridiculously cheap... If I had the room for it I'd take this.
  2. Only 7 strings? I must assume this is a child's bass... REAL bassists play at least an 8 or 9 string. True bassists play a 10 strings. 😜 *Runs away and hides under the stairs*
  3. John made me a replacement cable for a Line6 G50 wireless system - excellent customer service! Would happily buy from again, another credit to Basschat!
  4. Had some excellent service from one of our own recently - @Chienmortbb He made me a replacement cable for a Line6 G50 wireless system - I'd foolishly ordered a slightly incorrect spec, John was kind enough to re-make another cable in the correct spec and send it off to me. Top marks there for great customer service!
  5. @paulysainte I might have an old set of strings from Binky (my 10 string bass) hiding in some deep dark drawer somewhere... the F# would be around a .180 gauge. If I can find the old set im happy to send it to you so you can experiment with different thicknesses. Although I've just seen that your location is set to 'Wisconsin' so postage might need to be covered if you want them!!
  6. I've had a couple of these heads in the past, they're absolutely excellent. Coupled with the pedal they basically give you everything you could ever need and more in a relatively tiny package!
  7. I had one of these with a 4x8 and 2x8 superfly cabs AGES ago... genuinely was a great rig and a bit of a game-changer at the time in terms of lightweight rigs.
  8. I'd be interested in that GTBD7 should you be in the market to sell!
  9. I suspect not. Reading a fair chunk of the 'fine print' by clicking accept you've given them licence to access anything and everything they can gleam from you and can now sell it all to a myriad of different, mostly nefarious, companies.
  10. Warwick have great customer services. I've had a few back and forths with Hans P Wilfer over the years about a few different things - he always responds quickly and is always helpful. A sad rarity these days.
  11. Seems that a lot of us are happy to consider changing our subscription charges in order to financially float the site and to avoid banners/ads/ezoics etc. Is this not a viable option?
  12. I'm not sure the powers that be particularly care about our collective resistance to this - I think the want to monetize the site is taking preference over and above what is a relatively small vocal minority.
  13. You're right - its moved up. I wasn't aware that this area of the forum can change the order of posts... I've withdrawn my prior comments accordingly. Lesson learnt!
  14. Seems that way. I think I'll follow the example @Dad3353has set and remove myself from this site until @Kiwi can get this sorted or @dewww can confirm why Ezoics appears to us all as a very dishonest organisation. Its an absolute shame that the site is going through this - if Kiwi could tell us what the cost of membership would need to be to sever ties with Ezoics and any other such partner that is clearly totally self-serving to the point of being morally questionable (at best) it would be appreciated. We're a community here, I'm sure as a community we can cover the costs of floating the site - to become a cooperative of sorts. I look forward to signing back in in a few days to hopefully see either some questions answered, or ties severed with Ezoics.
  15. @dewww - can you please clarify this? Can you clearly advise whether we NEED to tick every box to refuse consent or, as is very much implied, do we leave the box unticked to refuse consent?
  16. I can only assume that if the box is unticked, then you're not providing them data. If it's anything other than that then I'd argue its false representation and bordering on illegal practices. The box is empty with the word 'consent' next to it so for me the only way to interpret that is that if I tick it, I consent, if I don't tick it, I haven't consented.
  17. It's all purposefully obfuscatory language which is an attempt to confuse people into simply accepting. That behaviour is not something that the Basschat majority conform to so shouldn't be subjected to. 'This vendor stores cookies for up to 31536000 seconds'. They can also refresh that expiration once you've 'accepted' so that 1 year initial storage time is essentially moot. @Kiwi - Ezoics clearly are not a company who's morale compass points in the same direction at Basschat. There must be a better way? What do our yearly subscriptions need to be in order for Basschat to not need to partner with the devil?
  18. I use BC on my phone, not on a desktop so I guess that rules me out of the above. Also, we shouldn't have to do this! No other site I visit has this level of interruption from cookies. There are only 2 criteria I think we would all ask for: 1: An ability to easily reject all cookies by clicking a button that says 'reject all'. 2: To not have something track us on EVERY page saying 'Privacy'. I know nothing about the deployment of this kind of thing, but it would seem the two above criteria are both obvious and morally correct.
  19. Again, there's no 'reject cookies' button, and for the layman, no concise and clear instruction on how to reject cookies which continues to be disappointing and not in line with what I believe are our collective basschat morales, but it is an improvement at least on the 'Got It' we had before... However, I am now seeing a tab on the left had side of every basschat page I navigate to that says 'Privacy'. How do I get rid of this? It might be minor, but having it follow me everywhere on the site is completely unnecessary and quite annoying.
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