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Everything posted by Machines

  1. I'd love to do a review for you Dave, the VTX-400 would probably suit me best. I'm not in a buying position at the moment but it would be a bit of an insight for people who are. Let me know if you're interested. Matt
  2. Yep.. a bit like a Fender Squier.
  3. All StingRays are active, SUBs can be either.
  4. [url="http://www.stringbusters.com"]http://www.stringbusters.com[/url] are cheapest for me.
  5. I like them - have got some chromes (50-105) on my Jazz at the moment and usually put XLs (45-105) on the StingRay. I used to use Prosteels all the time but did find them quite coarse on the fingers plus they seemed to not have the same life that the XLs do.
  6. I've played Kev's TRB a few times and it's lovely. Kev you should put the video up from the BBC recording for people to see it .
  7. You know i'd relieve you of the TRB if I could .
  8. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ASHDOWN-ABM-500-WATT-BASS-AMPLIFIER_W0QQitemZ140206584694QQihZ004QQcategoryZ58719QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ASHDOWN-ABM-500-WATT...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] Cheap as chips when you can knock up a surround for it pretty cheaply.
  9. Um I don't think the trade would be for JUST a cable ! I reckon he'll expect some cash too.
  10. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  11. I don't think they're particularly different to a normal Fender machine head bar the MusicMan logo..
  12. The newer ones are riveted on so it isn't as easy.
  13. [quote name='Danny' post='137738' date='Feb 10 2008, 06:31 PM']I've always wanted to know what the string spacing at the bridge is on these basses, any idea?[/quote] They're pretty close, I reckon no more than 17mm.
  14. It's always the same - a great solo sound rarely fits into a band. It's sometimes the case that a bad solo sound somehow just works in the full mix.. I pretty much do what David Nimrod does - my EQ is basically flat, but I boost high mids / treble about half way to full with my StingRay and leave it flat for the Jazz.
  15. Thumbs up for Sandberg from me. I'd love a Basic KT5 or Cali P 5.. Have played a few in PMT in Birmingham and have always been impressed.
  16. I share your pain.. having tried tonyf's ASAT a couple of days ago I want one. A L2500 would suit me fantastically.. Do it !
  17. Knowing my luck i'll win my own contribution .
  18. You won't be able to run both outputs into one cab as it'd likely blow it up. Getting 2 x 4ohm cabs looks like your best bet since it's dual channel. I'm not 100% on this but if you email Guy at Ashdown he can tell you for sure [url="http://www.ashdownmusic.com/tech/tech_service.asp"]http://www.ashdownmusic.com/tech/tech_service.asp[/url]
  19. Sounds like another GAS victim to me :brow:. Are you happy with the Zephyr ? If not why not ? The Squier VM Jazz is a good bass, a decent alternative to a MIM Jazz I believe, whether it's a positive or just a side stepping move I can't tell you.
  20. I'll chuck in a Daphon Delay pedal.
  21. Deal with Ashdown directly - it'll cut out the messing with the shop. Martin Burrows is very helpful.
  22. My Dad has a Gould 335 copy which is very nice - looks like a bargain.
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