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Everything posted by NJE

  1. This all sounds like like witchcraft and wizardry. The Devils work, basses with no pickups is absurd, its just not right I tell you! Seriously though I have long been interested in these basses and this technology but yet to try a bass out. A friend of mine saw a bass player in London playing a Sei with this system and he said the sound was fantastic and he managed to get a very upright type sound out of it which was interesting. When I get home I shall enjoy watching that review.
  2. [quote name='chrisd24' post='807710' date='Apr 15 2010, 10:00 PM']Fender Kingman, not exactly high end but plays pretty nice , and sounds good plugged in or acoustic....and the neck is basically a jazz neck[/quote] +1 Not sure if these come with pickup inside or anything but I played one and was one of the best acoustic basses I have played. Saying that if I had the cash, Rob Allen or for a smaller budget an Epiphone Zenith, people seem to be saying very good things about them: [attachment=47791:67329_l.jpg]
  3. Another for DONT POP! When I started I used to get them often after long practices and hot, sweaty, humid gigs. The blister will heal well if not popped and will harden very quickly and will very quickly become less sore. The body will reabsorb it and it all helps build up the hard skin on your fingers. Things that helped me get past this sort of thing were: 1. Turning up the backline so there is less need to play hard to be heard 2. Try and practice more regulalry rather than play for 5-6 hours and then do nothing for a week like I used to. 3. Keep a towel handy (I use beer towels and coincidentally have a BASS mild one) first to dry any sweat of your hands and also handy for wiping the bass clean. 4. If sweat and moisture is the problem try those tennis sweatband things. I had one for my old rock band and it stops a lot of sweat getting to my bass and fingers. I find superglue makes my fingers feel numb and not connected to the strings when I have used it in the past but know a few people who swear by it.
  4. This is a real stunner, and like everyone else I am suprised it is still here. I would give anything for it but unfortunately all I have is a Overwater and about 70p Good luck.
  5. The Jazz looks interesting but I would like to see a 5. Is it just me or does the headstock look like a 4 string Lakland? Unfortunately the others are really not appealing and the headstock design goes down as one of the ugliest I have seen IMHO. Its a real shame I was hoping these would be really special, no doubt they will play very well like everything else I have played with Overwater on the heads, but they just dont have the aesthetic appeal of every other Overwater I have seen and nowhere near as eye catching as the lines on a Progress.
  6. Oh man, I really want a second Overwater and this might be a good option, Cant wait to see these when they are released. Anyone got any better pictures, One very excited person here.
  7. Hello, I have a Line 6 Toneport UX1 USB interface for sale. Its about 2 years old but hardly used and in great condition. I will pop some pictures up when I get home tonight but no marks, and comes with all the cables and disks. I dont think I have the box anymore but it will be very well packed. Brilliant simple interface with XLR and Instrument in and works well with Vista and OSX. I have been running it into Logic and Garage band (when I have had the time) and it is very quiet and gives a good signal I inteneded to do loads of recording when I bought my Mac but I just havent done much and decided recording isnt really my thing. I figured I may as well use any funds for other things. One of these sold recently for £45 so I think that is a fair price (now £40) as the new ones are about £99 online. Make me an offer if you are not happy with the price, and happy to take paypal. I also have some feedback somewhere on here, so buy with confidence. All the best, Nathan [i]Edit: As promised below are the pictures. I also forgot to mention that this also comes with Line 6 Gear Box which does all the amp and bass amp simulation like other Line 6 gear and Ableton Live Lite recording software (Mac and Windows compatible) so you could get started recording straight away with just this bundle.[/i] [attachment=44986:Line_6.jpg] [attachment=44987:line_6_2.jpg]
  8. NJE

    Mac ponderings

    I will echo everyone else on the Garageband front. Its a superb bit of software and is capable of some good results. As mentioned it is also compatible with logic so if you ever decide to upgrade you can take your files with you. I used to have a Mac mini before they switched to the Intel processors and could run some pretty big files on garageband but obviously if you start running Logic and plug-ins it will slow down. I have no idea what the new ones are like but they look pretty powerful now so i am sure you will not have any problems if you buty a new one. After my MacMini I bought a PowerMac G5 Dual Core. It is a non Intel version but I upgraded it to 6GB RAM and it runs like a dream. I currently have Logic Pro 8 installed and runa few plug-ins and use some large files on Garageband and it doesnt even flinch. The new Mac Pros are really expensive so I would see about picking up a New Mac Mini, or get a Dual Core G5. You can get some good deals on them on ebay, I was looking the other day as I want to sell mine (need a laptop as I move around a lot) Interface wise decide what you need liek do you need midi, do you need phantom power for mics, how many tracks will you record at the same time? If you just want to lay vocals down and then guitar and build up track by track Line 6 make a UX1 I think which is good and not too expensive. The Apogee One and Duet is also VERY good but quite expensive.
  9. I now have that picture on page one as my home screen image on my Blackberry, looks amazing! ha ha. Not sure about the Badass fit, I just like the look of badass bridges to be honest no real reason other than that. I think they have gone bust now anyway havent they? I am sure I read that somewhere. I think a Jazz pickup would be the order of the day for me as well though and a nice chrome cover over the pickup. I really want one now, major GAS!
  10. AH CRAP! another bass on the want list now. I suppose its more achievable than a Sei Jazz 5 but still a couple of hundred pound more than I have. I have always wanted a Pino style Precision and if the other squiers are anything to go by this should be awesome. Slap a badass on there with a Jazz pickup at the bridge and that would be just what I am after at the moment. Another great bass from Squier.
  11. I would agree, dont do it, it wont be a stingray. I have a Aguilar Pre in one of my basses and it isn't that great. People don't usually mod stingrays, they don't really need it and if the sound isn't right for you maybe try another MusicMan model or a different bass IMHO.
  12. DO IT!!!! ha ha That is a great price and if your sale will cover most of it then brilliant. For what its worth I think the facing is really nice, there is a good contrast between the back and top, I think its stunning. I have a Progress 5 string and absolutely love it in every way, the Overwate r neck-throughs are beautiful and the access up the dusty end is fantatsic. My progress and I went through a small slump in the relationship recently and I was looking at other basses, but after practice last night I could not be happier it was just perfect. Its a bargain DO IT!!!!
  13. I too am an addict and I loves it! To be fair though, I know so many people who spend all their free time on bloody facebook joining stupid clubs and finding out what their best friends little sisters boyfriends cat did today. Personally anyone I like I speak to regulalry on the phone, so I spend my time on BassChat rather than brain rotting Facebook. It's informative, funny it keeps my mind in a good place and stops me getting depressed in an office job, and there are some quality bargains to be had daily. Its so good they should prescribe BassChat on th NHS along with country walks in the sunshine. Edit: Spelling
  14. If it's any help at all I have played a couple of these and they are really good basses, a real step up from the normal Mexican made stuff. The ones I played were very well built and had a real nice feel and were really not far of a Geddy Lee the shop had in which was a couple of hundred pound more new. Like any Fender (well any bass for that matter) pick carefully, Fender particulalrly can sometimes be inconsistant, I have played some stunners and some real dogs in the past, so try find somehwere with a few in stock and pick the best. I dont think you will go wrong with on though and good for modding
  15. Thanks again for the feedback. The more I hear that the Skylines are reasonablty close to the US in terms of feel, the more I am put off even trying one. I don't like the neck profile on the Skyline 55-02 or the satin feel so I doubt the 55-94 is what I am after, Think I will stick with the Overwater after all. Off topic slightly but another thing I literally just found out is that Lakland don't actually make their own bodies and necks even for the USA models. Now I know there has been some talk of other companies having another party make the basic parts (Sadowsky NYC models to name one) and I know they do amazing finishing work and produce amazing instruments, but it takes away a bit of the romance for me when the bass is not actually made by the company. I suppose a small requirement for me at that price point would be a handmade instrument. You take Overwater, Sei, Shuker, MTD they all make their own stuff and thats what makes them special to me. Sorry off topic and not meant to insult any companies or owners, I am just slightly suprised.
  16. Thanks for the links, I did a pre post search but must have bypassed one of those threads because it was about the Glaub, intersting now I have read it though. I think the posts I have read seem to confirm my thoughts that the Skyline is not far off the USA and that the woods and build are slightly better but they are quite similar. If the necks and feel of the instrument are similar then I think I might have to leave it. I was slightly reluctant about the satin neck (I hate them) and if the USA models still have a similar feel with angular fretboard but just with nicer neck woods, then maybe its not for me. I might still try and give it ago but just trying to get an informed idea of what it will be like beforehand. Thanks for the comments so far.
  17. Hello, I may have an opportunity to aquire a Lakland 55-94 and I was just wondering what Basschatters thoughts were. How do they compare to the skylines in terms of playability, and do the necks differ at all? I have played a few 55-02 Skylines in the past and quite like them although the necks just didn't really do it for me. To me the necks just felt a bit cheap and I found them quite chunky and angular if that doesnt sound too odd. If I take it any further I will get the chance to try before I buy but I just want to get an idea of what to expect. Has anyone owned or played both USA and Skyline? Is there a real difference? Any help gratefully received. Nathan
  18. [quote name='Russ' post='761867' date='Mar 2 2010, 02:51 PM']There's an amazing 5-string Sei Jazz there in Candy Apple Red, with an ebony fingerboard and blocks, with Basslines pickups. Give that one a go, you'll be blown away. HUGE sound. [/quote] I have just had a look at it, stunning! just a little bit out of my budget. I emailed and asked for a rough Idea on the value of my Overwater as a trade and I would need about 1k on top Ah well keep saving, one day, it will be mine, oh yes......
  19. [quote name='Russ' post='761094' date='Mar 1 2010, 07:40 PM']I ordered my next Sei a couple of weekends ago. It's going to be a 5-string Jazz, with a lightweight ash body, maple neck with ebony 24-fret fingerboard and block inlays, a very pretty spalted maple top, black hardware, Nordstrand MM3.1 pickups and a John East circuit (with the EQ curves set up to match a Music Man). It is going to cost a pretty penny, but Martin's lead time is currently about 12-14 months, so that's plenty of time to save up. He's also got my singlecut 5 in there at the moment for a tune-up and active circuit replacement. Seriously, you can't go wrong with a Sei.[/quote] Oh very very jealous, I was dreaming about my very own custom build the other night and was deliberating whether I would have Maple or Ebony board. Ebony with blocks is going to look so sharp. There is actually a used fretted 5 Sei Jazz with ebony board at the Gallery at the moment and I look at it every day. [quote name='7string' post='761409' date='Mar 2 2010, 12:44 AM']That's sounds great. Sei's are great used buys and pretty reasonable too considering.[/quote] There are a couple of used Sei Jazzes at the Gallery now and they are very well priced. I am seriously tempted by two of them. I have had quite a few basses over the years but ever since I picked up Bassist magazine 10 years ago when I started playing and saw a Sei Jazz in an advert I knew that was the bass for me. I need to do something about getting one soon.
  20. Hello, Not a stock passive but a Squier Deluxe Active Jazz V comes in all black pretty much, great five string and extremely well built. you can get them very cheap and It would take a very minor amount of work to make it passive and you may still have change left from £250. I was going to convert mine to passive but elected to have a passive switch fitted to the electronics. Cant rave about mine enough and use it probably slightly more than my Overwater sadly.
  21. Hi, I dont know it it will be any help but I had a stingray with an unfinished neck and like OutToPlayJazz absolutely hated it (the neck that is) I did some searching and found out that MusicMan reccommend the use of Birchwood Casey Tru-Oil and Tru-Wax? I bought some for about £10 and very lightly sanded out the dirty marks on the neck and then applied several coast of Tru-Oil lighlty sanding back each time. The oil goes quite hard in the end and creates a lovely semi-gloss kind of satin feel. It seals the wood so it doesn't get dirt in and also really made the maple neck pop out. I then finished with the wax and I have never played a neck like it since apart from a GB spitfire. It was stunning by the end. You just have to be quite brave when doing it. I did it with help from my dad many years ago who is a carpenter and he said if he messed it up he would pay for the Gallery to fix it or pay for a new neck. Hope it helps.
  22. [quote name='7string' post='760266' date='Feb 28 2010, 10:46 PM']You should have a look at the [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=586388"]Sei Owners Club[/url] on Talkbass. More Sei loveliness and discussion await.[/quote] I know that thread far too well I love these basses so very much, trying at the moment to get some funds together for a second hand Jazz 5. I would love a custom built one day but a bit out of my price bracket at the moment. For now a second hand jazz would be more than enough to keep me happy.
  23. I remeber staying with my best friend who is a guitarist at his Uni house. We had a bit of a jam one night and had a few beers and then slumped over in drunkeness and he forgot to turn off his epiphone 335 and marshall. At about 3 in morning for some reason unknown to either of us his 335 suddenly decided to pick up radio clear as a bell. Now I have to mention at this point neither of us knew guitars could pick up radio and had never even heard of this happening. Unfortunately the guitar didn't pick up chill out music or radio 1, it was some American preacher screaming about debauchery, overindulgence and burning in hell for your sins etc. Basically we both sh*t ourselves as it was so loud and thought god was talking to us through his amplifier. Not fun after a night on the stella, but good times none the less.
  24. So, not that I needed much convincing that a Sei Jazz is my ideal dream bass after reading through this thread, but two things have made my GAS worse recently. The first was the article in Bass Guitar Magazine which I think I read about 5 times and the second was me mooching around on the Gallery and Sei websites earlier where I saw two stunning examples of their work. I hope nobody minds me posting these, neither are mine unfortunately but I had to share, I could look at these things for hours. I just need to sell some gear to buy one for myself now. [attachment=43756:seijazz50hs.jpg] [attachment=43752:Sei_B.jpg] [attachment=43754:seijazz50bk.jpg] [attachment=43757:Sei_Jaz.jpg] [attachment=43758:seijazz7bk.jpg]
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