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Everything posted by NJE

  1. Thanks for the PM's and trade offers everyone. Managed to sort out an excellent trade and this went to its new home today. I am sad to see it go but very excited about its replacement, roll on tuesday.
  2. WOW!!! I mean seriously WOW. He is just phenominal. I have to admit to not having heard of him but I do remeber commenting to a friend a while back about Jay Z's drummer. Thanks for posting the vids new and old up, really put a smile on my face. It also depresses me a little because I know I will never play with a drummer like that.
  3. NJE

    She's a star!

    My missus is sharp as a razor blade and knows models and makes, I couldn't hide anything from her (not that I would want to of course ) Although she doesnt encourage me to keep buying and selling she does get caught up in the excitement of potential trades and when new guitars are arriving. The first thing she said to me this morning was "new bass day tomorrow" bless her. I think my worst missed opportunity was the last time I was at Bass Direct. After talking to mark I was convinced about going back to 5 string and the missus agreed. I played a few basses but the one that caught my eye was a White Nordy 5 Jazz. I loved it but reluctantly put it back on the wall and just left with a bag. We hit the road and were almost home and she was all quiet in the car and after a while I said "whats wrong" she replied "oh nothing, I just thought we were going to get a new bass, we should have bought the Nordy" I replied "I can't afford it thought" she replied "we could have put it on my card" gutted, opportunity missed.
  4. Because of some work and finance problems I have very reluctantly put this up for trade. I need a bass to replace it, so I know its a long shot but I would like to potentially do a trade with some cash my way to help my situation out. As the title says this is a Overwater Progress III Deluxe 5. It was made in 2002 and is 36” scale length with 24 frets, it has an American walnut body with burr maple top and matching headstock. The B is frighteningly good and tight and having gone from 34" to the 36" I can honestly say that I barely noticed any difference. It must be something to do with the ergonomics but it doesn't feel a long reach at all and I find it easier to play than my best friends 35" Lakland 55-05. It has a couple of very small marks but no big dings or loss of finish etc and has been very well looked after. It is quite simply the most beautiful bass I have ever played and owned rivaled only by a GB Spitfire I played several years ago. It plays like a dream and the build quality is stunning, I shall be sad to see it go. As I said it might be a real long shot but I would love to do a trade with some cash my way and am ideally looking for something like: MusicMan Stingray / Sterling Fender Jazz G&L Lakland JO It doesn't have to be a 5 string and to be honest I would consider almost anything so please feel free to PM me with any questions you have and any potential trades. Here are some recent and older pics from previous owner (hope you don't mind) [attachment=50496:Overwater_4.jpg] [attachment=50497:Overwater_6.jpg] [attachment=50498:Overwater_3.jpg] [attachment=50499:Overwater_7.jpg] [attachment=50501:IMG_2485.JPG] [attachment=50502:IMG_2500.JPG] [attachment=50503:IMG_2483_1.JPG]
  5. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='837165' date='May 14 2010, 02:05 PM']Good news or bad news? The good news is that the neck pup rout is pup shaped.... ... the bad news is that there is a bloody great hole under the p/g for the CNC whatsit. So it's a no go on the no p/g I'm afraid. Mine again - after I shielded it out. [/quote] oh no what a shame, why do they do it, silly Fender. Got to say though, still not 100% put off, its a fine looking bass.
  6. These are fantastic basses and although I only did a very quick comparison (i didnt look too much at the build) this played equally as good if not slightly better than a Geddy Lee the shop had, much nicer neck for me anyway. Quick question for those who own these, do they have the big routing around the neck pickup and throught to the control plate like some MIM Jazz Basses do, or is it a nice neat route just for the pickup? I am interested as I really fancy a sunburst one with no pickguard for a kind of Jaco look, they just look great in sunburts without the guard for some reason.
  7. That is amazing! What an amazing story and as said previously even if only a fraction is true its still a good read. i have got this saved, will be amazing to see what it goes for. I look at shiny new fancy basses like Sei and Overwater and think thats for me, but when I see a lovely vintage fender I think "now thats where my money should be spent". I now have serious GAS for an old Jazz or P.
  8. [quote name='Spoombung' post='832883' date='May 10 2010, 10:45 AM'][/quote] That will be ok, its got 'mojo' new bridge and a good setup I have been on a mission to try and find a picture pre fire but no luck so far. Even found a MusicMan website with rare basses and it wasnt on there. Saw a very cool sterling made for Nine Inch Nails though.
  9. Sandberg made a 2 string bass which I saw in an old issue of BGM or BP. Full size body I think, looked very odd. Also remeber Tony Levin's 3 string Stingray? I have been trying to find a picture of it for ages but I seem to remeber it got caught up in a house fire he had.
  10. If I had an Aguilar rig I doubt I would have GAS either . I guess a lot of people on here aspire to that level of amplififcation and I suppose thats what causes the Amp GAS. Its nice to be able to go out straight away and get the best you can but my life with basses and amps has been one of slowly trading in and upgrading bit by bit. I have a good sound and good gear but I GAS for more power and lighter smaller cabs rather than anything that will make me sound better (that would take some sort of magic or witchcraft). I just cant afford my ideal setup of two Berg 1x12 cabs and an Aguilar and Epifani Head.
  11. Converted to mid boosting years ago, it is the only way to be heard in a band mix. Years ago I used to have a 2 band Stingray and I boosted the bass and treble and then had a 'smiley' EQ on my trace......what was I thinking.
  12. Hello, I am going to put a call/email in to Overwater at some point but I was wondering if anyone on here had any experience with the Old and New EQ's in Overwaters? From What I understand there have been two incarnations of the EQ and the older models have a slightly less agressive and less extreme EQ. My progress is about 8 years old and as much as I love it I do find it a little 'polite' and was wondering if the EQ had anything to do with this as I have the older version of the circuit. I know that they will fit the new EQ in older basses but I was wondering what it sounded like in comparison, has anyone owned both or played side by side? I just want something with a bit more growl and punch if possible. As I said I will probably call someone at Overwater in the next couple of days but thought it was worth an ask on here. Many thanks, Nathan
  13. [quote name='ziggydolphinboy' post='822395' date='Apr 28 2010, 08:10 PM']WOW that is gorgeous , i want one now!!!!! to go with my baby.[/quote] Hello, thats a bit special isn't it, I have wanted a flamboyant headless 6 since I first saw Dave Marks with one years ago, that is lovely.
  14. After reading about the system Nino Valenti had going on I seriously looked into doing a similar thing to what he does. Essentially get someone to CNC manufacture bodies and necks to my shape (like USA custom guitars) and the idea was that I would have two stock body and neck shapes for a 4 string and then two bodies and one neck for 5 string. I would then in theory offer a pallette of colours and then let the end user customise pickups, preamp, and hardware to an extent, so basically use the big players like, East, Bart, Aguilar for preamps and then Delano, EMG, Dimarzio etc for pickups and ABM, Schaller,Hipshiot for hardware. It would be a sort of kit that would need to be assembled and wired up and set up but there would be minimum woodwork involved similar to what Valenti does (from what I have read). Its a good idea but using named parts is expensive and you would need to do some bulk purchases to bring costs down. Its a nice idea but as someone said you would need to charge more than your avergae Squier if you wanted to put quality parts on and who would takle a punt on a expensive bass made by a unknown brand when you can get a good Jazz from John Shukers Stock page for £950 and get some brilliant basses for less than that secondhand. I still might do it for myself though and see how the process works. My friend wants me to build him a bass too.
  15. Just picked up this months, Gail Anne Dorsey on the cover, cant wait to have a read tonight with my feet up and a brew! W&T Ergon on review looks tasty too. I bloomin love this magazine.
  16. I am really envious of Bilbo and others who are completely happy with one bass and have no need for anything else. I have to admit there was that rock star part of my brain that wanted a room filled with loads of guitars and basses but for the last few years I have just been trying to find one bass I am just extremely happy with. I dont really want 4 or 5 different basses, just one that will do most things and give me some options and feel right in my hands. I have two basses at the moment and am 99% happy with my Overwater as my no.1. I also have a good Squier that my girlfriend bought me which I could never sell, but most of the time the Overwater is all I use. Its all about smaller, lighter and more powerful amps now so not GAS free yet.
  17. If you aere running Mac have a look at Apogee stuff, they do two 'cheaper' model the 'One' and 'Duet'. I think the Duet may work on PC but the 'One' is Mac only. I bought a Apogee one and am so impressed with its simplicity and quality.
  18. Wow, some of you guys have some serious bass related issues! ha ha fascinating reading but I dont even come close to some of the leaders. Bafore Basschat, BassTalk etc (over about 7 years): Yamaha RBX 260 Squier Silver Series Jazz Vintage Stingray 5 Copy Fender USA Precision Ibanez ATK 305 Tanglewood Rebel Fretless MusicMan Stingray 4 Since Basschat etc (about 3 years ish) Warwick Streamer Pro M Fender Roscoe Beck V Fender CIJ 64 Reissue Overwater Progress III Squier Deluxe Active Jazz Thats actually quite reasonable although my girlfriend would completely disagree. Only Got the Overwater and Squier Deluxe now so doing ok but thats only because I dont have a lot of money, there would be at least 6 more basses on there if I earnt even a little bit more cash.
  19. I completely agree, I always used to discredit "pop" music when I was younger but now I find some of the best song writing, musicianship and production can be found on thi stype of pop tune. With regards to the bass playing I think a lot of it is synth keyboard bass rather than a live player but I could be wrong. However its recorded bass player or keyboards its all good. I love a lot of the production on Beyonce records and its amazing seeing it being reproduced by a real live band. With regards to Toxic if you like a bit or rock its well worth checking out the A Static Lullaby cover, its a bit of fun.
  20. Streamer! Much prettier basses in my opinion and I loved the one I had, great balance and great build and very comfortable. Corvettes look a bit silly to me and as my good friend and guitrist once said about a Corvette "that top horn looks like a dildo" not how I would have phrased it but then guitarists arent usually known for their subtleness. To be honest both great basses and warwick are usually superb so its just down to trying a couple and picking which one you personally prefer the look and sound of.
  21. NJE

    obbm's feedback

    Bought a new cable from Dave a week or two ago and just wanted to say how good the service, product and price was. I think it was made and sent ou the day I ordered it and I know it sounds sad but its a lovely looking lead. Finally get to use it tonight! Cheers, Nathan
  22. This all sounds like like witchcraft and wizardry. The Devils work, basses with no pickups is absurd, its just not right I tell you! Seriously though I have long been interested in these basses and this technology but yet to try a bass out. A friend of mine saw a bass player in London playing a Sei with this system and he said the sound was fantastic and he managed to get a very upright type sound out of it which was interesting. When I get home I shall enjoy watching that review.
  23. [quote name='chrisd24' post='807710' date='Apr 15 2010, 10:00 PM']Fender Kingman, not exactly high end but plays pretty nice , and sounds good plugged in or acoustic....and the neck is basically a jazz neck[/quote] +1 Not sure if these come with pickup inside or anything but I played one and was one of the best acoustic basses I have played. Saying that if I had the cash, Rob Allen or for a smaller budget an Epiphone Zenith, people seem to be saying very good things about them: [attachment=47791:67329_l.jpg]
  24. Another for DONT POP! When I started I used to get them often after long practices and hot, sweaty, humid gigs. The blister will heal well if not popped and will harden very quickly and will very quickly become less sore. The body will reabsorb it and it all helps build up the hard skin on your fingers. Things that helped me get past this sort of thing were: 1. Turning up the backline so there is less need to play hard to be heard 2. Try and practice more regulalry rather than play for 5-6 hours and then do nothing for a week like I used to. 3. Keep a towel handy (I use beer towels and coincidentally have a BASS mild one) first to dry any sweat of your hands and also handy for wiping the bass clean. 4. If sweat and moisture is the problem try those tennis sweatband things. I had one for my old rock band and it stops a lot of sweat getting to my bass and fingers. I find superglue makes my fingers feel numb and not connected to the strings when I have used it in the past but know a few people who swear by it.
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