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Everything posted by Supernaut

  1. Using Dunlop Flats. Excellent flats that have their own unique sound.
  2. I've heard the Boss Metal Zone with a Line 6 Spider is an awesome combination used by countless professionals.
  3. Don't record your part and then clear off down the pub!
  4. Active basses. They sound inherently scooped. IMO
  5. I fully recommend Dunlop Flatwounds. Great all purpose flat with exceptional playability.
  6. Does anyone know of a drop in replacement pickguard for the Precision basses? Fancy changing the gold anodized guard for a more traditional version.
  7. I usually record bass with the drums, live in the room. Can't explain why but I've always preferred doing this over doing it separately.
  8. I stand by my statement. Controversial, sure. But the point remains - a bass is supposed to be played. Not put in a glass cabinet.
  9. If you're buying a bass for investment purposes then you're not a bass player.
  10. My Precision has scratchy pots so I'm hoping some contact cleaner should do the trick. Can anyone recommend one? Thanks.
  11. If I'm ever in Milwaukee again, I will give you a shout.
  12. Collection only or YOU can arrange a courier.
  13. D'Addario get a good rep: https://www.amazon.co.uk/DAddario-Bass-Guitar-Strings-Intonation/dp/B0002H04NE/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?crid=1BYR6KZ0B02V0&keywords=d'addario+45-100&qid=1700755470&sprefix=d'addario+45-100%2Caps%2C71&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1 Ernie Ball too: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ernie-Ball-Regular-Slinky-Nickel/dp/B0002M6BDQ/ref=mp_s_a_1_17?crid=24MSWAEIL88XO&keywords=sit%2Bbass%2Bstrings&qid=1700755620&sprefix=sit%2Bbass%2Caps%2C79&sr=8-17&th=1&psc=1
  14. Wow, the mythical Tayste 2000. All we need now is fellow OG, Toasted, and the thread is complete. I'm currently using Pure Nickel strings which are a little brighter than flatwounds but very close.
  15. Has anyone compared the SolidGoldFX Beta to the Germanium version?
  16. I have heard the MojoMojo is similar to the Blueberry and it does have a treble control to brighten things up...
  17. The barstaff, security, sound person, cleaners etc. all get paid so why not the band? F pay to play venues.
  18. Get yourself a new set of strings and I think you'll hear the difference immediately. Here you go: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Rotosound-Nickel-Hybrid-Roundwound-Strings/dp/B001PKLKC6/ref=mp_s_a_1_15?crid=AVUNBWXRYGVE&keywords=bass+strings&qid=1700583349&sprefix=bass+strings%2Caps%2C76&sr=8-15
  19. Don't forget Bass Bros just down the road too.
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