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Everything posted by bassbluestew

  1. I got mine from Sound Control, maybe worth trying Reverb or whatever they're called. I would say it's deffo worth holding out to get one. Mine has done upwards of 300 flights and is still going strong. In that time my guitarist chum has had to spend about £500 on repairs to his vintage Tele including a heartbraking neck snap that could NOT have been done by accident - he nows takes a Squire abroad. My only, and I mean only, complaint is that because the are angled at the bottom they are a bit awkward to stand with in long check in queues, I put it on a trolley and it's fine. A very minor niggle, and I certainly wouldn't use another case because of it. Stewart
  2. And up she goes.................. Help me out here guys, any idea why this ain't going?? It's a cracking bass, and considering condition and it comes with the original case, I don't think it's too bad a price ?? I stand to be corrected though. Is it just that not everyone realises G&L was Leo Fenders last company before he departed this mortal coil ? Am thinking of relisting with some serious G&L background info. Could be the curse of the relatively unknown maker ?? Stewart
  3. A certain someone looking for a super Jazz, you old fox........................... Unfortunately haven't sold the G&L yet much to my amazement, really don't want to ebay it, so no movement here yet ( and no reply to my email yet - you know THAT one !!!! ) Good luck for a cracking looking bass, S
  4. As Monz says if it were only a 5'er, we'd be stripped to the waist scrapping for it. And I don't eve like Statii, but that's just plain gorgeous. Have a bump ! S
  5. Hi Rich, It most certainly is, and IF I can find it I even have a nice wee certificate with Leo's widows signature on it ( IF I can find it mind.... ) If I didn't think the time was right for my once in a lifetime bass purchase I woldn't have sold my Bongo and be selling this too. Although SWMBO says I AWLAYS say I'm gonna keep things forever, I did remind her politely I have kept her longer than any bass I own !!!! The bruises are subsiding and I can just about walk unaided again.................... S
  6. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  7. Noooooooooo, don't say this guys. If I can get sell my lovely G&L ( not interested in p/ex ?? ), my Series 6 Trace Rig, a Basson B210B cab, and a kidney ( joking ) I should just about be able to make a very good offer on this. So please don't tell him to keep it, please. Stewart
  8. Phil, Repeat after me, [b]Dear Mr Bank Manager, I simply MUST liberate this fine instrument from BBStew. It's a beauty, no honest it is. So if you'd be good enough to arrange to deposit £750 ( or very close to it ) into my account which I shall then pass onto BBStew , I'd be grateful, Yours Mr TheBassist.[/b] That should help I'm sure !!!!! And thanks to Josh for leaping to my defense, a true knigh in shining doo dah...... Stewart
  9. Quick BUMP for Colin, top bloke to deal with. And has a ceilidh band with the BEST name....................ask him !! And then buy his bass. Stewart
  10. [b]B[/b]ack [b]U[/b]p [b]M[/b]y [b]P[/b]recious Bongo now gone, thanks Colin, but can't seriously buy new bass till this goes. Very close cash offers invited. Remember I have some cash and am looking to trade up. Things I'm particularly interested in are, Smith, Jazz style Sei / Overwater, och you know the sort of thing, a quality keeper. Must be a fiver, unless of course its a very nice old 'Ray or Fender. Cash waiting for the right bass !! S
  11. Sure I can't tempt you with a trade for my gorgeous G&L and some cash your way ?? Cash waiting....................go on go on go on, S
  12. Mr CK, Get your screwdriver out. Used one of your websites ( thanks for that ) - [quote]My IP address: 195.93.xxx.xxx IP Address Location: in United Kingdom ISP of this IP: America Online[/quote] I am still getting a problem, for example when I try to look at the Smith thread on the for sale forum. Many thanks for looking at this when I know you have more pressing personal issues going on ( redundancy etc ) Stewart
  13. If it's client side then why would it have started from nowhere. Nothing has been changed on the PC, nothing upgraded or added or removed, this error has just appeared from absolutely nowhere. CK, where can I find the IP address I have been assigned ? I'm using XP, via AOL and as I say nothing has been changed or upgraded since before this error appeared. I have tried logging off/on, shutting down and powering off and coming back on and I still get the error. It's just plain annoying. I regularly look at the for sale section and this has never happened before. Stewart
  14. I get the message - [quote]Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information. The error returned was: Sorry, you are not permitted to use this board You are not logged in, you may log in below[/quote] Even when I try to log in at this point ( although I am already logged in ) it still doesn't work !! S
  15. You know I had thought that, somehow she had managed to find out the basses I wanted to look at ( Smith on here a prime example ) and blocked it. Any ideas Mods ?? It seems its' not only me now. S
  16. And I happen to know a chap who's about to put a Series 6 rig ( pre Gibson and all that tosh ) consisting of an AH250 and a 115 and 210 cab up for sale. Old viynlylyly ( never could spell vinyl )covered gear, no fluffy coveres here, all in perfect working order. Very good deal to be had if yer quick. Stewart
  17. Thanks Bassaussie, just tried that with no luck. It's also happening to the odd PM reply too now. How strange. Not life threatening but feckin' annoyin' as I am actively looking for a new bass. Mr Phat.................??????????????? S
  18. Have tried that Ped, it's really frustrating will PM Phatmonkey, or maybe he'll see this. Stewart
  19. Mods, This has happened to me a few times, I've gone to look at a for sale item and it tells me I'm not allowed to look at it !!! AAAARRRRRGH. The mosr recent example is the Smith bass for sale, I might actually want to buy this. I should clarify it's only the odd thread it's happening with, and only in the for sale item. S
  20. You havin a laff, he's havin a laff..............within minutes of you posting one has appeared, now what are the chances of that !! S
  21. If only this had frets, I have a very nice G&L 5 string for sale, in Glasgow too. Stewart
  22. BUMP for new - very large - photos !! She IS a cracker guys. S
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