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Leonard Smalls

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Everything posted by Leonard Smalls

  1. Who knows! But our singer was meant to be getting married at the last Rebellion,so if it goes ahead this year we'll all be there as bridesmaids.
  2. You'll no doubt be either impressed or deeply appalled to hear that I managed to get 123dB peaks in my living room, using my hifi! It was uncomfortably loud, and I realise now it wasn't big, and it wasn't clever. Still got the same hifi, cos I just know...
  3. Motorhead at the ABC cinema in Chester when I were nobbut a lad... Swans at the Mean Fiddler (wot a bleedin racket!) Barf Roco in our living room in a housing co-op place in Vincent Square, Pimlico. In hindsight, 10kw PA with full backline and miced drums was a touch overkill in a 5x8m room... Riot police turned up, and somehow either Jimbob or Fruitbat (can't remember which!) from CarterUSM broke their arm falling down the stairs. Happy days!
  4. Especially for Doug I've done some weirdybeardyjazzyoddness... It's a celebration of the cheap Action Man substitute (Little Big Man) I got as a kid. It came with a parachute - song is in 3 parts as that's how many bit LBM broke into when I tested his 'chute! https://soundcloud.com/leonard-smalls/little-big-man (edited to add, strangely, it won't embed so link instead...)
  5. I didn't buy a Wal for its wonderful tone or playability- in the topsy turvy world of rock and roll, having a good solid piece of wood in your hand is quite often useful...
  6. My timing is definitely better, wot with playing to EZ Drummer for nearly a year; Real Drummer would invariably have speeded up by at least 10bpm per song, as well ad throwing in various bars of 5, 6 and even 7/4 due to many over enthusiastic under executed fill-ins. We called him The Dentist.
  7. Bought an EBS bass Wah... Turned up fast with full tracking info,and exactly as described. Recommended!
  8. I'm working on a mash up of this and Gary Numan's Cars,featuring funk bass, screaming guitar and punky vox!
  9. you sure you want everyone to know your address and email? 😎😁
  10. Loving this! However, contains language many might find offensive... But you can't argue with the sentiment!
  11. I'm not a believer in sacrificing owt... After all, one man's "barely competent" is another man's "wow that's amazing",and yet another man's "s'not bad considering he/she's tone deaf and can't play a note". Even if it sounds really bad to you it's possible to smother it in reverb and call it jazz. Somebody will no doubt agree - after all I always get at least 1 (and sometimes as many as 3!) vote in the monthly Composition Challenge no matter how terrible experimental it might be.
  12. Read "Attack Surface" by Corey Doctorow to find out how easily They (oh yes) can steal your precious, precious songs!
  13. Not necessarily I keep all my good stuff on a 256 bit encrypted drive that's only every connected to computer via a packet level firewall USB filter, and then only if the computer is offline, brand new and with newly installed one-use software on it. Obviously no mobiles are allowed in the room, which is off-grid and lined with copper mesh. Wouldn't want Doug nicking it
  14. Was wondering where my 3rd vote had gone 😁 Either way, make sure you're well enough for the next one as I'm looking for an excuse to ditch any semblance of melody...
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