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Everything posted by risingson

  1. [quote name='umcoo' timestamp='1364900785' post='2032280'] The first nuts on stringed instruments were made from cashew nut due to the ease of use of the material and the abundance of them. They changed to bone (and a variety of other materials) after the cashew nut 'corroded' and wore down, usually over the space of a few months. [/quote] Not even joking when I say I was going to suggest this as a half-serious possibility! You learn something new every day.
  2. Lovely stuff. It's likely the one he played on the original record in that case, overdriven, great sound.
  3. Jake is a sterling lad and this bass sounds boss boys and girls. Buy without any worries.
  4. [quote name='MilkyBarKid' timestamp='1364857660' post='2031984'] Have you seen the price of the toll to go over that massive bridge. :-( [/quote] Worth it though, the view is quite spectacular.
  5. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1364852218' post='2031859'] That was the Lazy Sunday Afternoon jam at[b] 78 Below[/b], which is at 78th & Columbus on the Upper West Side. Rather confusingly, despite being [b]78 Below[/b] the venue is actually just above 78th. [url="http://www.78below.com/"]http://www.78below.com/[/url] If you can't get up to the Upper West Side, or Sunday afternoon doesn't work for you, try the National Underground on Wednesday nights, Allen Street and Houston. [url="http://www.thenationalunderground.com/"]http://www.thenationalunderground.com/[/url] Incidentally, despite the temptation to pronounce "Houston" as either Hew-ston or Hoo-ston, the correct NY pronunciation is actually How-ston. No, me neither. [/quote] Cheers Jack, I'll definitely check these out.
  6. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1364334051' post='2025125'] For those of you guided by shapes, you're in good company. Stuart Zender: "I see shapes and patterns on the fretboard rather than scales. Usually I just try and feel the groove" (BGM Jan 2010) [/quote] Most guys proficient in theory are doing the same as that too, with their minds slightly more open to what they're actually playing.
  7. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1364833195' post='2031441'] I have struggled to find any clips of him using his pre EB Ray on you tube, anyone got any links? He has Stingray-esque sounding fingers to me, lovely sort of attack in short bursts. [/quote] Think this could be pre-Ray, could be wrong, you're the man to tell me!! If it's not I've definitely seen him playing one back in the 80's on a vid I can no longer find. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFZUvIWu_Ok
  8. I can deal with voices like that, I can deal with Morrissey and Billy Corgan in the same way because I think at the end of the day it's just great music no matter how marmite the vocal is. I like Everything Everything, been listening to Kemosabe a lot recently. [quote name='leftyhook' timestamp='1330514558' post='1558558'] Makes you wonder what the original band sounded like. I mean, in the studio they go, producer strips it right back until his/her identity is all over it.(Trevor Horne v Frankie GTH) So even the bassists may have been instructed, though the young guy can obviously play. [/quote] Got to agree with this a lot though. The production is lending an incredible amount to the song, not that I mind that whatsoever but it's almost what is making the track.
  9. Ah sorry I also misunderstood, thought you were referring to the U.K. I frequently play in Sweden, I'm there about 3 or 4 times a year. I don't know if they have a similar thing in Demark but during the summer months in Sweden, the 'people's parks' all around the country host live music for the local people, absolutely huge numbers in some cases. They sell alcohol etc. and because the sun doesn't set till late it gives the chance for people to have a bit of a party. We play all over in the summer, perhaps you should look to taking a little trip across the Oresund Bridge and getting yourself a few dates with a good band. Denmark is bloody small, I'm sure the live venues will be largely focused in Copenhagen, and if you're serious about getting out to do some live work then it's hardly a taxing trip to get to the city where ever you are in the country every so often. The biggest nightmare would be parking as the centre of Copenhagen is totally pedestrianised!
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1364814841' post='2031117'] Why would Stevie Wonder say that?? [/quote] He might do, even Stevie needs to shake loose every so often!
  11. Agree that finding a decent band to play with could be tough but there are no shortages of places to play round my neck of the woods, you might just need to look/try a little harder. If anything, there's an abundance of places that will have you playing all the Stones & ZZ Top numbers you can physically stomach.
  12. Where was this jam night Jack? Might swing by in a week or two when I'm over!
  13. A friend of mine did a clinic playing kit with him a few weeks back. The guy amazes me, just an astounding bass guitar player.
  14. Different instruments, totally different approaches in loads of ways, similar looks and tuning but it's really like comparing apples and oranges. I think if you have musical ability or a love of music then you'll be fine on either, that's what matters.
  15. [quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1364752604' post='2030437'] Re: The second one, I find it odd that people are criticizing it because he's playing it like a guitar, what's wrong with that? "He might as well be playing a guitar" is an entirely non-existent point, if it's so similar to playing on a guitar as to be indistinguishable, then why would a guitar be preferable? I just don't get why we bassists as a general collective seem so keen to lock ourselves in a box and limit ourselves to an extremely small range of styles and playing techniques. The bass guitar is a piece of wood, a variable number of metal wires, a couple of magnets and some electronics. I so no reason that one method of playing it should be more "valid" than any other. [/quote] If I considered that a bass guitar could do a better job than a guitar re: the second video then I would agree, but I don't. The tone is out, the instrument is voiced in a way that doesn't lend itself as a strong accompaniment to the voice, and I think in reality a guitar or piano could do an infinitely better job and lend a lot more to the song. That's my own opinion, it is likely not shared by some others round here (this is a bass forum after all, some people will be into it) but I think the bass is more novelty used like it is in the video.
  16. Fair enough that you like them! The first video made me so upset that I had to stop 22 seconds in, almost immediately I had to put on the original record to remind myself why no one should ever try to tap it out on a bass and why it is such a brilliant standalone Macca track (can't improve on a masterpiece, just IMO). The second I was pretty indifferent to, fair enough if people like it, it wasn't offensive but it is times like that I would personally reach for a guitar as I don't bass fills the role even half as well.
  17. [quote name='Pembo' timestamp='1364669741' post='2029550'] I really don't understand this. Each to their own, but this just sounds like a bloke who is moving his fingers as fast as he can whilst hitting random notes. My idea of bass is all about locking in the rhythm and providing a feeling and groove. I prefer to let the 'Thin 6 Stringers' masturbate over their fretboards. Again, each to their own, but i see this kind of playing as sheer diva glitter. [/quote] I'm not a huge fan of Feraud usually, but those aren't 'random' notes that he's playing, that's really just a man that knows his jazz, his skill is actually pretty mind-boggling. He's got 5 strings there as well, not 6.
  18. Love nickel strings, do not like steels at all, too clanky.
  19. [quote name='Jellyfish' timestamp='1364424485' post='2026457'] Yeah it's not bad if you want a bass that looks pretty much the same as every other Fender-alike. [/quote] In fairness if you didn't want a P-Bass clone then go and buy an Ibanez or something. We are talking about a group of basses that are incredibly similar looking with the possible exception of the Dingwall that looks like it's been left out in the sun! (I jest)
  20. [quote name='magcom1977' timestamp='1364412597' post='2026201'] All of the above are gorgeous so there will be no winner based on looks alone. [/quote] I'll have to disagree with you on the Dingwall I'm afraid, that fretboard looks like a melted chocolate ladder! Not for me. My vote goes to the Lull looks wise, I think it nails it and whilst I'm not completely sold on the looks of the Xotic, I must admit it looks quite cool I think. Plus if it sounds like this then you're winning: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrovlaxtU1o
  21. [quote name='wombatboter' timestamp='1364292724' post='2024317'] Maybe some consider it a bad idea but I always thought Billy Sheehan would have been a good alternative... not the tapping Sheehan but the rock solid bass player he has proven to be in some occasions. [/quote] Spot on actually, if you were looking for a bit more of a dead ringer type fit.
  22. When I asked for a bass guitar when I was 12 for Christmas, my dad was advised by his then bandmate who was a lefty to get me, also a lefty, a right-handed instrument. I do thank god I learnt the way I have, although I've got a lot of respect for left-handed players as I know it can be tough finding instruments.
  23. Really great and lovely to watch but the original tracks are nearly 10 years old now. edit - Adam Blackstone gets all the best gigs right now!
  24. Pino is my favourite bass player by a long shot, he's incredible. He kind of echoes most closely the kind of bass player I'd really love to be if I could do it. He's probably the most in demand bass player in the world right now as well, which I'm sure has its perks. As for Entwhistle, he was totally unique and I've learnt to appreciate his playing over time, he really was an extraordinary musician with his own pace on the bass that no one really ever matched in rock music. He and Pino are almost at total opposite ends of the spectrum playing wise, I don't think Pino fits the role of Entwhistle well but if we're being totally honest then basically no one would have filled the role capably, so why not ask Pino to fill in in his own capacity? He's going to do a better job at bass playing than anyone else out there, and who wants to hear a copycat Entwhistle anyway, his tone was dire in later life.
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