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Everything posted by SteveXFR

  1. They bought the whole company, not just a name. I can't remember which brand it was but Behringer bought the rights to the name of a new start up company who had some great pedals but hadn't yet registered their name and then sued the original company for using their own name. That's not good.
  2. I've been put off Behringer by some of their business practices. Buying the rights to old, well known brands and then selling their own kit under the name of classic products without making it clear its not the original.
  3. Origin Effects Cali76 compressor. A subtle effect but makes a huge difference overall. You don't really notice it there but definitely notice when it's not there
  4. He says none of the really great bassists used a pick and then later in the article he mentions McCartney as one of his influences and says how great he is.
  5. I just checked it out on the you tube. It sounds really good but it doesn't seem dirty enough for may taste, it's quite a smooth fuzz.
  6. I suspect he may have made a decision in the last two years
  7. I'm a huge Motorhead fan and have huge respect for Lemmy but I still dislike this. I've seen Motorhead in late December before and they didn't play this
  8. @Reggaebass thanks. That's ideal. Seems like good starting point. Are dub bass lines generally using standard EADG tuning?
  9. Just for a bit of positivity. I occasionally bump in to another legendary guitarist at a local dog walking (not dogging) spot and he's a thoroughly nice bloke. Alway gives a cheery greeting and strokes my lurcher (not a euphemism). Considering he probably has hundreds of millions in the bank, he drives a beat up old banger and dresses like a tramp.
  10. Standard bassist behaviour. Once the guitarist/singer decided I needed an active PA sub to set up a dual amp rig I should have been straight on the Andertons online store to get it all the next day. I completely unreasonably thought my mortgage should be paid first. Im an absolute c.....
  11. It was a combination of that and my refusal to buy a 2kW PA at two weeks notice. I quite unreasonably wanted to wait until after pay day which was a whole 4 weeks during which time we had a grand total of zero gigs. I know, it's a total lack of commitment.
  12. I've just been booted out of a band because I can't do the 3 gigs a week they think they'll be doing from February. I don't think they'll be playing three gigs a week. Especially without a bassist.
  13. I've been listening to some dub recently and really enjoying it but I have a feeling its not really typical dub. I've enjoyed In Dub by Youth of Killing Joke and Dub Side Of The Moon by Easy Star All Stars. Any recommendations for good listening and something good to play, nothing too complicated!
  14. He's still bitter about Hendrix being a much better guitarist than he could ever be. He needs to chill out a bit.
  15. You can't play blues on Fender gear. How are you going to sing about your wife leaving with all your money when you're playing expensive equipment? Maybe you could use a beat up old Squier precision and a home made amp cobbled together from bits of scrap car radio and a dog lead on top but no dog because your ex wife took him.
  16. So am I. I like that it gives an option for filter sweep or gain sweep plus according to the advert it will make me play as good as or better than Justin Chancellor and more attractive to the opposite sex.
  17. So would you recommend just going for a dirty fuzz pedal and a standard wah?
  18. Best Christmas song is like most desirable sexually transmitted infection. Or nicest flesh eating parasite. Or best Coldplay song.
  19. Elvis was overrated. Danzig was much better
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