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Everything posted by SteveXFR

  1. A gem among turds. Not really an indie band though, very definitely a rock band. Them Crooked Vultures played their first ever show as a surprise support band for Arctic Monkeys.
  2. Yep. I forgot that. Was there one? I just remember awful rubbish like Coldplay, Keene and Snow Patrol. The peak of bland
  3. To be honest, I think hair metal killed hair metal. Too much drink and drugs ruined their ability to play and write new music that wasn't just rehashed versions of their old b sides.
  4. Battery - Metallica Batteries contain electrolyte innit
  5. Nu metal was terrible in general but as you mentioned, SOAD were excellent and Daron Malakian is still releasing music which is like modern SOAD and is excellent. Deftones were another very good nu-metal survivor although I don't see anything they made after White Pony as being nu-metal. Not all nu-metal was as bad as Crazy Town or Trapt. Even Limp Bizkit made one acceptable album (their first). Same in Britpop. There's some very good bands still going from that scene. Suede, Supergrass, Charletons and Placebo were all britpop, all still going and all excellent. We are overdue a big new revolution in music but I'm not sure it'll happen now that music scenes don't really exist anymore. There's no more metal clubs, no one goes to night clubs, even raves are just a handful of hippies with some pills playing early 90's music
  6. I'm not sure why but grunge gave the world three of the all time greatest rock drummers. Jimmy Chamberlain, Matt Cameron and Dave Grohl.
  7. Hair metal was well and truly dead long before Nu metal or pop punk started.
  8. Corgan has become 100% ego. I saw Smashing Pumpkins at Glastonbury a few years ago and they were so average that the only thing I remember was that Corgans shirt was too small and his belly was stuck out the bottom.
  9. I thought the same about Pearl Jam and Smashing Pumpkins. Having said that, Pearl Jams Vurses album was grunge and absolutely superb Smashing Pumpkins had one great album and lived off that success for 25 years.
  10. Either Core or Purple. Both are pretty good. For me Grunge was the end of hair metal which had just become a parody of itself. Grunge brought back the punk energy and mixed it with some dirty rock. It was the last great musical revolution and I'm not convinced we'll get another one. I'll make sure I watch this.
  11. I've found a Roland Cube 60 locally so I'll be off to pick that up later.
  12. I have reported this post as pornography
  13. We have tried my old Marshall MB30 with an old ODB3 drive pedal and it sounded like a wet fart.
  14. I'm mostly going to invest in improving my playing this year. I'm getting some lessons to improve my sloppy technique and theory. Lots of jam sessions to push me to improvise. I may sell my Musicman Sterling Ray34 and Ray35 to buy a full fat EBMM Stingray 4. Need to try one to see how much better than my Sterling's it is. I may also treat myself to the Justin Chancellor signature Cry Baby fuzz wah
  15. We've tried it through my 500w Orange Terror and its a great clean sound but even with max gain and my preamp pedal at max gain it isn't particularly dirty. Probably for the best, I don't want my gear getting "borrowed"
  16. Old Peavey stuff is bombproof. New stuff not so much.
  17. I have looked at them but couldn't find a good one within 100 miles. Same with Peavey
  18. Hi everyone. I just gave my daughter a nice guitar for Christmas and she's only got a bass amp so really needs a guitar amp. Has anyone got suggestions for something with lots of gain and enough power for band practice but not much more than £100 used? She's playing metal so super creamy clean tones are not required.
  19. I could just never get in to Megadeath. I think it's Dave Mustains vocals that ruin it for me. Jason Newstead definitely deserved better. It's a shame no one has remixed And Justice For All and a shame he didn't get picked up by another major band.
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