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Everything posted by PaulThePlug

  1. Old TOTP... Green Day... Very nice Au Natural Gibson Grabber(?)
  2. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/784898579758604/ Ibby SR500... £60... Bargain! But If its not for you, i would love this for £60 for another Passive P Conversion... So If anyone is close and would care to stick it in a box, neck-off for ease and cost?, for me i would be very much obliged...
  3. What is it with you? Coming on here in ya 'look at me i'm all shiny and shimmery blue, with my blocks 'n binding, bathing in a Brighton sun puddle...' Nice! Not a tort fan... I'd go white pearl, to tie-in with the blocks.
  4. Amp... I'd check Facebook n Gumtree see whats local... I got a Marshall MB30... often a 'lil Fender Squier 15 or some such with HP socket for the £20ish... As for Headphones... the Sennhieser HD206 have a 3m lead which saves ya getting tangled and £15 - £20 on the 'bay... Bargain What Bass do you wield and what sort of sound are you after? Post a short list (or long one...) of what ya find... and we can give ya our 2p worth...
  5. Hi Mike... I'm usually just unplugged... or headphones via a Zoom B1on... lot of Basschat love for the Zoom B1 Four... £45ish SH... or a 'lil EHX Headphone amp... The Vox amplug are prone to breaking,
  6. ^ that is the same 'resistor' mod that i did... i just did it on the back of the board as a permanent, rather than a switch...
  7. If real manky, as in a second hand purchase i go with isopropyl or rubbing alcohol applied with 0000 wire wool, board, frets the lot... then Lemon oil applied with 0000 wire wool... again board, frets, the lot... Then a nice wipe down with a clean soft cloth.
  8. @stevie yep 10k res from top of C19 to bottom of R16, or via switch, or variable by a pot? Not 100% if it brings it back to flat, i think it more reduces the amount of scoop based by the existing circuitry, rather than actually boosting the mids. Result to the ears may be similar... 5 mins and pence job for adding the resistor to the board, no wire, no switch, no holes, easy reversed...
  9. I fancy a pair of clear covers for a P
  10. I've a set of Roto Solo Bass 45-105 that are on my Ibby SR600 thanks to @Old Man Riva ... Nice Strings, I would like another set but at £35ish i'll stick with the Adagio Flats @ £15ish...
  11. Isopropyl or rubbing alcohol, or one of those first aid sterile wipe things, or glasses, computer screen cleaner sachets
  12. My Harley Benton Acoustic Bass is called Diesel, after my Black Labrador
  13. I have £15 Adagio Flatwounds on my Harley B Acoustic Bass... they are on most of my basses actually...
  14. @stewblack if i had hair... like you in your avatar... i'd wear a hat.
  15. Effects Order... One thing from my guitaring days... The convention of delay last means you get more of the same... repeats are the same. Placing the delay earlier in the chain... before modulation, such as a phaser, means the delay repeats are changing...
  16. I use Howard and Leight Green for smaller ear canals on the bike and for sleeping...
  17. Remember then from the Takin on the World and Gallus... great version of Word Up... Big Energy Band... Enjoy
  18. Great feeling... Whats the weight turn out to be?
  19. Mids Mod... 10k res from top of C19 to bottom of R16
  20. 'Kin HUGE!.. How do you get it thru the door? Is it a guitar-looking Electric Upright Double?
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