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Everything posted by Skezza

  1. Hi I have been thinking about buying a Warwick corvette with 2 j style mec pickups. What I want to know is do the pickups hum if used on their own do they both have to be on (like on an old jazz) for them to be hum cancelling skez
  2. Hi I have been thinking about buying a Warwick corvette with 2 j style mec pickups. What I want to know is do the pickups hum if used on their own do they both have to be on (like on an old jazz) for them to be hum cancelling skez
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  4. I assume this is the active one. I am looking for a corvette without any luck and could be tempted. Could you run me through the controls skez
  5. Skezza


    I have a 2 x 10 with an adjustable horn tweeter which I always have turned right off. The other night when we were setting up to play our guitarist said he could here a sort of crackling very faintly. He is a pain for tracing the slightest buzz any way it was the tweeter in my 2 x 10 even though it was turned off making a slight crackling like old radio static. will I need to diconnect the tweeter to stop it altogether and was it as i suspect a product of neon lights low volage downlighters and 50 year old electrics in the pub skez
  6. I know nothing too technical about amps or cabs and being originally a guitarist I have a couple of combos 30 watt 60 watt and a half stack all were valve in fact I still own them all Fenders and Marshalls. I would use a different one depending on the size of the venue, and if I was micing up. Now I play bass as well and have gone through more bass stuff in the last 3 years than I have guitar gear in the last 30 years. My only criterion is when I am doing a small venue with a compact PA can I play without PA support. Here are the results: ashdown mag 115 300 ----no sold Peavey TNT 130 ----yes sold too heavy Roland DB 500----no sold Roland DB700----no sold Ashdown superfly ----not a chance sold TE AH 250 ----- yes (use it all the time) Peavey T max ----yes (use it all the time) EA IAmps 500 ----yes just about Phil Jones briefcase with 4b cab---just about sold TE AH150 (3 of them)----yes sold them when I got the AH 250 just my observations skez
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  9. Hi and if Andy does not take it I will Im in Stafford and ytoo am just going out for my gig skez
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  11. Skezza


    I never realised it was this complicated Ive been putting speakers in boxes and putting valve heads on the top since the early 70s and I never new any of this skez
  12. Skezza


    Im sure you correct but is it ?? skez
  13. [i]looks cool to me Id love it but need to trade s/sell stuff first.[/i] [i]I had aBogart different model four string a few years ago great kit[/i] [i]skez[/i]
  14. Is the head removeable from this combo to be used separately skez
  15. Skezza


    Ok fine I did not realise that skez
  16. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1326205186' post='1493747'] Rare earths aren't rare at all, and most of the world's supply is outside of China. It's only rare earth mining and manufacturing that's concentrated mainly in China, a situation that is changing by the day. The current neo shortage won't last. Tubes OTOH are going away, it's just a matter of time. Producing them without destroying the environment is just too expensive, and when the Russians and Chinese finally wake up, smell the coffee and institute safe manufacturing regulations tubes will be history. [/quote] So what will happens then niche production for the boutique valve market?? skez
  17. Skezza


    Ok but how tolerant are Markbass amps to the impedance of the cabs. I do not want to buy a Markbass head to find it will not with my cabs skez
  18. Skezza


    Hi I seem to be developing an unhealthy fascination with Marbass Heads. Anyway I have read somewhere that Marbass heads will not work if the speaker impedance it sees falls below 4 ohms. Now i have an old analogue peavey Tmax which is supposed to work down to two ohms and I have twice used 4 x 8ohm cabs to build a 'rig of doom' more for the visual effect at outdoor festival where there is plenty of stage So I did a quick check with a multimeter and none of my 8 ohm cabs is actually 8ohm One is 6.5 another is 7.2 etc etc so when you do the Maths you come to a total load if less than 2 but the peavey works fine. If i tried this with two of my 8 ohm cabs would the Markbass refuse to work or is there some tolerance??? I remember a couple of years ago borrowing a little ashdown head and trying to run a a 4 and an 8 ohm cab and it kept cutting out and the only way I could make it work was by leaving out one cab skez
  19. Skezza


    Thanks for that skez
  20. Skezza


    Ok I seem to have got the whole wrong idea. The very first markbass I saw was being used by a basschatter. He had it in a 2 x 10 combo. BUT he could take it the head out and stack it on top of a markbass 4 x10 and 1 x 15 to make a big rig he was explaining it to my son. I assumed they were all like this Ok Ill just buy an LM2 head and use my existing cabs skez
  21. Skezza


    Ok but which combos have the removeable head Ive looked at two on here in the last month where the head was not removeable is it only the 210 skez
  22. [i]Hi[/i] [i]Im instaffordshire are you interested in any trades[/i] [i]skez[/i]
  23. This is a steal at £250. I have the EA I amps 500 bought it about 18months ago and since then I have used nothing else despite having an old Trace elliot 250 a peavey T max and a couple of very old valve heads skez
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