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Everything posted by Skezza

  1. [b]Thanks[/b] [b]thats the problem I played the sterling and loved the neck and range of sounds[/b] [b]played my mates ray got the sound I expected (it has the 3 way switch) and the chunkier neck was ok I used to play precisions[/b] [b]Ive never played a bongo and cant find one close enough to home to try.[/b] [b]I have heard the bongo demos on You tube but not tried one[/b] [b]skez[/b]
  2. Im looking at a secondhand HH bongo which is a good price and I do like the look. Iv e always fancied a stingray five but they are all more than I have to spend the Bongo 5 is a very good price skez
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  4. The one Im most drawn to is the Bongo and I assume the HBs cannot be split as there is only a blend control. Do the bongos do the stingray sound? skez
  5. Hi I am thinking of buying a really nice 5 string and am considering all those listed in the title. I thought I was sure about controls on these basses. BUT some stingrays have a 3 way fender type switch and some dont (I assume that is for tapping the single HB) All sterling seem to have a 3 way fender type switch (the same I assume) the Bongo has no switch If the guitar has no fender type switch is it that you cannot alter the configuration of coils in the humbucker. Up till today I thought I had it worked out then I saw a single pickup ray with a 3 way switch but the one I recently played which looked identical did not HELP Skez
  6. Snowed in chesnuts roasting on an open fire pint of stella and a pint of pedigree ta
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  8. Some trade offers that I am considering but cash is never a problem. Great little combo on a par with the best skez
  9. Are you coming anywhere near to stoke on trent skez
  10. Will try at the weekend skez
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  12. Great little recording and practise combo come on skez
  13. Thanks very much great cabs skez
  14. Im not a seymour duncan expert are either of them humbucking skez
  15. Absolutely lovely where abouts are you skez
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  17. Bought a cover for my Marbass CMD102P from Mike excellent transaction very smooth. skez
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