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Paul S

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Everything posted by Paul S

  1. I bought one of these a few weeks back - seemed a lot sturdier than the one above: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=370264872355"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=370264872355[/url] Works just fine for Trace Elliot head and cab - a bit ricketty over rough ground so I also use a bungy cord...
  2. Danny - is that the standard guitar version or do they do a bass one, too? Looks like an elegant solution, I must say.
  3. I wouldn't be surprised if it was something to do with women working in male-dominated professions feeling they have to work that bit harder to get noticed. Which does happen, and is a shame.
  4. Also Status Quo, but in 1972 at the Queen's Club in Westcliff on Sea. I bet they played the same chords, too. Walked in and couldn't believe my luck as there was a space really close to the stage... in front of the speakers. I put that night down to my lack of hearing now.
  5. The Gate in Faringdon, EC1 last night. Traffic getting into the city from the Essex riviera was a nightmare, arrived 3/4hr later than planned. Set up quickly in a tiny corner of the pub on a raised section of the dining area - I was practically sitting on the high hat and was obstructed from any plain view of the audience by one of the guitarists. We played to a small but extremely enthusiastic crowd of city types who were, largely, pissed. I don't recall the band ever making so many mistakes, collectively - not sure where the singer's mind was but it wasn't on his vocals much of the time - but apparently no-one either noticed or cared as we went down a storm and had an absolute blast playing. And some more gigs in the pipeline, too. Life is good
  6. [quote name='sdgrsr400' post='666193' date='Nov 26 2009, 01:18 PM']Used to work round there, there's some really excellent restaurants in the vicinity should you feel like a good meal.[/quote] Our singist works just over the road (which is how we got the gig) and is taking us to a good Italian nearby, apparently. Any excuse for a decent pizza.
  7. Tonight, folks. If anyone is in the city do pop in!
  8. Good Lord, I actually know one or two of those, too! Please keep them coming and I'll print off and plough through the list. Ta.
  9. I am still trying to broaden my horizons and listen to as much bass playing in as many styles as is possible but there is a heck of a lot of stuff out there and without a guide to seperating the wheat from the chaff could spend a lifetime listening to the wrong music. Everyone has their favourite things - so, my question to the panel is - if you had to choose one track by one artist that defined his playing style what would it be? Which Marcus Miller? Which Jaco? Which Bruce Foxton? I have a few pets of my own but I know them already
  10. Surely just a quick blast down the A12 for you, Bilbo? - wish I was good enough as it sounds fun.
  11. I've done a handful of gigs at events where there has been a stage and audience at a respectful distance but not in a small pub before - wish me luck. This is the second public airing of my new band 'May Contain Nuts' - minus the keyboard player who left yesterday (don't have much luck with keys, this happened last time before a gig) All comers welcome - cheer loudly and we might get asked to come back.
  12. Just acquired a Squier VMJ fretless from a fellow Basschatter and it has mwah by the bucket load. Really punches above it's weight. I've tried quite a few Squiers and this one seems a notch or two up in build quality, too.
  13. +1 for strings. They are just a few miles from here, which is handy. I would also say that their sister company in the same building - Holiday Music - have also been extremely helpful. A few weeks back I was chasing down a Hiscox case. I saw on the Hiscox website that they were stockists so I rang them for a price. It was a couple of quid more than the best online price I had found, including postage, so I said I would think about it etc. Without my actually asking they offered to beat the internet delivered price. I will use them every time now!
  14. I used to own a Hayman 4040 and that had a neck like a floorboard. Thick, too.
  15. [quote name='leschirons' post='617240' date='Oct 5 2009, 10:43 AM']A prog-rock trio I was in aged 21 (as drummer) called "Hard, fast and greasy"[/quote] So which one were you? Just caught up with this thread - fantastic stuff. I have nothing to contribute of my own but am totally enjoying the memories.
  16. +1 for Roqsolid. They are very good quality for the money - I had some made for my Trace Elliot cabs, complete with green piping - and they are great.
  17. +3 (or 4) For me quick sound bites aren't fulfilling unless from music that I am already intimately acquainted with. I'll play a new record over and over, warts and all. Most often the warts disappear and I get to appreciate aspects of the tracks that didn't initially appeal. I have a CD in the car at the moment by a surf band called The Razor Blades that, on first listen, I didn't really like - surf isn't a big thing for me generally. Now, having played it all the way through several times, I love it. More often than not music that appeals to me instantly is the stuff I get fed up with quickest and don't return to. I think that is one aspect of playing in a covers band that is so appealing. I listen to music that I wouldn't have ordinarily listened to until I am really familiar with it and get to appreciate it more. Well, except for Mustang Sally.
  18. [quote name='spinynorman' post='640566' date='Oct 29 2009, 10:33 PM']You can rehearse the between songs stuff too much. I've been to see The Hamsters many times and it's getting to the point where I can recite the patter with him. "... Purple Haze ...", here comes the story about the Devil's chord.[/quote] +1 there re the Hamsters. The 'don't have to do drugs, just get up out of the chair quickly' gag has been in the last 3 or 4 times. And that walking round during the encore with the wireless kit after swapping instruments has become just too tiresome. 10 years ago I thought they were the mutts but these days seem a little pedestrian, sadly.
  19. I've just changed a couple of basses over to flats. Put some TI flats on my Fender Jaguar and it sounds beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Like a different instrument, almost. Put some Rotosound Tru Bass black nylon flats on a Franken p bass and it sounded nice and warm but not really what I wanted - I lost all the attack of the p bass, it seemed, plus a good deal of the sustain. Plus, until I got used to the feel, it did seem a bit like I'd strung it with earthworms. I've just this morning taken posession of Lateralus462's Squier VMJ fretless. Plugged it in with the fitted steel flats and it sounded great. After lunch I changed them for the Tru Bass flats I had on franken p and WOW!! I'll say that again. WOW!! It talks, sings and makes all the noises I ever hoped a fretless would make. I just need to learn how control the beast now. Plus the flats that were on the fretless are now on the franken p and it sounds back how it should. Happy chap here!!
  20. Just bought Chris's fretless VM jazz. Met at services, bit a chat, swapped dosh for bass. Well pleased with transaction - Chris is a gentleman, no BS, good communications - all in all it was a pleasure doing business.
  21. This could get confusing. Have a bump, PaulS, from Paul S.
  22. I am also fairly new to gigging and performing live. I have found that as I get more proficient and also more relaxed I have the confidence to to look up a lot more these days and this now adds more to the enjoyment of being up there doing it.
  23. Bass and amp for me. I have nothing against effects in principle and I do have one of those multi-effects things which I used for a while initially but, after getting a decent bass and rig, actually like the sound of that on it's own. I must admit, though, that my main problem with effects is not knowing exactly how to achieve the various sounds I hear on records so I just steer clear of them.
  24. Also maybe Jailbait, Wishbone Ash then the story continues... Jaihouse Rock Riot in Cellblock 9 Jailbreak
  25. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='636060' date='Oct 25 2009, 12:38 PM']Four middle-aged blokes hacking out Feelgood-esque blues rock in the middle of a crowd of 14 yr old indie-poppers and their little friends. All the doting parents kept giving us sidelong glances, and I'm sure I heard the words "Kiddy-fiddler' more than once. Hence the hasty excision of 'Good Morning Little Schoolgirl' from the set.[/quote] We had a similar thing when playing at a scout charity night. We usually do a Rory Gallagher-esque version of 'Messin with the Kid' But then we started getting silly and tried to think of tunes to play - the best of which was Ides of March and 'Vehicle' - 'I'm the friendly stranger in the black sedan, won't you come inside my car'.. any more suggestions?
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