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Paul S

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Everything posted by Paul S

  1. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='636060' date='Oct 25 2009, 12:38 PM']Four middle-aged blokes hacking out Feelgood-esque blues rock in the middle of a crowd of 14 yr old indie-poppers and their little friends. All the doting parents kept giving us sidelong glances, and I'm sure I heard the words "Kiddy-fiddler' more than once. Hence the hasty excision of 'Good Morning Little Schoolgirl' from the set.[/quote] We had a similar thing when playing at a scout charity night. We usually do a Rory Gallagher-esque version of 'Messin with the Kid' But then we started getting silly and tried to think of tunes to play - the best of which was Ides of March and 'Vehicle' - 'I'm the friendly stranger in the black sedan, won't you come inside my car'.. any more suggestions?
  2. +1 I was always told that if something sounds too good to be true (£1000 prize money no strings etc) then it inevitably is. I'd walk away with no second thought.
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  4. We just went through this process here at home. I looked at dedicated instrument insurance and it was usually >£!00. Joining MU is, what, £150? To get us extra cover on our house insurance for high value items taken out of the home up to a value of, say, £3K added an extra £20 or so to the premium. Seemed the best solution to me.
  5. I use a Peavey TKO 80 - sounds brilliant even at low volume and cost me £50.
  6. [quote name='jakesbass' post='623860' date='Oct 12 2009, 12:01 PM']It's quite tough to pitch it to so many people because there is a wide variety of standard.[/quote] Quite easy, actually - Paul S = lowest denominator. Words of one syllable or, preferably, fewer.
  7. Jay bought my Hohner B2A - lightning quick payment, no BS, good communications, all in all a pleasure to do business with! Enjoy the bass, sir.
  8. Yup - huge thanks to all the organisers for such a fantastically rewarding day. Nice to put names to faces and chat. Also answered lots of questions I had regarding various bits of kit that look interesting but the only way to know for sure is to look/have a go. And thank you, particularly, Jakebass and Bassace, for showing me round those awesome double basses. I need to do some serious thinking - more than I realised.
  9. [quote name='Merton' post='621862' date='Oct 9 2009, 05:52 PM']Names will be recorded so we can contact you after the event [/quote] Brilliant. See y'all later
  10. I will need to leave before the draw - if I get a winning ticket how would this work?
  11. Been given some cash for a present and instead of just losing it in weekly spending I've decided to put it to one side for some double bass lessons before deciding whether the instrument is for me or not. Does anyone know of anyone local to me? I am in Benfleet, which is kind of right between Basildon and Southend. I am guessing I will need to travel a bit. Maybe even as far as Chelmsford Ta.
  12. I'm going to be selling my Hohner B2A but haven't got around to putting in in the for sale section as I was going to take it to the SE bass bash. Here is a pic. [attachment=33889:B2A3.jpg] Looking for around £150 incl. Hohner fitted hard case. Lots of mojo but plays really well - there is possibly a grounding issue that doesn't show up anywhere I have played it but someone else reckoned it buzzed. PM me if you are interested I can send more pics plus details.
  13. Or even keep some in the toilet? But can you use it afterwards to make drinks? Reserved especially for [i]those[/i] guests, maybe.
  14. Yeah - pretty damned cool when George Benson or the guy above does it but maybe not when playing along to 'Smoke on the Water' bah-doodn-doodoo-doodoo-doodoo-doodoo etc
  15. No idea why it happens but I pretty much always either hum or sing the bassline while I am playing it. Sometimes even when I am trying to explain something to the rest of the band or get my head around something and it is just me, which does make me feel a little silly. Anyone else do it? And does anyone have any explanations?
  16. I do it all the time and often get odd looks. I 'become a bass player' mentally a few years before I bought my first bass as I started to listen to music differently - from the rhythm point of view. No idea why, as I had previously played guitar and always listened to melody, but I guess that change is why I started playing bass. Also I am aware of humming or singing the bass line while playing it - not a conscious thing - anyone else do that? maybe I'll start another thread on that to save hijacking this one.
  17. [quote name='TheButler' post='610408' date='Sep 27 2009, 10:32 PM']Saucer full of Coffee in them. Leave it for like a couple of days and all odour will be gone It works for odours in cars and fridges and stuff too. I saw it on how clean is your house... and it honestly works well.[/quote] This is going to sound facetious but isn't - - what kind of coffee? liquid or solid? And from instant granules or ground beans? (ok - lets get this out of the way - high altitude east African beans, medium roast and coarse ground, or would Lidl's instant do the trick?) Or doesn't it matter?
  18. Not sure if it was overdubbed but Humble Pie's 'Performance - Rockin' the Filmore' sounds very live. You can hear beer bottles being clanked during quiet bits.
  19. It would help their cause if they answered PMs - I sent one over a week ago. Even 'you must be kidding' would have been more polite than silence. Edit - now in touch. Sadly I don't think I can match the work load as they are aiming for two gigs a week.
  20. Just swapped basses with Dave - easy guy to do business with and would recommend him to anyone. Thanks Dave!
  21. Either headphones or, like bythesea, via the amp. Sounds better through phones but I hate all those dangly wires everywhere.
  22. I heard a couple of great stories being told by Nile on a program about Disco one night. First one was the Diana Ross record 'I'm Coming Out' - she was, at the time (maybe still is, I don't know) something of an icon within the lesbian community and they did this mainly as a joke to get her to burst on stage singing 'I'm Coming Out'. The mischievous little imps. Then one time during an interview Nile said Bernard was asked what strings he used to get his distinctive sound. He said something like 'I don't know, man - Nile, what strings were on the bass when I got it?' He always comes across as a really nice bloke - pretty humble about his success and talent which he generally lays at the feet of Bernard Edwards.
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