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Paul S

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Everything posted by Paul S

  1. I won't forget ... but have to say it is looking unlikely - been noodling around with it today and it is an absolute joy to play. The neck is a touch bigger than a jazz - 40mm at the nut and 21mm thick - but it seems to fit the shape of my hand perfectly. Ordered a Comfort Strappppp today to help with the heavy neck and general weight.
  2. Booked my seats last night - excellent!
  3. Hi Jon Hah! No crock of gold then - just a crock! Thanks for that. I'll take it to bits, give it a clean, and see if I can find anything anywhere that is likely to be meaningful. Ta muchly!
  4. Collected the thing today, here are some pics: [attachment=40373:wash1.jpg] [attachment=40374:wash2.jpg] [attachment=40375:wash3.jpg] [attachment=40376:wash4.jpg] [attachment=40377:wash5.jpg] [attachment=40378:wash6.jpg] [attachment=40379:wash7.jpg] For a 30 yr old it is in superb nick - the plate at the back for the electrics still has the plastic cover! The story - the guy I bought it from got it 8 years ago from a lady in Coventry, very cheap, to put into an odds and ends shop for re-selling. He liked the look of it and kept it back, but never got around to playing it. She said it belonged to her son who had a small band before he went to university, after which time it got stuck in the loft until they decided to get shot of it. The timing of this would indicate he bought it new or nearly new. No wonder it is in such great condition! My initial impressions are that it plays absolutely beautifully. You can immediately tell it is a really well built and put together and oozes quality. Extremely heavy (mahogany?) with the anticipated neck dive but, at this stage, not a deal breaker. The thing I need to get used to is the playing position - it sits kind of front on to me so the end of the neck is something of a stretch. Sounds lovely at my bedroom volume so am really looking forward to rehearsing with it - seems to have a growl with it all full on and yet really mellow with it.
  5. It doesn't actually look like any of those in the pics! Here are some pics - pretty self explanatory, I suppose. [attachment=40367:V1.jpg] [attachment=40368:V2.jpg] [attachment=40369:V3.jpg] [attachment=40370:V4.jpg] [attachment=40371:V5.jpg] The body has been shaped. If it was a home job then it isn't bad, then refinished? Evidence of the old saddle bridge. Small ray of hope it might be an interfered with 'Law Suit' guitar, but I couldn't be that lucky - most likely entirely home made! Appreciate your help, chaps.
  6. Not sure if this is the right spot for this question? I have a flying V guitar. It is bright red with a black headstock - no scratch plate or name on the headstock but the truss rod cover says Ibanez. It also has some bits carved from the outer edges of the body - either from new or quite well done afterwards. It looks like it came with a saddle style bridge originally but has had that V shaped through stringing anchor added later on. The neck plate says 'made in Korea'. Other than that I don't know anything about it. I've Googled Ibanez flying V and they are generally supposed to be quite good - this one does sounds quite good - but none look like this. Anyway know what other clues I might look for? I want to put it up for sale but could do with a little background first, if possible. I'll take some pics soon, which will help immensely.
  7. I own plenty of Mexican blue agaves but nothing with Fender on it. [attachment=40264:DSC_0049.jpg]
  8. If your are a bit rock inclined, there's practically everything I was weaned on - Hendrix, Led Zep, Black Sabbath, Cream, Free, Budgie, UFO (earlier stuff when old goldilocks first joined them), ZZ Top, a squillion blues/rock artists up to and including Joe Bonamassa.
  9. Great track - one of the few Uriah Heep tracks that has actually aged ok - some of that mystic tosh sounds rather dated nowdays - and I used to be a bit of a fan in the early 70s. Demons and Wizards was one of the first albums I ever bought. I've played along with it but never with the band. I was going to suggest it then the keys man left and we haven't replaced him.
  10. Mike bought a bass from me - a total gent, lightning quick payment and a pleasure to do business with. Enjoy the bass, Mike!
  11. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Folding-sack-truck-trolley-wheels-new-6-Z_W0QQitemZ370264872355QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_BOI_Industrial_Supply_Material_Handling_ET?hash=item56358195a3"]I got one of these[/url] last year and it is pretty good. Sturdier wheels than some but folds away well.
  12. No need to use your imagination, here is [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtopic=71955&view=findpost&p=698612"]my panther[/url] on post 9 of this thread.
  13. There is an Eagles tribute band going around called the Illegal Eagles. Their bass player is pretty damned hot. Looks remarkably like Pino P, too.
  14. Late amp delivery? Yup, makes all those people who have starved because meals on wheels hasn't been able to reach them or frozen because they can't afford fuel on their pensions or slipped and broken bones pale into insignificance. If that is truly the worst thing that happens to you this year, young man, then you are blessed.
  15. Eyes of the beholder etc but I think that retro look is class! The lines of the scratch plate are just right. Far better, IMO, than those scrolly bits of hardwood with horns all over the place that a lot of folks favour.
  16. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='706217' date='Jan 9 2010, 01:06 AM']I'm finding it increasingly difficult to suspend my disbelief when plump, middle-aged white Brits (like me) start banging on about Parchman Farm, chain-gangs and mojo bones. [/quote] Surely that is the nature of being in a covers band? A lot - if not most - music, not just blues, is written buy someone who is communicating some kind of life experience. Do you have to be similarly placed in order to play it? The majority of us middle-aged pentatonic heroes would be struggling to get together a set list from our demography, I would suggest
  17. 01. Essexbasscat 02. Lonestar. Fender 4string Jazz Pervy TL5 Markbass2x10 (not very exciting but they're all I have!) 03. molan - Celinder J4 Update, Zon VB4, Spector NS5XL, Epifani Ul510, Bergantio AE1x12's, who knows what else. . . 04. Jerry_B - Westone Spectrum DX (unless I acquire something I like better before the meet). 05. michael-faces - Probably just a Warrior Soldier bass 06. JackLondon - Simnett MK6 (Should have this month), Ibanez BTB556MP, Ibanez SR305 Fretless, GK 1001RBII, Barefaced Compact, Boss GT 10-B, £X, 40 cigarettes, 07. Stingray5 - Selected basses in my sig pic (Music Man, Tune, Fender, Westone); Trace Elliot GP12 SMX rig (depending on venue); Boss GT-6B; donuts... 08. Paul S - Fender Jaguar, Trace Elliot rig. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25
  18. Well howboutdat, on hold, pending me getting out of the snow to get a box to put it in!
  19. My goodness, there are so many nice basses for sale on here why on earth would anyone want to buy mine?
  20. [quote name='fatback' post='705561' date='Jan 8 2010, 03:02 PM']i'm afraid no death moves me if i don't know the person. lack of imagination? I don't know. What i do know is that as you get older (lots of peeps say this) you have to admit to a small sense of relief that the person who's died isn't you.[/quote] To a large extent I feel the same way. I find it hard to understand the huge outpouring of grief when 'celebrities' die. Musicians who you feel have influenced you, actors who acting has moved you - unless you know them personally I don't see how you can feel that upset. Knowing someone, the real person, their humanity, their personality, how they have impinged upon your own life - that is what makes it sad for me when they die. To think that someone for whom you have meaningful feelings and emotions isn't there any more. And, especially as you get older, all the people who were part of your life when you grew up, people who formed the foundation of your existence. Suddenly they get old and die and you find yourself with all that historical reference and grounding missing. That's sad. But people I don't know? Nah. I remember getting lynched, pretty nearly, for saying this on the everlasting Jade Goody thread but there are thousands of people all over the world dying each day that I do not know. You can't feel sorry about all that death - it is just an inevitable and unavoidable part of life.
  21. I would have said that example above was masturbating, nice though it was. But not blues. This is blues.
  22. One of the best bassists I have seen play live - from 70s to more recently. Nothing flashy but his fills are generally very interesting and many of them pretty bloody difficult. And, yes - he does play the occasional bit with his fingers but most of the driving stuff is done with a pick. I remember reading an interview he did where he goes into some detail about various methods he uses to change the sound, too - using the fat end to get a smoother paddling sound (along with palm muting) for the main riff on Black Night, for example. A generally unsung bass hero, IMHO.
  23. No misteak, I ment to I forget who, but someone on another thread a while back referred to Peavey as Pervey. Thought I'd nick the idea.
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