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Everything posted by Ander87

  1. Showing my bundle of joy lately…: yep, I’m having it relic’d soon! Looks lovely as is but main to be my main gigging bass. Just advancing the unavoidable lol
  2. Ander87

    Jad Freer Capo

    hahaha long as you’re paying the suitcase allowances, getting ridiculous these days aye! Friday it’ll be there, may sneak in my power supply to give it a play since I have a bass there I could plug it into 😁
  3. Hey Mick! The American Original 60s, thanks to @d_g from this to something more like this:
  4. And I’m the 3rd @admiralchew 😁 diamond BCP 2.0 for me fellas. Huge running at 18v (36v internal). If you’re interested, speak to Nuno, he’s running an offer and could let go of the units with my casing (being replaced on colour/print) for a bit cheaper yet - but I didn’t say this 😉
  5. That is a thing of beauty Mick, love the relic’ing!!! Looking super genuine! Can’t wait to take my pbass for a bit of roughing up 😁 Ander.
  6. Ander87

    Jad Freer Capo

    Aaaand to make things more interesting, they’re gonna deliver it to my Spain address since I’ll be there from next weekend for a week - saves me all customs taxes etc, win win!!!
  7. I can confirm they work perfectly, opened them and no issue whatsoever so I must be lucky - also they must show the quality of sealing around knobs etc… they were dripping! … and plus now I have the nicest scented pedals in the business!!
  8. Ander87

    Jad Freer Capo

    well! Tell me about any company that will follow up your order via instagram! I’m assuming this is gonna be leaving Italy on Monday, then the whole UK customs palaver… but we’re getting there! I should start looking for the Nano+ 😅 I also have a Mesa amp head coming this week, and flying out to Spain for a quick visit over a week, it’s gonna make me want to come back here to properly play with the new toys more than ever 😁 PS all in it’s been more like 3 weeks at most if folk are curious. Ander.
  9. Northants and black grill to match a Mesa head coming… pity (pity?) I already have a Six10 😢
  10. haha it was! I can drive over too, it’s just bloody lovely!!! take care Ian!
  11. If it helps, I’ve had chances to compare a bunch of 8x10s, Ashdown and Ampeg mostly, against the Barefaced Six10. I love the advise from barefaced on the Eight10 page ‘just don’t. Buy a Six10 instead’ Guess what’s at home?
  12. Yup, I’ve played this - feels closer to a tube’d up Capo functionality wise than the noble. Noble is perfect at that one thing, but this is super versatile.
  13. Joe, heaven or hell were going to the same place for liking the same things 😂 - see you there, have a good one
  14. Running this in front of an SVT 2 Pro for the time being.
  15. This is a gorgeous bass and luckily I’ve already put the money from a recent sale against my credit card 😅 inspired my limelight build indeed! Ander.
  16. @Beedster amazing, you’d have a buyer for a 4 string fender bridge/threaded saddles 😉 no rush whatsoever!
  17. Nik just bought a set of strings from me. In fairness I was late a couple days in delivering due to a bunch of defensible reasons but Nik made no fuss about it. Understanding, quick payment and just a great guy to deal and chat with - would completely recommend! Ander.
  18. I want dibs first if there's a threaded saddles bridge around let me get my popcorn to the show!
  19. This was out tonight at TTT Motorcycle Sudbury…! of course, sound man spilled a mug of coffee over my new pedals (all except Polytune arrived this week for my bday). Dried them in a rush and they all seem to be working, but man, what the ffffffflip…!?!?! Will not play them for a couple days and pray they still work as they did, happy to hear any tips just in case 😢
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  21. Steve just bought my beloved Ric 4003. Top chap to deal with, committed, punctual and great comms all the way. reassuring buyer, deal with him in trust. Enjoy that beauty, Steve! Ander.
  22. Two top quality braided cables from Winspear. Super chunky and not tangling with neutrik connections. one is angled/angled, the other straight/angled. each cable is £62 new, so £37 each, £65 if buying both. postage should be about three quid!
  23. Hey buddy. Yep, literally getting dressed to hand it out. Will advise otherwise.
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