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Everything posted by ShergoldSnickers

  1. [quote name='derrenleepoole' timestamp='1323525409' post='1464195'] Annoyingly I had recorded the gig on my Zoom H2 and it came out brilliantly... I only went and corrupted the files :/ [/quote] Oooo that got me hurting, so what you must have felt.....
  2. I might get a bit of a delay with the sound up here but I still should be able to hear you. PS forgot to add - always had good service and sensible advice too.
  3. I'm no P bass expert - not even a beginner really, but the seller is trying a bit too hard in the copy - which makes me suspicious. Much prefer the down to earth matter of fact ads that tell you the score and that have quality high resolution photos. The fingerboard.... either do the former fret slots in a light shade or precisely the colour of the fingerboard wood - any 'expert defrettifier' would do this. Doesn't look too good to me. Hard to tell in any case with this abysmal photography. What about a serial number that can be seen?
  4. Absolutely fantastic sound there Mike. Rounded yet with enough bite to cut through. Love it. Some interesting patterns and runs in there as well as the basic beat holding stuff.
  5. The P bass comes across like a block of buttered granite on my main system. Gorgeous. The PJ is more laid back but that is precisely what the song required. Very, very good Clarky.
  6. I was given a ticket to see Kate Rusby at Hull City Hall last night, and was bowled over by both the playing and sound from Kevin McGuire. A beautifully articulate sound with plenty of weight in the lower registers without any boom or boxiness. Gorgeous. Not normally my staple listening, but I'm really glad I went, and I enjoyed the music from the rest of the band and Kate as well. Live music wins out every time.
  7. I should have said spot the avatar rather than hunt.
  8. Thanks Shaun. Hope you get some more time to get stuck in soon. It was a cracking bass when I saw it. Talking of which.... I've now got dreams about 72 Rick fireglo's. Always fancied a Rick.
  9. Very good point. One simple resize for dimensions and resolution and we save hours of load time spread over the readership of BC. Off now to play 'Hunt the Avatar'.
  10. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1323206885' post='1460666'] Very nice! Beautiful bass & lovely sounds. Well done young man! I've liked these ever since seeing Mr Claber's. [/quote] It was seeing Alex's bass that sold me the idea of going with Robbie. I wanted a similar plain and almost understated finish that let the lines and curves of the Marseer design speak for themselves. Thanks for the comments on the clips - the bass 'sings' quite nicely and encourages me to try out things I wouldn't have been able to do on the Marathon. Some of them actually work as well.
  11. Pete Cruickshank of the Groundhogs used to play one. There is a photo of him with it in the album sleeve design for 'Hogwash'.
  12. [quote name='Deep Thought' timestamp='1323194660' post='1460454'] Can I ask which filters you're using? I have a set of these, and with the silver filters in I thought I had forgotten to unmute my amp, I couldn't hear my bass at all. I use them for motorcycling or sleeping after a night shift, but I found they filtered out too much to use for playing. [/quote] Just had a look - the gold ones!
  13. And two more hurried samples. (You can tell by the fluffs ) [url="http://www.fear-of-bicycles.co.uk/BC/mp3s/Neck-pickup.mp3"]Neck pickup only.[/url] [url="http://www.fear-of-bicycles.co.uk//BC/mp3s/Blended-pickups.mp3"]50% blend of each pickup.[/url]
  14. I bought some of these 18 months ago and have been very happy with them. They attenuate the damaging frequencies but without losing clarity, and I can still hear the bass. [b][url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Alpine-Music-Safe-Filter-Plugs/dp/B000VO8PR0"][color=#000000][size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]Alpine MusicSafe Pro Earplugs[/font][/size][/color][/url][/b]
  15. OK first sound sample - found 10 minutes to knock this up. Bridge pickup, fingering on the ramp, with a touch of bass and mid lift on the higher register part. [url="http://www.fear-of-bicycles.co.uk/BC/mp3s/The-Bridge-Pick-up-Song.mp3"]The Bridge Pick-up Song[/url]
  16. [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1323021614' post='1458387'] ...and as a follow up after last night first outing with the Streamliner 6.0 & Barefaced S12T.....OH YES!!! Big ear to ear grins here [/quote] After hearing WoTs Streamliner 900 on my S12T I know precisely why that grin is there. If.... I might change that to when... I change amps, a Streamliner it is.
  17. You'll need each amp to be running a seperate speaker cab. You can take the line out from the first amp and have this as the input signal for the second amp, preferably into a line in if it has one. If you are using an effects send as the signal on the first amp, some amps will mute if there is nothing coming back in to the effects return, so watch out for that. There is no way to combine the actual speaker power outputs into one cab.
  18. I've had this a week now so I think I've had time to become objective enough after the first glorious rush of unquestioning luurv. [b]The specs:[/b] Swamp Ash body done to swallowtail Marseer design, with satin poly finish Maple and Wenge bolt-on neck with slotted headstock, Sperzel tuners and Macassar Ebony fingerboard, and nut width of 46mm Two Christoph Dolph dual coil pickups into a Glockenklang 3-band active 9v preamp Finger ramp between pickups. ETS Bridge and saddles with inset anchor piece, and string spacing of 18mm The neck has Luminlay fluorescent side dots that glow after being 'charged' with the supplied mini-torch - see photos below. They really work very well, giving a useful glow for a long time. [b]Playability and adjustments[/b] The ramp and the ability to get a low action make this a lot easier to play than my mainstay bass of 30 years, a fretless Shergold Marathon, which I thought was decent in any case. The satin poly finish on the neck makes it smooth without being slippery, and it doesn't stick or grip at your hands as you slide around. Adjustment of the saddles can be a bit fiddly after being used to a Badass bridge, but I can see where the extra flexibility in the ETS design comes in, with three height adjusting grub screws per saddle and one that locks it in place. Saddle tilt of back to front and side to side is available with this arrangement. The neck just needed a barest amount of relief after dropping the action fractionally - I have a light rather than heavy touch. The truss rod adjustment was very smooth as are the tuners. 8/10 - bridge a bit fiddly. [b]The sound[/b] The first thing that was apparent was the clarity in the low end compared with the Shergold. The low notes are far better defined and not lumpy and coloured. The bridge pickup gives a very defined sound throughout with plenty of clear bottom as well as mid bite. The neck pickup is still defined but is capable of thunderous solid tones. The preamp has just the right amount of adjustment available - no point in having it if it won't be used. Set flat there is no difference in volume in switching from active to passive, and no perceived change in tone. The preamp is very transparent. With a volume with pull-out for switching to passive, a pickup blend, and bass, middle and treble controls, I've got everything I need. It's taken me a week to adjust my playing to get the best out the sound the bass produces - an adjustment in right hand positioning relative to the bridge, and a change to how I pluck the strings - the ramp has helped here - it's slightly more of a caressing pluck than a sudden one. Difficult to describe really. After spending an afternoon at a tame drummers house and doing some recording, I was able to get an articulate range of sounds (for me), and came away chuffed to bits. 9/10 [b]The finish[/b] The quality of Robbie's craftsmanship is exceptional. The fit of the back plate that covers the electronics bay is so perfect, that even with removing the screws, the plate won't fall out. When I did remove it, there was a properly shielded copper lined cavity and some excellently soldered electronics. The accuracy of the woodworking and build is superb - I genuinely can't fault anything. 10/10 [b]General comments[/b] After 30 years playing the same instrument, I knew I was going to have to change a few things about how I approached this new one. The extra string still leads to the odd moment of right hand finger confusion with a succession of strange ghost notes as I pluck the wrong string. Getting there though. The perseverance is paying off as I get to learn how to get the sounds I want - from adjusting both my playing mechanics and the electronics. It took me 30 years to get the Shergold sounding decent, so a week of experimenting is nothing, considering how it's gone past the Shergold and left it standing. Never thought I'd say that. I'll try to get some sound clips up at some stage. I'll also put up any changes to how I view anything I've already said as I live with the bass from now on.
  19. Welcome from another Yorkshire BCer.
  20. Great work Scott - just started lessons with Geoff Chalmers, but as things progress it may be worth my while just dipping in to your site occasionally. Very impressed.
  21. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1322676646' post='1454416'] My favourite convertible-neck bass video. No retraction involved. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I86kTWgMQuk&feature=related[/media] Local Man: "I'm not remotely bonkers". [/quote] He obviously first tested his theory on 'trousered' and 'non-trousered' leg configurations.
  22. Give my regards to Wainhouse Tower. Apparently one of my barmy ancestors was responsible for that. Good luck with getting someone that fits your needs.
  23. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1322315299' post='1449268'] That's an album name right there. [/quote] Actually..... so's that.
  24. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1322251262' post='1448718'] You also - your name goes on ze list! [/quote] Rumbled! **Does panicky Corporal Jones dance around the room** My 'interests' will be changed forthwith.
  25. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1322234889' post='1448403'] He'll be along any time now to ask us to take our tongues out of his arse ;-) [/quote] After you...
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