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Everything posted by Crusoe

  1. Thanks for the welcome Marc. I've always been happy with the Silver Series. It makes me feel old using what some people would probably now term a "vintage" bass.
  2. Started 27 years ago, took a break and have come back to it in the last couple of weeks. So much time wasted.
  3. Thanks Bigsmokebass. Obviously it will take a bit of time to get the strength back in my fingers, but I am enjoying it. I've bought a couple of books with play-along features (one general music with a lot of theory stuff, one Iron Maiden and one punk rock). I'm already penniless so I think I'll be fairly safe in Marketplace. I've already got a couple of other expensive hobbies (cycling and photography) and have managed to learn how to avoid GAS.
  4. It's in pretty good nick. There's a bit of rust on the poles of the pups but it plays fine.
  5. Cheers Frank. It was in a case, naturally.
  6. Hi Teebs. Thanks for the Welcome.
  7. Hello all. I'm Gary and I started playing bass around 27 years ago. A friend an I had formed a band with a temporary bassist. His musical interests didn't exactly gel with ours so I moved from vocals to bass. I got my first bass and amp soon after we formed - a Squier Silver Series Jazz bass and a Carlsbro Viper 30W combo, both of which I still have to this day. The band didn't last long and other things took over so I stopped playing for some time until recently when I was clearing out the wardrobe and got the bass and amp out. At first I didn't think the amp was working but somehow I got it kicked back into life and have started practising again. As far as influences go I suppose Steve Harris, John Entwhistle, John Paul Jones, Peter Hook, JJ Burnell all have to be up there.
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