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Stub Mandrel

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Everything posted by Stub Mandrel

  1. Froma distant shot I think it was Steve Morse - right build, hair, blue strat...
  2. There's a useful and level headed history of how the use of the slang term has evolved on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowflake_(slang) Clearly different people use it in different ways. It's a young term and it its meaning is not stable.
  3. Despite being a veggie, I salvaged some big sheets of leather of about that colour from a pair of sofas. I've just realised I can use them to make broad under-straps. Adding one to my genuine Ace peace and dove strap will give me the authentic Neil Young effect (just add a Gold Top LP and paint black...)
  4. My brother might say so... he's a big fan of symphonic-thrash-death-scandi-folk-metal.
  5. I suspect most of us have a cort-made bass or three, perhaps even without realising it. The serial number on the pickup in my Squier Jag comes up as being Cort, and I understand both my Hohners were made by them, and possibly my Ibanez '335' as well!
  6. Well I disagree, but i'm happy for others to make up their own minds 🙂
  7. I've been thinking of asking a very similar question. My plan is: TU3 --> Compressor --> BEQ7 --> HM2 --> Chorus I suspect the EQ should go after the distortion, although I probably wouldn't use them at the same time. I'm waiting on a ten-stage daisy chain cable so things could get more complex!
  8. <DUCKS> Actually the reality is closer to this:
  9. What incredibly, utterly incompetent editing and camera work! "Whatever you do, don't show the faces of anyone other than Gillan and Paice - and make the 'crowd' of 30 punters look like LIve Aid!"
  10. The exact opposite of someone who says "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" .
  11. Isn't there a law about playing before lunch?
  12. A question for you 'tribute' folks. I know many bands don't play live as faithfully to the recordings as some tributes do. So how do you approach this, do you aim to copy the records or the/a live performance or just capture the 'essence' of the band (if you know what I mean?)
  13. The video appears to be pretty accurate and tab on UG appears to loosely agree but some missing notes, awkward fingerings and a few bad notes. I think I can sort it, at least near enough to appear convincing, but if anyone does have a link to more accurate version it will be a help.
  14. That was the problem - in the 80s everyone wanted P and J-basses from Fender. It was meant to be the new J-bass.
  15. Dare I suggest Magnum might work well alongside a Marillion tribute?
  16. Help! This has been suggested as a song for a group of us to play, it's a bit fast but as I can keep up with it ! Problem is, I can't find a reliable tab source. For example, the tabs on Big Bass tabs and Ultimate Guitar are very different and neither of then is the same as is a video of someone playing along. I don't think any of them are 100% right (although I could easily be wrong!) Can anyone point me at an accurate tab of the song? Thanks!
  17. Or we can extrapolate the other way and we end up at K-Pop 🤢
  18. I won't make a specific comment as I don't know the specifics, and I prefer to hear both sides before drawing conclusions - unless a judgement has been made in the small claims court or similar. That said, in an unrelated field that operates in a very similar way, I hear far too many stories about people paying huge amounts (as in many thousands of pounds) for work to be done or things to be made to order. Sadly, as the work takes along time and there are waiting lists, it's easy for a sole artisan to end up holding a lot of money for customers. They end up spending it and funding each job with the advance payments made by other customers. Eventually things go bad, and the customers who have been more patient and forbearing end up loosing lots of money. My advice is simple. If you are getting something made to order pay a deposit that is fair to the maker (they do have to invest in materials and time before the job is complete) but not more than you can afford to lose; if it's a really big job - agree stage payments that you will make when you see evidence that agreed milestones have been met. If the seller won't take your order on this basis, walk away. Also, do a bit of googlepokeren and maybe look them up on companies house (if applicable) or even buy a credit report if you have any whiff that they might be financially unstable. This might sound a bit extreme, but I have spoken to people who have lost five-figure sums out of their life savings and suffered tremendously from the stress and worry of being continually palmed off with excuses. Ideally, there really ought to be a protection scheme through something like the Guild of Master Craftsmen where you could pay into a secure third-party scheme that would release payments against milestones AND insure you against poor outcomes - it would cost money, but I think it would be worth it.
  19. Interesting the spec says it's about 2" short of what I need. I've decided to just take the bass to a shop and try different guitar bags. I got a roksak thrown in when I got it, but it's unpadded.
  20. Yes it is. I don't mean no-one else has ever done it, but it was a strong element of his sound on his more melodic passages.
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