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Stub Mandrel

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Everything posted by Stub Mandrel

  1. @Ricky 4000 is to shy to do this for himself, and also in a state of some confusion caused by fainting goats and neatly folded towels. But he's invited me to share a picture of his Vig on this thread. I have no idea why.
  2. "Cheapest guitar in the house" - from what I could see it was a Cort.
  3. Looks like a plank to me. A wooden one. More seriously ash?
  4. Still learning Bouree. The differences are subtle, and a few bits require quite a developed technique to sound right.
  5. Low expectations! Hmm, Neil's one of my favourite artists, and I've always said if I didn't like rock I'd be into funk instead... I've been known to tap too (badly).
  6. That's actually a piece of music that develops, rather than just aimless noodling.
  7. So it's the American equivalent of 'Red Fiesta' or 'Eddie Stobart' 🙂
  8. Nice to see bass player and drummer so closely in synch.
  9. May I suggest just rounding it out a little more in teh yellow area, it looks too straight in your pic.
  10. This is the effect of just taking off about 3mm at the most. As @The Greek says you really only want to take off the minimum:
  11. Yes but he's giving his punters what they want; if they didn't want the pyrotechnics and extended solos I'm sure he'd drop them. It's a bit like going to see EVH, if he didn't do two handed tapping you'd feel cheated. And if you don't want it, you probably wouldn't go...
  12. Only you can decide, but 'putting back on' tools are hard to come by. Whatever you do, avoid having a 'stalk' between the nut and the headstock proper, that will look odd.
  13. That won't look right if you use the original holes and leave the bit at left in place. It will look even worse if it sticks out on a 'stalk' like that. Why not use a Prit stick to put a sheet of clean paper on the face of the headstock, then just sketch off the bump. I think it nees to lose very little more to get that 51 Precision look?
  14. I sometimes think that there's an element of envy in the hatred of 'slap shredders'. It is true that many YT/music store slappers couldn't hold down a groove if it was beaten into them with a cricket bat. But slap played well by a good player is great. It's all about serving the song. I'm not a very good slap player, in particular I'm not very good at the fast, damped, percussive-only bits. I can play faster fingerstyle... My level just about copes with Can't Stop. Sometimes just dropping in a couple of 'pops' works well, or a brief passage. For me the key is making sure that other than practising, i stay within my limits.
  15. So mute the E with your left thumb 🙂 How can they have that much titanium and not heat treat it to get cosmic colours?
  16. I'm only a hobbyist at electronics, but I've certainly never seen an input stage like that elsewhere. My spice skills are minimal (limited to some very basic online modelling)...
  17. Post a picture in the cars thread 🙂
  18. Good grief! The only member of Basschat who has more hair than thirty years ago! Fight those groupies off with a pointed stick!
  19. This is the GP11 preamp. VR1 is 500K, R4 is 220K. C1 is 1.5uF, C2 is 0.47uF. R5 is 1M. C3 is 1000pF As gain is increased the resistive element of the input impedance drops considerably. Without modelling it I would expect this to mean the low-frequency gain will drop more than high frequency as the gain is increased. I don't know if this is the case, but the GP11 certainly has the reputation of changing the character of the sound as the gain is changed. It's certainly unusual to vary the gain in this way.
  20. And effin' YouTube fill a fundraiser with ads! OTH aren't YT part of Google who are matching donations 2:1?
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