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Everything posted by PaulWarning

  1. most acoustic guitars manage without intonation adjustment, IMO it's overrated as a problem on basses, generally we don't play chords with loads of overdrive, unlike guitar players, so unless you've got perfect pitch (disclosure time, I've got the opposite, whatever that is) you or anybody else aren't going to notice, who does on fretless basses for instance? I once asked a double bass player about how accurate his playing was, intonation wise, his reply was "As long as you're somewhere near nobody is going to notice"
  2. seem to remember a story about Bruce Springsteen and his band, E Street Band? being the pickup band for Chuck Berry
  3. I use a Behringer UM2 straight into my laptop, then play along using Audacity, slow things down, go up an octave to make the bass stand out, the big game changer for me was when I bought some Audio Technica WS1100 headphones, head and shoulders above the Sennheiser HD 280 pro's I was using before
  4. It's been on before, really enjoyed it, always had a soft spot for the Hollies, it seems to me a lot of bass players seem to finish up playing a precision
  5. while not saying it isn't a scam, if you get the money in cash, where's the scam?
  6. The same could be said of Penetration covering the Buzzcocks
  7. that's the 500, it's only 350 watts at 8 ohms, 500 with an extension cab
  8. I had one for a while, while they are light (and loud), they're also bulky with only the one handle on the top so it tends to swing around a lot, as my door frame will testify too
  9. I'm trying to load our album onto the digital aggregator platform Soundrop, at the end of the process I get this error, I've left it about 3 weeks and it's still happening. The Spotify artist link works ok when logging into the Spotify artists page, I've tried emailing Soundrop, but no reply. Anybody on here any experience of this problem?
  10. some punters actually find the mistakes amusing, as long as it doesn't happen too often, how may of us have completely messed up the start of a song and had to start again to a huge roar from the crowd and than cheering at the end because we got it right?
  11. the Beatles reform for live aid
  12. they'd be getting slagged off for for carrying on way past their best like Macca and Clapton etc, and maybe rightly so, to quote Hendrix (allegedly) "once you're dead your made for life", how prophetic was that?
  13. feedback while being in front of a small PA is not such a problem in my experience, we use a Yamaha EMX512SC power mixer, our singer spends quite a lot of time running around the crowd with his radio mic without feedback problems
  14. thanks for your help, nearly there, just got to figure out how to add my email address, nothing happens when I click on 'add email address' at the bottom of the notifications page
  15. thanks, but I can't find page settings on the band FB page, I'll try your messenger suggestion thanks
  16. Since the last FB 'upgrade' I no longer receive notifications when someone leaves a message in band's inbox on our FB page, which means I have to remember to check regularly to make sure we're not missing out on offers of gigs etc, anyone got any ideas on how to get them working again? Google hasn't been much help
  17. the song selection and the singers made all the difference, the reggae mash up, or whatever it was called wasn't good, why they persevered with it, given the drummers problems as well, I really don't know
  18. yep, I think we can all see where this program is going, contrived TV at it's best/worst
  19. I did have a Stingray, despite it being active I could never get the sound I wanted, I never touch the controls on my P bass, any adjustments are made via my Zoom B1on pedal or my amp, when I play through a full PA the Zoom gives me control over my EQ before the mixing desk
  20. I notice you didn't post the one with a certain DJ introducing it 😄
  21. I (with my other half) do open mics, the most popular song by quite a distance is Jilted John, never seem to hear it on the Radio these days 😄
  22. banter is a tricky one, it's nasty if it's too near the truth and the people it's aimed at are lacking in self confidence, it's a thin dividing line between a bit of a pi55 take and bullying, getting a feel for when people are getting upset is important. Something that is difficult when written down in a post. I walked in the pub tonight where I'd done open mic on Friday, a couple of the blokes said "hope you've not bought your guitar again" but it was said in such a way that I took it as a compliment, they'd actually enjoyed my little set, if I'd been shite they wouldn't have said it, hopefully I read it right 😂
  23. use different coloured cables or coloured tape on both ends of the cable (different colours for different cables) so it's clear which cables at the PA are connected to which microphones etc
  24. never suffered with foot problems always wear Converse maybe I'm lucky, as well as print the set list big enough to read check out the next song before you've finished the last one so you're ready for those no break in between the songs moments
  25. I've got a couple TE's non fan version, and I prefer them, they're quieter and lighter, (possibly because they're lower wattage), and like you say don't get full of sucked in gunk, never had any overheating issues with them
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