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Richard R

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Everything posted by Richard R

  1. I've just read through this thread and I guess I now like the prog I liked, but not more recent stuff. Genesis, Yes, Tull, ELP, Oldfield, most Rush, all on LP and mostly again on CD. But at university I got into the blues, and then all sorts of stuff, then Miles Davis and into fusion and jazz. Now playing a lot of Grateful Dead and Americana. When I listen to the old stuff, I get the same thrill as I did before, but not newer. A friend sent me a link to "The Whirlwind" by Transatlantic. I should have loved it, but it didn't grab me at all. (I do like bagpipes. I have a practice chanter at home, but the bandleader has said if he ever sees it on stage then I won't be able to sit down for a week)
  2. Happy Friday everyone!
  3. A very nice bass, but it isn't any good for metal (detecting). Sorry - it was inevitable someone would say it, so best get it over with!
  4. And 28 years later, on the other side of America: Shakey footage, but great to see the interaction between Garcia and Branford Marsalis as well as hear it
  5. Tempted, I would need to flog a few things first. What's the width at the nut, and is it 34 or 35"? Have a bump. 👍
  6. That I like a LOT. Could it be made with the headstock matching the light wood on the body? With the black string mounts on top it would then echo the body beautifully. Please don't make a 5 string version, I can't afford it!
  7. Eeh lad. Thaat sound takes me reet back to me time in t' cotton mills. And a lovely lass known as Ginny six-string.
  8. Sorry, I wasn't clear. I meant something tenor uke sized, but with bass strings, rather than soprano uke sized. Or baritone, like this thing https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/363555959883
  9. I have the opposite challenge for this year. I actively want to buy another bass, but don't quite know what. The two I have are more than adequate, so it's a case of what do I fancy that's cheap, offers something different, and will be easy to move on. There are a couple of inexpensive 5 string fretless in the marketplace, but fretless would require serious commitment. There are a couple of acoustic 5s as well. Or sod it and get a tenor uke with rubber band strings. No idea, but 11 months still to go.
  10. Sorry to hear you only have one, Waddo. As long as it doesn't impair performance.
  11. Twangtastic! Prog-funk meets Caribbean wedding band. 😎
  12. Absolutely this. GD completely passed me by until a couple of years ago when I asked Findave of this parish for a recommendation of what to listen to. And the live recordings are definitely where the magic is. Because they encouraged both fan and desk recordings and bootlegs, pretty much everything got recorded, and a lot is now on CD. Cornel 5/8/77 is the obvious starting point, and for a good reason. It's regarded as almost definite by some, but they played for 30 years, so there were a lot of good gigs. The Sunshine Daydream concert is from '72 so a bit earlier. I then really like "Wake Up to Find Out - Nassau Colluseum 3/29/1990" and "Crimson White and Indigo - July 7 1989' Different to the 70's concerts and to each other. The version of Birdsong on Wake Up to Find Out has a sax guest player. Originally just for that song they liked jamming with him so insisted he played the rest of the set. All the above are on Spotify, and highly recommended.
  13. Certainly none that would get past the BC filters!
  14. That's like the Crocodile Dundee of basses! "You call that six string a bass instrument? THIS is a bass instrument"
  15. I agree wholeheartedly! @Boodang - I have posted it to the Famous Quotes thread. 👏
  16. https://ritter-instruments.com/artist-series-phil-lesh.php Fewer knobs, more wild curves. I rather like that.
  17. There is a lot of feedback available, and students are encouraged to upload videos for feedback and correction. Given that SBL is a school, then the choice of material may also be a matter of finding decent teachers for a genre, rather than deliberately ignoring it. (My old school had a fantastic modern languages department, aparently, but couldn't offer Spanish). There are a couple of courses on metal playing, one on prog metal, and some seminars. I'm sure Scott would love to find a thrash metal bassist prepared to write and teach a course on keeping that style and speed going for a full gig without injury. Right - I'm off to practice the pieces "Abstract Noodle 6" and "Muddy Leeds River", followed by "Funky Love Glove" See you in the shed when I've fixed the roof.
  18. Fair enough- if the teacher isn't teaching you what you want to play then there is absolutely no point in carrying on with that teacher.
  19. Both comments addressed in the video which started this thread 🙂 Scott gets knocked a lot on BC, so I'll stick up for him here. I agree the marketing can be is really annoying, but so are The Ordnance Survey and O2 Events. Just mark as junk or unsubscribe. His YT video style is over-enthusiastic, but the academy lessons are much more down-to-earth and genuinely really good. For ~£100/year (the cost of four pace-to-face lessons) I've learned way more than I would in four lessons. And being able to submit your playing videos for review - and see everyone else's as well - is great. 7pm this Monday there's a live seminar with Ariane Cap, John Patitucci's song studies are fablulous, and there is a load more. Back to Rickenbakers though. Which are the ones with the stereo / dual pickup output thing? Is that the "S" models?
  20. You can't post a statement like that without pictures! 😅
  21. Bribery and corruption at the highest level! You didn't go on to a career in FIFA did you?
  22. Try to get to a Bass Bash and play one there. If we're lucky, then @Owen will be able to come to the Midlands Bash in April, and maybe bring the 6 as well as his rather tasty collection of 5s.
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