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Richard R

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Everything posted by Richard R

  1. Definitely interested, I am looking at fretless 5s as a bit of an experiment. The only problem is that Lowestoft is over three hours and about 60 quid's worth of petrol away from me. 😧
  2. I should have said sing or play.
  3. This is fundamentally flawed. The point of worship is to encounter and glorify God. If you're involved in leading, singing, tech, or anything such as that then your first priority is the worship of the congregation, not your own. You are serving, not worshipping, you are Martha, not Mary. Now if you are good enough to sing and play and be able to worship and encounter God as well, good for you! (I'm not yet). But even if you are, then the priority is the congregation, and the whole band has to be as good as they can to help the congregation to worship. So by saying "focus on your worship" the leader is failing to understand the job the band is there to do. It's the same with FOH sound or livestream cameras - it is work and service to be done to the best of one's ability. Which means not usually joining in but making sure the best possible sound or visuals are presented to those who receive them, to aid their worship. Whether you call such service "worship" is a another question, but it's clearer to use a different word.
  4. I have to be in Manchester later this month, with an evening meeting followed by a whole day on site. I had cunningly planned to take the prior half day off, so I could drive up at lunchtime then mooch around Johnny Roadhouse Music and spend some money. Now some bright spark has arranged meetings so I can't leave the Midlands until gone 2pm, which seriously limits the mooching time ☚ī¸
  5. I suppose none of the above is actually in the signal chain except the XLRs, and cables and leads might be considered as consumables. I would say you're in, but I refer to my previous disclaimer 😁
  6. Have added Nottingham to the title. Hopefully it doesn't actually put people off!
  7. Ortega genuinely make a range of ukuleles called The Bonfire Series... https://ortegaguitars.com/en/products/ru5-te-m13363.html
  8. Or braids, or leather strips, or both plus a fag. In fact the whole Keith Richards look. Would bloody ruin it though! Looks great as is.
  9. Very sad. I only met him at the bash but, as everyone has said, a lovely chap to talk to.
  10. Don't tell @Smanth. She'll be off designing special electronics with hidden easter eggs so that if you press the tone buttons in the right order the bass plays Superstition all by itself. And if you push them in the wrong order it plays Proud Mary.
  11. That is the best looking Rickenbacker I have ever seen. Ever. Please be careful with it!
  12. Another Brummie 👍 If @Frank Blank keeps the bass lobg enough to bring it up to the Midlands Bass Bash in April* (and I have a side bet that it will be around for a lot longer than that) then @mr4stringz can join us all in Nottingham and we can see it in the flesh. * See the Events thread as I forgot to get the link before I started this post.
  13. Can't have a raffleless bash, the very concept sounds absurd! Hopefully we will have an array of random bass/music/totally un -related stuff that people are happy to donate. As per the last couple of Midlands bashes I suggest any profits to Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy, unless anyone objects?
  14. That looks great. 6 drivers looks perfect as well, clearly more heft than a 4, but not trying too hard. Understated power.
  15. Good news on the gigs, sorry we won't see you this time.
  16. Thanks. I'll see how the finances are looking - and how much I'm honestly going to practice!
  17. On the other hand, I didn't start this year's event, and am actively trying to go out, so you should ignore any opinions I have. Grant yourselves a pardon, an extra life, and a 2K pedal board.
  18. You asked for it, so I think you're out. On the 2021 and 2022 rules that was the case anyway. Unless it's a bike pedal, in which case you're all good.
  19. Random minor blues scales stuff until my fingers warm up. There's an Irish jig I play at home, which is quite fun, but I can't do that cold so it rarely gets an outing.
  20. Straps aren't in the signal path, or shouldn't be, so I think you're OK.
  21. I like the G&L. What does it sound like?
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