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Richard R

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Everything posted by Richard R

  1. Fairport Convention last night in Solihull. DP in good form with DM on drums. Rock on! Half Man Half Biscuit in Leamington next month.
  2. I'm going to call for Dave Pegg. Partly because he's a great bass player and a funny bloke, but mainly to watch Ian Alison struggle with the brummie accent.
  3. 😲 That really IS low!
  4. https://www.studybass.com/gear/bass-setup/bass-setup-intro/ I read this all the way through twice, and then set my bass up exactly following the instructions. I forget what the string height was, but it was much lower than when I started and the intonation was spot on.
  5. There are already a lot of good interviews on the SBL podcast, I listened to loads of them during lockdown:
  6. Herbie Flowers would be great. I'm sure I've heard him interviewed recently on a podcast, and he was a really interesting guy. Maybe better for The Rockonteurs though.
  7. Are they all individual stickers, or a single sheet of paper, or a combination? I can’t tell from the photo, and I don't know if Arthur, The Simpsons, and Transformers would naturally appear together. Looks great however it's done, what did you seal it with?
  8. Thoroughly enjoyed that. I've heard a few of the stories before, but so what? I've heard a few of the songs before too. Still made me laugh.
  9. Annoyingly, I just forgot completely to buy tickets for their Birmingham gig back in November. 😬
  10. Welcome aboard! I think everyone with a Stirling 4 is busy playing it 😁 Keep an eye on the Marketplace, and search through as well. Best of luck with your search.
  11. Welcome aboard! And hello from Solihull I'm going to shamelessly plug the upcoming Midlands Bass Bash on 22 April in Nottingham. if you're interested then just post on the thread. There are rumours of a S Wales bash as well but nothing confirmed.
  12. I did. And your perfunctory response and assumption that I didn't is precisely the reason I won't bother reading any more.
  13. Oddly enough, most of us on BassChat come for a chat about basses. There are frequent robust discussions, and occasional arguments, but seldom rudeness. This seems to be largely one person shouting and not attempting to back up their position with further reasoned evidence. Shame, as there probably is a valid point somewhere. History tells us that persistent rudenes results in the rest of the members unfollowing the thread and ignoring any further posts from the shouter, who probably goes over to TalkBass where they seem to like that style.
  14. Seconded - you can post it as I c@cked up the last one I tried to quote.
  15. @Richard R: Brawley 4 and 5 string, EBS session 60 amp, cheap Aeon sustainer, scales to weight basses with, cake @petecarlton Shuker Nuclear Device Jean-Jacques Burnel Signature Lite P-bass, Mayones Cali 4 Triskelion travel bass, Bugera Veryron BV 1001M Mosfet head, Ashdown Studio 210 combo, bits and pieces - and cake @Machines# Dingwall D-Roc 5, Dingwall NG-3, Warwick Gnome 280w + Ashdown RM210 (probably) @Andyjr1515 SWAAPATWTBWADS Bubinga Fretless, probably Pete's Swift lightweight piccolo build and maybe also his (not lightweight) EB-3 tribute @Ander87: Some of the gear in his signature - Rickenbacker 4003, MM Stingray Special 4HH, Fender AO Precision 60s, a few pedals on a Nano + Ampeg SVT 2 Pro Premiere + Barefaced Six10
  16. Lovely! Definitely need at least one Ric at a bash 😎
  17. I can't see your sig on a mobile, what have you got there?
  18. @Richard R : Brawley 4 and 5 string, EBS session 60 amp, cheap Aeon sustainer, scales to weight basses with, cake @petecarlton: Shuker Nuclear Device Jean-Jacques Burnel Signature Lite P-bass, Mayones Cali 4 Triskelion travel bass, Bugera Veryron BV 1001M Mosfet head, Ashdown Studio 210 combo, bits and pieces - and cake @Machines: Dingwall D-Roc 5, Dingwall NG-3, Warwick Gnome 280w + Ashdown RM210 (probably) Come on the rest of you! Otherwise there will be a lot of cake left over
  19. Fairport Convention next Wednesday. Hopefully all free of illness this time.
  20. @petecarlton Somehow missed this thread - You are bringing that to Nottingham in April aren't you?
  21. Mick Fleetwood said in an interview that his drumming was so inconsistent that the only bassist who could play with him was John McVie! So maybe John just thought "sod it, I'll buy what I want"?
  22. @MothMan posted it in the "What are you listening to right now?" thread, so the credit is due to him.
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