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Richard R

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Everything posted by Richard R

  1. Whatever you get, these are how to keep them bright: https://uk.farnell.com/techspray/1610-50pk/wipe-isopropyl-alcohol-ipa-pack/dp/2501334 Really clean strings, squeaky clean if you wanted. Easier than the meths in a tube approach as you can just clean the strings in situ, and easier to leave in a gig bag than lighter fluid. Slip a piece of plastic under the strings to protect the fretboard if you want to.
  2. Provided said fridge contains shami kebab diablo, beer milkshake and lager, I don't have a problem with that. Now run down to G deck Kryten, we're out of poppadums.
  3. I idly googled spokeshaves. I know judging a tool supplier by their name is like judging a book by it's cover, but surely few people will buy Mingz tools. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B078LDXG7P/ref=sspa_mw_detail_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1 But I guess if the blade is sharp and holds position that's what matters?
  4. It was my son's wedding on Saturday. Fantastic day, and the band at the reception were cracking and had almost everyone on the dancefloor. They played Proud Mary, and as you said, everyone seemed to go mad for it. It's a perfectly good CCR song, if you like CCR, but playing it at 900 bpm as a hardcore dance track just wrecks it. Bemused of Solihull
  5. Don’t Fear the Reaper? God, I LOVE that song! Lots of people do, and I understand why, it just annoys me. I quite like Walk of Life, which seems to be a minority opinion too. But then I haven't heard many cover versions 😁
  6. 1) Don't Fear the Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult. Hated the song since I first heard it, and then had a job in Currys for a while where it was the first track on the demo CD for music systems so I heard it at least twice a day. 2) Imagine by John Lennon. AAAARRGGHHH!!!! Mawkish dirge. 3) Barwick Green, aka the theme to The Archers. The tune is OK, but I am up across the room hitting the off switch within nanosecond because of what follows.
  7. I had tucked the idea of bronze tuners away for my eventual build in a few years. I'll have forgotten by then, so it doesn't matter either way 😁
  8. It has to be done by the 2020 Midlands Bass Bash, because it sounds very cool indeed and we all want to see and play it.
  9. JCongratulations. All the cliches about children are true, even the ones that flatly contradict each other! Just play whatever the child likes and what you like or whatever makes them sleepy or happy. I often walked round and round the bedroom at 2am with my first baby singing the theme from Red Dwarf until he fell asleep. But if there was a CD player nearby during the day then he got whatever was to hand. ELO, Air, Jethro Tull, all sorts.
  10. This could be a whole new "BenchChat" forum :-)
  11. @Soledad The pictures have gone from the Hemmingway thread, could you post one here? Our previous house had a huge double garage, with a massive 9'x2' bench under the windows which was 2/3 carpeted with contract carpeting.The previous owner was a rally enthusiast and this was his engine rebuild bench. They apparently often have rubber on top to prevent slipping but his was carpeted instead. I didn't do much woodwork on it, but the carpet did stop little screws from bouncing away if I dropped them. I now have a tiny L shape of kitchen worktop crammed at the back of the garage in this house, and I had to sell my pillar drill πŸ˜₯
  12. Welcome aboard. Your English is better than my French, and my bass playing for that matter...
  13. Welcome aboard. So now of course you have set us the challenge of working out what your pseudonym means.😁 I'm guessing that when you were at school you kept saying "Two can play at that game", so you acquired the nickname "Toucan". But you use that on other boards and don't want GCHQ or your missus to make the connection, so you've gone to YellowBill, and then to Bill Yellow. But, my friend, you made one tiny error and used the same picture...
  14. Some sort of funky cover for the headstock? Or on the end of a headless? Looking forward to the build in a confined space.
  15. Love the burst finish on the front and the wood on the back.
  16. Unpaid internships are, from my memory, technically unpaid volunteers, which is how you avoid the minimum wage. Hence the clause that you can do other work outside the Tatoo as you aren't working for them. And, again if I recall correctly, you can clear off for another job and there's nowt that could actually stop you.
  17. Thank you. When I (eventually) build a 35" neck-through bass I will probably spend two days trying to find this link again. πŸ™‚
  18. That's a narrow escape. I love Hobgoblin, I work in Brindley Place and it's an easy destination for a lunchtime walk, but I'd never buy anything there. I think their motto should be something like "Hobgoblin, when 12 strings just isn't enough". Hope to go to PMT tomorrow to look at live mixing desks
  19. These: https://uk.rs-online.com/mobile/amp/p/products/8918801/?grossPrice=Y&cm_mmc=UK-PLA-DS3A-_-google-_-PLA_UK_EN_Facilities_Cleaning_And_Maintenance_MOB-_-Electronics_Cleaners_And_Protective_Coatings|Precision_Cleaners_And_Degreasers-_-PRODUCT_GROUP&matchtype=&pla-417999727806&s_kwcid=AL!7457!3!319553345974!!!g!417999727806!&gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-f303_f_4wIVQbTtCh0FsQjwEAQYBCABEgLNE_D_BwE Anhydrous IPA wipes to clean guitar strings. Quicker than the meths-in-a-tube approach, won't rust the strings and they remove sweat and muck no problem so your strings are really clean. Put a bit of polythene or something between the strings and your nice fretboard so you don't accidentally take the oil off that. I bought a box as an experiment, and all my gigging friends have since followed suit.
  20. So instead of two dozen clamps, you have a bag that you suck the air out of with a Vac-u-Vin pump, and the piece is clamped completely evenly at 33psi by air pressure? That's genius. Do you clamp the neck laminate that way too? I don't need one (yet), but how much are they and where from?
  21. I think I may have the wrong personality type for the Basschat forum πŸ˜₯. I have an adequate bass and practice amp, and promised myself and the missus that I wouldn't buy anything more until I can play what I have. However I do have a serious desire to build a bass from scratch, which will cost a lot in tools and a fortune in time. I've worked out a spec, designed the headstock and logo, priced the wood, and got a good idea of how I want it to play and sound. Actually- that's actually the same addiction, just channelled differently... I'll stay πŸ˜€
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