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Everything posted by Newfoundfreedom

  1. I was thinking exactly the same thing. I don't understand the world any more. Who in their right mind would give £550 for this?!
  2. They Shall Not Grow Old was absolutely superb! I'd even go as far as to say one of the greatest televisual experiences I've ever had. It gave a humanity and reality to WW1 that I've never come close to experiencing before with any other documentary I've ever seen. If you haven't already seen it. Please watch it. If the Beatles thing is only one tenth as good it'll still be the greatest music documentary ever made. I'm definitely looking forward to it.
  3. I made mine out of an old pallet I blagged from my local bar. Cut it down to size. Edged with a bit of old tongue and groove I had knocking around. Painted black. Covered in double sided tape and velcro. The feet are actually a couple of old plastic bolts that you get in new washing machines to stop the barrel moving when it's being delivered. Total cost, about a fiver for the velcro and double sided tape. I don't think it looks too bad.
  4. I leave my idiot at home. They're always wandering off.
  5. Superb! It's a great combination. I love mine!
  6. I'm only jealous. I'd love to live in Oz. I'd even stand the higher bass prices. 😁
  7. Funnily enough I watched a couple of punk documentaries a couple of weeks ago on YouTube. This one is particularly interesting. It shows where punk came from and what influenced it. It certainly didn't spring out of nowhere with Malcolm McLaren as some might assume. Definitely worth a watch. You might be surprised at how far the roots go.
  8. Especially hitchhiker's. Keeping them is definitely frowned upon.
  9. If it works for you then why not? I bought a short scale Gretsch Junior Jet 2 when I got back into playing bass a few months ago. Great little bass. Absolutely superb sounding, and an absolute dream to play, but after a few months I found myself drifting back towards full scale and now I hardly play the Gretsch, which is a shame because I actually really love the little thing. I don't really know what my point is, except if you have the option, I would still keep a full scale in the arsenal, just in case.
  10. I call my Squier Jaguar "The Ugly Wife", because it's OK to be quite fond of it in the house, but I wouldn't want to be seen with it in public.
  11. If you think that anything I've said is in any way aggressive then you've really led an extremely sheltered life. But hey ho. I give in. I really can't be ar5ed with keyboard warriors with nothing better to do than cause arguements because they don't agree with someone else's opinion. Life's too short. I'm out. Peace.
  12. £120 for the Gretsch?! That's an absolute steal. Come on somebody grab a bargain. These things are absolutely superb!
  13. Sorry. My mistake. I humbly and profusely apologise. I actually thought it was a forum where discussions take place and people exchange opinions and ideas. Maybe I was wrong and I shouldn't bother in future? Also I don't recall complaining about anything. My comment on the second post was meant to be light-hearted and humorous, but I guess you understand humour about as much as you understand the purposes of a public forum.
  14. I don't like scales. They make me feel fat.
  15. Thanks. I get what you're saying, but to me enjoying listening to music shouldn't be that much hard work. If you have to study it to appreciate it then to be honest I'm not really interested. There's a whole world of music out there, whatever you're into, that you can enjoy right off the bat. Probably a failing on my part and I accept I might be missing out on something, but I can live with it.
  16. It's kind of beyond that. I don't "like" brass bands but I can easily stand in front of one and enjoy the music. The same can be said of orchestral, classical, and many other genres. I've even been know to indulge in a bit of musical theatre. I get that everyone has different tastes. But the point I was trying to make is, when it comes to Jazz I just don't get it. It's not even that I don't like it per se. I just don't understand it. Maybe I'm lacking a brain cell or two but it just doesn't sound at all musical to me. I just don't get what's appealing about it. I accept that there must be some appeal because it has such a large following. I honestly don't understand what other people are hearing that I'm not. It's more akin to flavour I suppose. I can't stand fish. To me it just tastes rank. But I accept that other people love it. Even though I accept it, I just don't understand how someone can like something that tastes like that. I'm kind of the same with Jazz.
  17. Oh God! Help! I'm in my own personal music Hell! The reason they pull those faces is because it's self gratifying musical masturbation that should only ever be done in private. 😂
  18. I suppose so, at the risk of being unpopular. Firstly, until a few months ago, when I discovered Scott Devine's instructional videos on YouTube, I'd never even heard of Jaco, so I had to look him up on YouTube to see what Scott's massive man crush was all about. I have to say I've never heard so much pretentious, noodling noise pollution in my life. I just don't get it, and I don't think I ever will. That's not to deny he's a good (some would say great) bass player. I suppose if it's your kind of thing then that's great. That's what I meant about living on a different planet. If that's your kind of thing I just can't relate to it at all. Someone vocally scatting the bass line certainly does nothing to improve it to my ear. I only managed to stand about 20 seconds of it. Rather than "captivating" as described in the original post, I found it unbearably irritating. I think I'd rather listen to roadworks. Again if that's your kind of thing then great, but again I may as well be on another planet.
  19. Thanks. But fuzz or any kind of distortion on bass is really not my kind of thing. My personal preference is a good clean sound.
  20. Punk changed music as we know it. It blew the kneecaps off the overly pretentious 20 minute solo prog rock crap that was becoming extremely popular, and brought music back down to earth for the everyman. It introduced (maybe reintroduced to a new generation) short, sharp and extremely powerful songs that people could get behind, and defined music for a whole generation and more. Admittedly there was a lot of crap in there too, but that could be said about any genre and is pretty much down to personal taste. I'd hate to think where music would be now if it wasn't for punk.
  21. Totally agree. I have a line 6 M13 and one whole row is taken up by varying levels of reverb. Ranging from subtle which is always on to "fatten" the sound, to full on echo for a more Vintage 50's or upright bass kind of sound. I love it!
  22. Man. I really am living on a totally different planet to some of you lot.
  23. Then there's the crocs, sharks, snakes and killer spiders. Jeez! Who'd want to live there? 😋
  24. Here's the thing. It's easy to dismiss the general population as Heathens because they don't like live music, or what you would see as great music. The problem is music, even moreso than most things is massively subjective. You could have the greatest Jazz band in the world (I couldn't even name you one) playing at my local and I'd leave before they finished the first song. To me it's just noise. Conversely if it was an Iron Maiden cover band I would be in my element, but the rest of the pub would probably leave. Then you have the regulars, for whom live music is just an inconvenience and interruption to their normal schedule. Nothing worse than going out for a chat and having your conversation drowned out by music, live or otherwise. This is one of the reasons I could never understand the appeal of nightclubs. Sure they could be "world class" musicians but if it's something you've never heard then for most of the general population outside of musos it would barely even register, or even worse just become background noise. Sad but unfortunately true.
  25. I'd never even heard of him until about 6 months ago when our drop in harmonica player suggested one of his tracks. Joe Who'sawhatnow?
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