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Everything posted by dodgnofski

  1. Hi Kev, welcome to the forum - I'm guessing this is your 4HS with a swampash body, tortie plate & lined fretless rosewood board - drool !! - get some pics up & share the love !! I'd have this in a heartbeat if I wasn't so in love with my Status S1 fretless & couldn't let her go to conform to the 'one in - one out' policy - so kindly instigated by the current kitchen viper post my descendancy into fossildom !!! Good luck with the sale, but I don't think you'll need it!!
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  4. Buggeration! too far away & I'm not going to the Bash !!
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  6. Just my luck - been waiting for two years for one with this spec & it's a lefty !! Great bass - good luck with the sale
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  8. tee hee !! - but seriously folks - ask a good quality luthier to build you a fretless of this standard & spec - then make sure you are sitting down before they give you the price - unbelievable value all the live long day - someone will be a very happy boy or girl !! Dip yer bread as we say up north !!
  9. [quote name='fabbabass' timestamp='1378719894' post='2203520'] Please see previous PM's and those above. Thanks, Kevin. [/quote] ?????????????????????????
  10. Bargain alert for the Status fretless - blinking fab build quality, sounds & playability - love mine to bits !!
  11. Sorry, I'm at least a scrillion miles away from you ! - good luck with the sale, but I don't think you'll need it - as these are great sounding bullet proof combos
  12. Great Guy, deal with absolute confidence Chaps - a true Gent!! Thank you
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  19. My vote would go to a Hohner Jack - much easier to play on a strap, standing up than the cricket bat type - l have both & the latter is a delight to play sitting down, but is a bit of a handful on stage due to the way it 'hangs'. But that could just be be & my beer gut getting in the way if course!!!!
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  21. Can't see any evidence of a previous hole - so it's totally baffling why they would position it 'that' far out of position from 'the norm'??
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