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Everything posted by BassmanPaul

  1. I have four Acme boxes and I love them. once I was setting a pair of them up and the band leader says reprovingly 'That's an awfully big bass amp Paul'. I wouldn't have minded but he stood on the other side of the stage with a pletora of instruments most of which he never actually played between us. I barely had room to stand let alone move. 🤯
  2. How about emailing Celestion and asking them what the drivers are for? They should know after all!
  3. @Merton Why would you consider this overkill? I stack my Acme B2 2x10s in the exact same way. There's safety in numbers and the two cabs take up the exact same stage space as one. You can hear yourself better 'cos the upper cabinet is closer to your ears. Add to that the dispersion out into the room is much improved so the audience hears you better too! It's a win, win situation.
  4. Once while playing a gig at Toronto's Ontario Place we had to stack the keyboard players' 4x12 on top my twin 15. There were times when I felt dizzy and nauseous. We never did that again!! Sadly my hearing was never the same again!
  5. Turn your bass down and the amp up as required.
  6. I think BFM said all that needed saying in his post above.
  7. A couple of hundred watts only takes you so far even if it "Sounds like 750W."
  8. Necessity is indeed the mother of invention!!
  9. It could be that you're just running out of headroom. The RH heads are not that powerful .
  10. I admit I miss TalkBass. Not so much the site itself but the good friends I had on there.
  11. It only sounds epic 'cos of that Wawick Streamer!! Great instruments. Mine is tuned B, E, A. D.
  12. Your amplifier has a minimum load of 4Ω. You can connect ONE 4Ω cabinet to it. You can also connect TWO 8Ω cabinets to the amp using a two to one SpeakOn splitter. That equates to a 4Ω total load.
  13. Yes it really does so you have to do the washing very carefully.
  14. There are bathroom deodorizes available for just this purpose! One short spray hides all evils!
  15. According to a YouTube video I found the unit is supposed to have a socket for an extension speaker cabinet. If yours needed one to be added it will nOT be able to handle the lower impedance. Sorry.
  16. My first thought too. If the amp has not been designed to work into 4Ω then it will fail. The only question is when?
  17. I feel that the knob issue is a stunning failure of design elements by TCE. An owner should NOT have to go through these trials with what amounts to a new amplifier.
  18. Mine had fans unless I am misremembering. I can clearly see it in my minds eye! LOL Possibly the North American units were different from the European models.
  19. Very often these amps can benefit from being carefully opened and vacuumed out. The cooling fans suck in a pile of crud that tends to block the cooling path., Folks who try this service should wear a good quality face mask. Luckily (sic) we all should have those handy 'cos of Covid.
  20. To add: I was worried it meant Inland Revenue Service!
  21. If you're going to miss treat your bass by slapping it I've nothing more to say!!
  22. I found a few on YouTube. It seems to be a fairly versatile amplifier. I must admit that I didn't like the distortions built into the unit for my purposes as I don't like distortion on my bass tone.
  23. I remember that when I was allowed on TalkBass all the posts about fragile knobs when the amps first came on the market.
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