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Everything posted by The59Sound

  1. The nylons they have left are the last of the Picato made Status strings. Whenever they get a new batch in, it will be Status nylons but made by a different manufacturer so the string will be a little different from previous versions.
  2. They've stopped producing black labels now so they only do blue labels for rounds.
  3. Buy a 5 string set and use the lower four strings. 140 for the low string is crazy!
  4. Pulled the trigger on the La Bella 760N set - hopefully should arrive by the weekend!
  5. Personally, I think the major difference is the feel over any tonal differences. As a rule of thumb, 40-100 hexcore strings are similar in tension to 45-105 roundcore strings.
  6. TI Jazz Rounds > TI Jazz Flats > La Bella Low Tension Flats > DR Sunbeams 40-100. Lowest to highest tension. They are all pretty close though. IMO Jazz Rounds are unplayable because of the low tension!
  7. Fender 8250s had grey silk when Fender produced their own strings. If the E is tapered then it's definitely them.
  8. They're Picato strings - they have just gone out of business, hence no 'Status' strings anymore.
  9. Very informative, thank you. Judging by all the soundclips I've heard and everything I've read, I've narrowed it down to La Bella or GHS tapes being best suited for my needs.
  10. I searched before posting this thread - didn't answer my questions.
  11. That fingerstyle tone around the 2:23 mark sounds really good. I'm very tempted to get some tapes now; should have no problem with classic rock.
  12. That Flea Jazz looks amazing with tapes. From what I’ve found online, Rotosound, La Bella, GHS, Fender and D’Addario all make tapewounds. Does anyone here have experience with those on a bass?
  13. Would you guys know of any recordings where tapes were used? Even better if it's a Jazz bass.
  14. Hello all, I have just joined a 70s rock covers band and am thinking of putting flats back on my Jazz. I usually use a Bearfoot Blueberry to get a bit of grit and having flats on the Jazz bass gives me a really nice 'vintage' tone (think JPJ on early Zep records). I've always been curious about tapes and woud like to know how they differ from flats in feeling, tension and sound. I have no experience playing tapes but thought they would be quite similar to the flats I normally use. My nut has already been filed for thicker gauge strings so fitting tapes shouldn't be a problem. Any help or advice welcome!
  15. Might as well took a picture of your hand! Chromes have royal blue silks so if the strings on the bass don't have the silks then they're not Chromes.
  16. I think 'not fashionable' is the term you're looking for. Remember the TC RH450? Everyone had one then the next thing. Genz Benz Shuttle? Great, what's next? Barefaced cabs! Before you know it they're in the FS section.
  17. If you don't use one finger per fret for steels and just first finger every fret then of course you will get a lot of side noise! Hi Beams/Fat Beams/Lo Rider Steels or even Prosteels are good options for another SS string.
  18. I think if you're interested in La Bella flats then GHS Precision flats are definitely worth a shot. I found them a little more bright than LBs fresh on and found the tension/flex a little more forgiving. I do think Chromes are the lowest on tension of the three but it's marginal. I would also throw Dunlop flats into the mix - I have no experience of them but they've been getting rave reviews over on Talkbass.
  19. Do you use one finger per fret or mainly first finger for most notes?
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