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Everything posted by bobbass4k

  1. al (username al heeley) can etch a custom one for you if you've got a PCB layout, drop him a PM i'm sure he'll help you out
  2. Still interested in trades for something that's not a prunes&custard?
  3. they were flavour of the month on talkbass for a while, but seemingly with good cause, grygrx loved it, it's supposed to be a parallel blendable tube screamer clone and a superfuzz clone in one box with a couple of cool switches, sounds pretty cool to me
  4. Hey, if you're looking to downsize would you be up for a trade? Trace 715 150w 15" combo + cash for the head?
  5. Don't spose you'd be up for a trade for the superbass, Trace 150w 15" combo + cash from me?
  6. That 4x10 looks very nice, I'm planning on replacing my combo with a head and cab, but unfortunately it's 300 miles away so I can't sell it till the end of September.......oh well
  7. I'm definitley in, sounds like a brilliant idea, haven't got time to email now but I'll do it tonight
  8. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='568575' date='Aug 14 2009, 12:30 AM']Another pedal to look into is the Sanford&Sonny Bluebeard / Fuzzrocious Green Stache (which are just built from GGG tuned muff kits).[/quote] I think Sanford&Sonny would disagree with that. It's still true. They'd just disagree.
  9. [quote name='entropicp' post='568294' date='Aug 13 2009, 06:58 PM']So it wouldn't neccesarily be good for stoner/doom type sound? That's what I'm going for. Supercollider would be ideal I think. My issue with the Muff is that it's seriously big and heavy (physically as well as sonically ) and I'm getting sick of carrying it around with me to practice and I want something a bit more compact for my pedal board, which I plan to put together soon.[/quote] Funnily enough I'm interested in the muff because I might be getting a stoner/desert rock band together and a muff is pretty much a neccessity. I wouldn't get a cherry pop to replace a muff as they are different, but the cherry pop is defintley usable, it's got a high end sizzle that cuts through the mix, wheras a muff tends to cut you out of the mix
  10. It's not a muff clone, it's a very high gain silicon fuzz, kind of biting/searing crunch, got that lovely spluttery devi decay, but it doesn't like active basses
  11. Interested in a trade for a Devi Ever Cherry Pop?
  12. Sorry man, you haven't got a chance of emulating that proper with a multi, soundls like some crazy studio bitcrushing processing, only pedals I can think that would get close are a WMD geiger counter or a maybe something sequencable like a Pitch/Mod Factor (both by eventide) with some dirt and maybe a filter, but those are serious investments for one song (Geiger counter's £200+)
  13. Tri-mod phaser FINALLY arrived, still no board, but y'know:
  14. [quote name='Matty' post='564614' date='Aug 10 2009, 12:23 AM']Big update here. Great fun Sorry for the big lousy picture, only had my phone to take photo with...[/quote] Nice board man everyone's xp-100 is in better condition than mine..... how come the guv'nor's off the board? I should have an update on wednesday assuming my tri-mod phaser FINALLY gets here....never import anything from musictoyz, i've learnt the hard way
  15. Interested in a trade for the head? Got a trace 715 150w combo
  16. [quote name='iamapirate' post='564481' date='Aug 9 2009, 09:27 PM']I have the money, I have the GAS... and I need a mac. Dang... Good luck with the sale[/quote] nobody needs a mac, everyone needs a bass synth
  17. Aesthetically I think that just might be my perfect bass, never thought I'd say that about an ibanez, not generally a fan of gold hardware but it works on that, what's the sound like? bright/warm/clanky/growly?
  18. Back up we go, don't need to put it on evilBay yet, but it probably will be by wednesday
  19. Had a similar problem with my 715, guy in whitstable fixed it in under a week, he also picks up stuff from music ground in canterbury and drops it back there if you can't get to whitstable, cost £50, but I went through musicground so he might do it cheaper if you go direct, I can PM you his number if you want
  20. One last bump, it'll be on evilBay on friday if there's no joy here
  21. I'm building a blend pedal, but it wasn't until the stuff arrived that I realised I didn't know how to wire some of it together. Basically i've got a PCB ([url="http://gaussmarkov.net/layouts/bblender/bblender-perf.png"]layout[/url]), 4 jacks, 2 pots, a DPDT switch, and a 9v socket, here's a bad paint drawing of how I think it should be wired together, which I imagine is horribly wrong: The main problems I'm having is that there's no out on the pcb, so I don't get how to connect it to the switch, and the 9v connector it's one of these: , how would I wire it up for tip negative? any help would be much obliged
  22. Interested in a trade for the tr-2? whammy-4 plus £50 my way?
  23. More bump action, It might be going to evilBay soon I'll consider trades for a RAT or similar + Cash my way
  24. Damn it, I've been thinking of getting a marhsall cab for ages, and this is a steal , but there's just no way I can pick it up from bristol and the postage would probably be half the price, best of luck man, someone needs to buy this before I steal a car and drive to bristol
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