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Everything posted by Burns-bass

  1. It just becomes nonsensical after a while. I play DB too and a completely had carved and entirely bespoke double bass created by Martin Penning would be about £25,000. This is the culmination of decades of craft, the best quality materials and the highest quality workmanship. This is a production line bass, built from cheap and replaceable parts by unskilled tradespeople. Madness.
  2. I sold one like this for a good price (maybe it was this one). Can’t remember exactly what it was, but possibly around £1500? I got it in a partial trade for a 64 Jazz and it was an exquisite bass. It somehow felt a little cold to me when I played it. I think it was guilt when compared to the one I traded with it and certainly no criticism of the bass. Anyway, I love these instruments and I think what he does is fantastic and I love this one. I nearly bought it, in fact, but have no disposable cash.
  3. Phone them up and demand to speak to the manager. Personally I’ve received good service from PMT (Bristol) and they’ve been fair and reasonable. Perhaps it’s the individual rather than the business. I hope it gets sorted for you.
  4. Sorry to hear this. I’ve never received such poor Service and hope it’s sorted for you. Nobody deserves that when you’re spending over a grand!
  5. The authenticity of that jazz has been debated on here and the consensus was not good!
  6. OK, so this was sold on eBay but I was the likely victim of a scam, so this is now a COLLECTION ONLY bargain. (The hard caseI hoped would fit doesn't. The ebay buyer was a scammer who attempted to defraud me of the bass and I was alerted to the dangers, so no harm done!)
  7. Right, so I’ve fitted the strings, sorted a replacement screw and now have an old battered Fender moulded hard case. Would quite like to get rid of this now.
  8. I bought a classic bass and it’s absolutely wonderful.
  9. This is most of their output. Alice Cooper does a fantastic show on the radio from his own abode.
  10. As with all these things I can never discern a difference. Personally, to me (and I’m sure I’ll sound like a heretic) a P bass sounds like a P and jazz a jazz, woods and necks don’t make much difference.
  11. What a wonderful story. I once agreed to buy a vintage Precision from a chap who was giving up. Turns out he was seriously ill. He drove to my workplace and gave me a lift to the bank. When I’d bought the guitar we had a beer. £900 for a completely original 1969 Precision. Still remember the lady on the front desk calling me up!
  12. These strings get better with age, not worse. Stuck a new set on a vintage P and it’s gone heaven.
  13. Here’s mine. I’ve had a fair few but I’ve paired it down to one. Objectively speaking, it’s probably not as good as the modern Fenders, but, just look at it! It’s a 66 with the lollipop tuners. All original bar the jack socket which had to be replaced.
  14. That’s a great resource, as is this book:
  15. Really? I reckon it’s a fair place to post it. Ultimately it matters little. Chromes are wonderful strings and once you’ve broken them in the mellow out really well.
  16. I've just weighed it on my kitchen scales (expect a margin of error caused by garlic, onions and other food stuffs) but it comes out at 4.1kg.
  17. I've found a new screw for this (well, a vintage one that dropped out the bottom of my parts box!), so that's fixed. I have also now got a battered old Fender moulded hard case that I can send it in, so if you want me to send it, then that's a possibility.
  18. The police are woefully underfunded and understaffed. (We voted for this folks, so we can’t complain). I was once mugged at knifepoint (I was very drunk and it was all very odd) but they picked up the guy in days, prosecuted him and he was jailed. In an ideal world all crimes would be investigated, but a low-value theft isn’t going to be particularly high up on the pecking order. A flat I rented was broken into once and the police report was treated as merely a formality I went though before calling the insurance company to get my claim started. Today if my house were broken into I’d assume the case would be the same.
  19. It looks like a Zeta Crossover Bass. They sell for between £600 - £800.
  20. Amazing bass and some fantastic playing (horrid track, but that’s just personal preference)
  21. Taylor Swift is a multi instrumentalist and an incredible pop songwriter. Go back about 50 years and you’ve got Dolly too. Might not be your thing but these two women have written songs that change lives.
  22. I’ve got 3 sets of used strings. 2 sets are Fender standard length, the other are a shortscale set. These are I believe the strings fitted to Fenders from the factory. All used and either going as one set or to the recycling centre.
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