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Status Replies posted by SpondonBassed

  1. Keep your eyes pealed folks, something special's coming on Saturday! 😁 

  2. ACG arrived.....just saying 😉

  3. ACG arrived.....just saying 😉

  4. Anyone used the Maruszcsyk own brand flats at all?  Looking for thump (not modern Chromes type twang) but NO dead E

  5. Anyone used the Maruszcsyk own brand flats at all?  Looking for thump (not modern Chromes type twang) but NO dead E

  6. "As I  shook the aerosol for the 3rd coat, the words CLEAR SATIN were spotted" . Tears before bedtime 😭

  7. "As I  shook the aerosol for the 3rd coat, the words CLEAR SATIN were spotted" . Tears before bedtime 😭

  8. On my way to the Isle of Wight Festival for the day, should be a blast

  9. The NBD to end all NBDs.

  10. In the vain attempt to hang on to my ehem... rock star status.. 🤣 I’ve got a new logo!! Expect to see it plastered everywhere.. err, well, here.

  11. In the vain attempt to hang on to my ehem... rock star status.. 🤣 I’ve got a new logo!! Expect to see it plastered everywhere.. err, well, here.

  12. Unexpected NAD.  Im my quest to downsize from my current ampeg rig - an Ashdown Touring 550 2x10 Combo

  13. Life, the Universe & everything......

  14. Life, the Universe & everything......

  15. When the bass in the shop window that in no way you could ever afford to buy is sold.. 

  16. Life, the Universe & everything......

  17. First gig with the new band tonight, wish me luck!!!

  18. First gig with the new band tonight, wish me luck!!!

  19. What happened to the 'pirate' emoji? And what happened to the 'so shocked I fell over' emoji? I feel I can't express myself properly on BC without these two emojis. Can we have them back please? I feel naked if I can't pretend to over-react and/or be a pirate. Thanks.

  20. Warwick GAS...first GAS in a long time...off to see a Streamer S1 & LX tomorrow...credit card looks good and the wife is smiling :hi:

  21. Milliput Superfine White is excellent for nut repair. Just sayin'.

  22. Warwick GAS...first GAS in a long time...off to see a Streamer S1 & LX tomorrow...credit card looks good and the wife is smiling :hi:

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