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Everything posted by lemmywinks

  1. [quote name='Bass Culture' post='355763' date='Dec 16 2008, 11:04 AM']P.S. Lemmywinks - I think your avatar contains my dream bass...[/quote] Got it for £710 inc. Warwick flightcase. It was on sale here for under £600 i think (found the original owner on here). Was gigging with it last night and will be again tonight, it's lovely! My two "must own" basses were a Zoot and an original Tobias. I still find it amazing you can get a second hand luthier-built british bass for fender money. The bad news is i'm never selling it! Anyways, here's some porn!:
  2. Here's a corker of a deal if you're local to Bridgend: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Starfire-4-string-bass-guitar-and-Peavey-112-Bass-amp_W0QQitemZ230314793172QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item230314793172&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2|65%3A10|39%3A1|240%3A1318"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Starfire-4-string-ba...%3A1|240%3A1318[/url]
  3. Before i bought my Squier (Standard Jazz) i compared them to MIM and USA Jazzes, it sounded better than the MIM, felt better and looked a hell of a lot more expensive! It wasn't far off the USA Jazz too. After seeing a previous thread about sloppy and lazy pickup routing on USA Fenders it's nice to look under the scratchplate and see good, tidy work. I really don't mind having Squier on the headstock, even if i did mind it'd cost under a tenner to put a decal on there!
  4. I'd always advocate a small head/cab over a combo. Gives you more opportunity to try different amps with different cabs to see what you like and if you want to upgrade you may just need to change one or the other. There's loads of decent second hand cabs floating about for very little money these days and it's the same story with heads. I've seen plenty of the 200w-300w Hartke heads on ebay for somewhere in the region of £100, also look at peavey stuff. It's worth noting that ashdown had a lot of quality control issues with the superfly (if you didn't already know this). Mine is noisy and has been back to the shop twice in the first 2 months. It also has a habit of vibrating so much the screws work loose, this can be annoying and noisy, esp on the two that hold the handle in. Mine sounds very nice indeed but i won't gig it for fear of it dying or falling apart! Make sure you get one that works as it should Maybe other BCers know if this was restricted to just one shipment? I was certainly one of the unlucky few to spot the £199 "bargains"! Oh and nothing wrong with Squiers, they're ace!
  5. +1 on the soul intro/the chicken and dry cleaner... basslines, not OTT at all, just full of cool phrasing and ace melodies. I'm a particular fan of his earlier (pre WR) stuff too, when he played with guys like little beaver and wayne cochran's cc riders, there's loads of solid grooving and not as much widdling. However i'll try to find a clip of a dvd i have where he's playing with a trombone player and a drummer. It's unwatchable! Jazz at it's most embarrassing! EDIT: Can't find one, it's off Live in Germany i think. But don't buy it. Ever.
  6. I've got a 4x10XL cab for sale for £190. That includes a quality lead and cover (£15 and £30+ respectively). It's 400w @ 8ohms and is in mint condition. It's the original USA built version too (they're made in China now) Also got a VX215 (2x15" cab) for £90, a bit tatty but very sturdy. 500w @ 4ohms with quality lead. Sorry to keep hijacking threads trying to sell stuff but needs must! LINK: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=25107&st=20&gopid=358403&#entry358403"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;#entry358403[/url] Also people have very different opinions of Hartke gear, i always liked it (i've owned 4 cabs and 2 heads, using them in all different configurations, plus a practice amp which i still use). Also after hearing my stack my housemate went out and bought a kickback combo. I did loads of gigs with Hartke gear and was always impressed with it, just got rid of the stack as needed to downsize. Ta Steve
  7. Good stuff, a monstrous amount of bass for the money. Glad you got it in the end!
  8. Great guy to deal with, excellent communiaction and very understanding! Ta Steve
  9. Aren't they 500w as standard too? Mine is! I'd say around £400 is a more reasonable price for a second hand LMII
  10. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='357141' date='Dec 17 2008, 04:43 PM']replace the slightly chipped one on my Jazz.[/quote] That's not very punk!
  11. The chorus on the EM is lovely. I was generally surprised when i got mine (Stereo Electric Mistress) as i bought it as a flanger but if i came across another one (i sold it to recoup money after an effects-related buying frenzy) i'd snap it up purely for the chorus. The forumite i sold it mentioned he was after a good chorus, i told him to check this pedal out and after 2 mins he gave me the money! Also +1 for the Nano Stone, takes up hardly any valuable pedal board space and sounds ace, does big, full range sweeps and is easy to use. I'm never selling mine as it does a top impression of Billy Gould from Faith No More's live stuff. If a pedal can do that, it's a keeper!
  12. Oh forgot to add, the 2000/3000/4000 series heads are actually a lot easier to use than the others as there's no graphic eq. There is however a shape contour with (IIRC) an attenuation control which handles this superbly. I used to have an HA3000 (my first bass head.... ) and it was simple but very effective, only traded it as the HA5500 came in the shop! Missed the Shape circuit as i found it dead easy to dial in a tone as in effect it was just one knob replacing loads of sliders. Ta Steve
  13. It's not that heavy really, not much more noticable than the transporters when lugging, also it has the pull out handles so it's easier to carry, esp for two people. I tried the TP range and didn't like them all that much so ended up buying the two XL ones (also i had the HA5500 head so they were a bit underpowered). Specs from the website - 4x10 TP is 65 (29kg) and the 4x10 XL is 88lb (39kg) It's up to you though dude! Cheers Steve
  14. Sorry to hijack the thread to shamelessly plug my cab....... I've got a 4x10XL in excellent condition for £190. It's the usa built one, not the chinese ones available now (Hartke switched all of their manufacture overseas a while ago). It comes with a cover (these are about £30+) and a high quality Cordial Hiflex lead (about £15 IIRC) It's 400w @ 8ohms, if you wanna try it i'm in blackpool so not too far away LINK: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=25107&hl=hartke+xl"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;hl=hartke+xl[/url]
  15. I bought one of the above Giraffe stands and don't find it all that sturdy. Theres only proper support at one end of the tilt mechanism (ie all the weight is on one side if you get what i mean). It also nods forward instead of holding dead level, so in order to have a head and cab on it you have to take the top section off and reverse it to get it stable. The best one one the market i've seen so far, but still unimpressive for £40 delivered. My guitarist's cheapy little stand has support at both ends
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  17. I've always just used standard lemon oil on rosewood boards, is that what yours is or is it pau ferro?. I remember when i cleaned my acoustic bass for the first time in about 3 years, the formerly bronze strings were green! Most of the fretboard was covered in the green stuff but the lemon oil did a great job, i forgot how nice the wood underneath was!
  18. Don't Eden do a range of Monitor styled combos? Think i remember playing through one a while back in a local shop when trying out a bass. Was very impressed with the sound and was 200w+ IIRC?
  19. [quote name='Delberthot' post='352860' date='Dec 12 2008, 04:14 PM']I couldn't get mine to sound anything like the Rick you hear on recordings. It seemed to sound more like a Stingray. Conversely my Stingrays seemed to sound like Jazz basses, my Warmoth '57 sounds like a Rick and my gold Warmoth sounds like a Stingray since I made it active. You'd probably be surprised at Chris Squire though. You'll probably find that a lot of stuff you believed was played on a Rick was actually his Mouradian or one of his other squillion basses that he uses live.[/quote] Going a bit off topic, the most Ric-like bass sound i've ever got was from my old RD Artist. Oh and you forgot Cliff Burton!
  20. We got asked to play War Pigs halfway through a posh wedding once, if they'd have given us notice it would've been in the bag. Been on at the lads for ages to do that one as well (if only for Faith No More inspired overdriven bass silliness)
  21. lemmywinks


    A big help, thanks bud. Saved me some euros, very generous!
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