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Everything posted by lemmywinks

  1. Just to add i'm not looking to buy this so if anyone wants it then don't hesitate to pull the trigger!
  2. Also check the push/pull volume pot. Mine failed a while ago although i had different symptoms. It was the last thing i suspected and quite an easy fix
  3. They're the allen key holes for the just-a-nut
  4. I didn't like the Hartke ones, although they were cheap. Used them for a couple of gigs and tbh i couldn't wait to replace them If i need really cheap strings i use the Cheetah/Johnny Brook ones from Crack Converters at £6 a pop (they used to be £4), had a few sets and they do the job. Never had a bad set either. Surprisingly good on fretless too! EDIT: I liked the cheapy Warwick sets at around £11 from Stringbusters. IIRC they did Elites for around £15 last time i looked too
  5. Does this look ok? Never seen em with the bare headstock before If it's genuine and he'll lower the shipping a bit (will accept offers too) then this culd be a bargain [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/bass-guitar_W0QQitemZ280414832585QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item414a06c7c9"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/bass-guitar_W0QQitem...=item414a06c7c9[/url]
  6. Warwick Fortress Masterman, one of the dark coloured ones. Like this: I'd also like a Tobias but i've weaned myself off them with a Zoot and a Fortress One
  7. Three lines i love and never get bored with are: Sir Duke - Stevie Wonder I Can Dig It Baby - Little Beaver (with Jaco) Peg - Steely Dan All very interesting lines in bass driven songs that aren't too difficult
  8. No worries guys, i've knocked the price down to £360. I think that's the final price reduction on this as i don't want to sell it for any less
  9. You might need to adjust to a comfortable playing position, they hang differently to fenders and the necks tend to jut out a bit more. I have had 3 warwicks and two of them are keepers, the necks are an experience in themselves and are probably my favourite neck profile Have a look on the warwick forums, the guys over there are very helpful
  10. Yeah i know, it's taking it's sweet time to sell! I had some brilliant basses offered as trade too. The Fortress Silddx used to own and the Tele Precision (your old one Delberthot) are the two i really regret not accepting. I could split it, depending on prices, i don't want to sell everything seperately and end up losing out on it so hit me up with offers. Here's the new prices from the Warmoth site: Body $275 / £167 Neck $460 / £278 Tuners $70 / £65 Pickups are £125, dunno what these would be worth second hand Bridge i'm guessing is worth around around £30? The tuners work out cheaper from the Warmoth site, they're closer to £80 over here. I think they fetch £35 - £40 second hand? I reckon that despite the missing catch the case is worth £25? It's in really good nick despite the catch Here's what i'd say: Neck and Tuners - £175 Body, bridge and pickups - £195 Also i assume the neckplate and screws would stay with the body? The neck is standard Fender dimensions
  11. [quote name='david_l_perry' post='634469' date='Oct 23 2009, 02:26 PM']If you like buying gear....you will most certainly be in for a tax rebate....[/quote] Damn straight. Receipts are your friend, keep em all, from petrol to strings.
  12. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='633624' date='Oct 22 2009, 06:07 PM']Do it like the one in Team America... you'll win for sure. [/quote] Took the words right of my mouth!
  13. Tbh there's some people who i would be happy to loan gear out to. People who i know will treat it with the same (if not more) care that they treat their own instruents. It's the folk you don't know who seem to think it's their right to use whoever's gear just because they couldn't be bothered or forgot to bring their own. Even worse when their's is damaged through their own stupid behaviour
  14. [quote name='hitchy64' post='633839' date='Oct 22 2009, 09:00 PM']This is off topic a bit, but I have an in line foot peddle tuner. A Behringer TU300 off ebay for £5, [b]it's been fantastic[/b] [/quote] So far! The behringer pedals are notorious for sudden mid-gig death. Our old guitarist's didn't make it through it's first gig.
  15. It happens to me sometimes, song's that i've played for years week in wek out suddenly get the odd jazz moment in there I can't for the life of me remember any Oasis songs either, i have to re-learn them the night before. I think that's because they're so basic and samey! My solution is to scowl at the drummer so the audience think it's him!
  16. +1 on the Yamaha, very wide spacing
  17. I think Shockwave was looking for a cheap (ie £50 posted) bass for a student, give him a shout?
  18. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='633302' date='Oct 22 2009, 11:39 AM']I have an arctic white epi t-bird. I look after it and it doesn't have a scratch on it. I know how gutted I'd be if if was damaged like that. I don't lend my insruments out, except for the cheapo squiers which I don't care about, but if I did lend out my t-bird & got it back from a mate in the condition your one came back in I'd expect him to buy me new one and & keep the one he damaged or pay for the gallery to do a proper repair. Asking you to claim on your insurance is ridiculous - he should claim for it on his own insurance if he wants anyone to commit insurance fraud.[/quote] [quote name='Al Heeley' post='633360' date='Oct 22 2009, 12:38 PM']I'd tell him he has to write it off against his own household insurance then use the money to buy you a replacement to the same condition as it was when you lent it to him.[/quote] +! to both of these. My housemate lent his Epi Les Paul (an awesome guitar, best LP i've played including Gibsons) to someone. They got drunk and snapped it. The guy was really honest and apologetic, the guitar shop wrote him a £500+ receipt for it (my mate paid much less) and my mate got the cash after the guy had claimed on his insurance I was gigging a while ago in my old originals band. The bassist of the support band had got drunk and stood on his Jazz copy, breaking the jack socket. I got repeatedly asked to lend him my Warwick, by him, his guitarist and the venue owner. It's amazing how many times you can tell someone to f**k off without them taking note
  19. I have one that will only pick up the E string if you hold it really tight to the headstock Works fine on my classical but struggles with a bass. You can have it if you want, i've got a good tuner on my phone which works fine If you want a good portable tuner the Seiko keyring ones work really well and aren't too cumbersome
  20. Bought some neutrik jacks from stevie at an excellent price. Great guy to do business with with excellent communication, cheers mate!
  21. He says colection is ok, there's plenty of pics and the listing seems ok. If you could go round to have a look then it might be ok. I bought a Warwick from a zero feedback buyer with no pics and it arrived safely, that was 1/4 of the price of this though!
  22. That's just what my guitard told me so i wouldn't be surprised if it was bs!
  23. He said collection preferred and acknowledged nobody would be crazy enough to pay postage! I believe Jim Marshall was going through a divorce and bought the Park name (thy used to make valve amps) to safeguard his business from the estranged wife
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