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Everything posted by Cuzzie

  1. That hit went straight to video
  2. Dingwall, Status, Sandberg all have 3+2, some have 24 frets, some neck through, purely active 2 pickups and a pre-amp. Maybe some other makes too I reckon Nathan has been pimping himself around.....::
  3. @Al Krow if you have bought this I am expecting nothing less than to call you Al ‘Fingers’ Krow in no time at all like this dude
  4. Sandbergs are not plummeting, but they have a shelf. They are fantastic bases across the range. If you want a Fender P or J - best value are the Highway One series second hand - under appreciated, MIA but finished in Mexico - I like the grease bucket circuit. Get a decent fender body - make a bitsa - I like a Status neck. Aria Pro SB1 elite Hohner headless Jack or B2ADB, pop in the EMG replacements and have change for pork scratchings and tangfastics
  5. And @Quatschmacher patches are really good to use
  6. Put some time aside Go through the 6 presets and stop on your least favourite one - plug into your mobile or tablet and scroll through and when you click upload a new sound it will go to the location of where you are which is the least fave. When you hear a sound from the community you like or think can work with, save to your favourites. When you see someone who makes lots of sounds you like follow them and access their catalogue quickly. Once you have a load of favourites you can then work through them and weed out any ones not quite what you want. Now you have a bank of sounds. Look at how they created them and tweak dials to your choice either on pedal or on screen or both. Take the step of making your own sounds. If you need more than the 6 storage positions or want to access things on the fly a bit better then consider a midi pedal for the 128 presets stored Thats about it - it’s fun
  7. That’s a bit naughty - but to be fair it looks like the construction of the panels and the rest have held up ok. The corner and the rim have taken the brunt and sacrificed themselves. With your CEO discussions is this something that is actually easily repairable?
  8. Oh and any pics of the damage to see what it was like?
  9. Beg your pardon thanks Would have been interesting to see if dialled fully it replicates closer the sound you describe from the GR cab
  10. Was the BB2 compared tweaking the tweeter across the range?
  11. Better off using my Abs-plenty of cushioning and attached to a big low end
  12. Weren’t the concerns more about stability to be knocked being so lightweight, especially the slim line as opposed to construction (aside from the port position debate), hence why you plumped for the non slimline? The 8” did wobble a bit when Ed was turning the dials......
  13. @Al Krow has just got one of those GR Bass Aerotech cabs, has had I think Bergantino and Vanderkley 212’s as well as BF BB2, SC and a fearless 112 for further 12” info. His preferred set up is a 212 so he should be well placed to help here
  14. My MarloweDK came with a hard case, I got it second hand (old shape) and I don’t know if the chap added it - but it could be generic. Mono Classic Bass is one of the best out there, with a great front pocket. Fusion Gig bags are pretty bombproof - I have the Double. But for a hard case of that’s the one - Hiscox as mentioned - my status lives in that.
  15. Absolutely - a big faux pas. I am lucky my amp takes care of all that to switch between those sounds easily
  16. Nightmare if not properly done, glorious if done well
  17. With joy - tweakers dream - or standard fare
  18. My amp has 3 DI possibilities Clean low DI High distortion channel DI Mixed signal DI Easiest is to take the mixed one, but a good soundie could take what he wanted and mix at artists and venue sonic mix capability will.
  19. I don’t care what anyone says, these make you play and sound better. I’d run as many side by side as I could GLWTS
  20. Happy for you to go against me! Its never one size fits all, but certain solutions are definitely becoming more right for the correct reasons
  21. Only if your cabs are involved in the sound and that ‘roll off’ DI out my amp - you get the same sound as coming out me speaker
  22. It’s a basis to start, and maybe you have tweaked a sound that you think works best not in the room but in another venue and can build from there
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