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Everything posted by Cuzzie

  1. Lovely bass - I take it the gorgeous dog not included? Got a soft spot for Teddington, used to play rugby on Udney Park Road - great place GLWTS
  2. Pay more as chrome is better than Gold
  3. That amp is a behemoth-it’s almost entirely lighter than your cab.......😉
  4. Well, we know the HxFx can’t do it......
  5. Why would the Helix family which is very bass friendly with its sounds not get it right, but Kemper or QC get it right? Would Fractal, Hotone get it right? Trying to work out how you would get this conclusion, doesn’t sound like this was explored on your helixes?
  6. The one I suggested is different so it’s fine
  7. I overheard your Mrs saying anything that keeps him locked in the music room is fine by me - crack on
  8. @Al Krow So.......... 5 string - check reverse P - check Not aged - check black or white - check Not Delano’s-check likely Glock pre amp you have heard good things about - check Could be 2 band or 3 band, but recent revelation is 3 band no longer an absolute - check Has Midi - check (ooooooo nice extra) Hovering at the £1k mark - check No further mods - possible check Whats to stop you?!
  9. Shame you are a long way up the road and not down the road or you could have tried mine! Mine is old shape so has a bit extra mass but balances well and does not feel heavy at all, it is a little heavier than my precision’s, but I would think with the shapes as they are now it should be very similar to your VM4 in weight There is also the Martin Mendez sig bass which will be the same as your VM but jazzy picks
  10. Or they have read our woke thread here.........but that is interesting, no harm in a gentle rebrand
  11. Does that mean they can call it MADAM now Mildly Aggressive Distorting Advanced Machine
  12. Those Berg BI Amps are really good - it’s got a very nice UI where all your tweaks, setting your own centre points of frequencies, levels of compression, dialling in the drive you want can be done in the LCD screen, flicking through the menu and saved, also you can store Cab profiles on a memory stick and upload them to match what (if) Berg cab you are using. Firmware updates done via memory stick so you don’t need to be connected to a PC, download it on to a stick, transfer across. It also has filters - you can literally do everything on the unit.
  13. Or is it like sheep and sheeps when they are 1 construct are they as one.......??
  14. It’s a great piece of art. I am not sure though anyone has said the ply isn’t tonewood - so it still is!
  15. What were the bits of wood used in the bass by Jens?
  16. Oh dear - if I didn’t know you and quite like you that would be an unfriend moment - I’ll wear gloves like scott to play that
  17. Turdburst - i keep telling people that’s what those basses are made of
  18. Well the Aguilar range isn’t massive. They look very much like the AG 4P 60’s (which seems to be their current offerings on the web site although they have done a 50s style), all the pole pieces look the same size so I don’t think that one bass had the Hot ones in compared to the standard ones. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/bassmagazine.com/.amp/artists/thats-a-wrap-a-tour-of-aguilars-pickup-department No doubt you will berate that the actual figures of tolerance and tightness are not published across ‘x’ number of pick ups, but I am sure i could pick a fight with my own finger nails as well. It seems as if the discussion goes, everyone agrees there is a difference, but it then comes down to there is not enough difference for everyone, but for some people there is, but actually there is a difference be it 1% or 20% - there is still a difference.
  19. The pick ups looked to be the same Aguilar ones - are we also adding in in difference in manufacture of pick up per pickup despite being the same model? They do look very nice basses for sure!
  20. There is a video out there of him using it It sounds minty pops
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