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Doctor J

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Everything posted by Doctor J

  1. No, it was Big Country Big Iron Door - The Abominable Iron Sloth
  2. It's a lot nicer than the T Bass turned out. I like that a lot.
  3. The band were supposed to be there at 6pm
  4. Doves - The Universal Want First listen, this is good stuff.
  5. Spend time understanding what you do like, not things which are merely different to what you don’t like because they can be just as unlikeable to you, too.
  6. I’m So Bad Baby I Don’t Care - (Motorhead)
  7. Doves - Some Cities I picked up the new one on Saturday but haven’t listened to it yet.
  8. *cough* Trujillo and the Bass of Doom *cough*
  9. Great work, Bart, I'm enjoying these and I'm not a huge RHCP fan by any means.
  10. If the the finish just wore away as the result of you playing it, that’s not relic’ing, that’s real and honest wear and tear 🙂 Relic’ing is fake wear intentionally applied to achieve the effect of looking aged when, in truth, it’s not old or worn at all.
  11. What I enjoy most about these things is the "mistakes" - the fluffed notes, loose timing and scuzzy tone which should teach us all to never let the quest for perfection get in the way of playing with passion and personality.
  12. Is Scott the one trying to sell you the underwear?
  13. Use Firefox in private mode as your browser and install the adblock plus plug-in. Don’t sign into anything google own unless you have to and, if you have to, restart your browser after you are done with them.
  14. Click the “sound on, please” text. Your browser is blocking the content, like mine.
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